"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion.
Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment
from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious."
-- Aristotle
Religion is a deceptive term. It is often a substitute for a meaningful and genuine relationship with one's maker. Religion is a system. God is the supreme being. Religion is run by men. Nobody runs God. Religions come and go. God does not come and go. He is eternal. He cannot cease to exist. Religion changes with the times. God operates in different ways at different times, but He is always the almighty God. Religion has been corrupt. It has lied at times. God is holy. He cannot lie. He is perfect and flawless. Along the same lines, religion has, at times, misrepresented its' purpose. God has never, ever misrepresented His purpose. There may have been many times when we did not necessarily understand His purpose or purposes, but God is not the author of confusion. What is the point of my discourse? Seek God, not religion. It is an election year. Hopefully, the Presidential candidates will take heed.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The USA is a blessed nation. It was started by men and women who believed the Word of God. The problem with the United States today is that it has a great deal of religion but it does not have enough people who know the Word of God. The Word of God must be studied. Please believe that candle lighting and "religious procedures" can never be an adequate substitute for the knowledge and the practice of the Word of God. I could write volumes about this subject. Today I will keep it short. Abraham Lincoln was a great President. Did he have a great deal of formal education? No. What did he have that contributed to his greatness? He had one book as a youngster. The Bible. With this book he learned how to read. Where do you think he acquired his wit, patience and wisdom? Where did he acquire his love for humanity? I would like every reader of this comment to read Psalm 119. Every single verse pertains to the power of the Word of God. We do not need religion. We need knowledge of the Word of God. Bible believing Christians need to preach in the streets of our great country. The Word of God needs to get out there. We need people to be on fire for Jesus. HE IS THE WORD. HE IS THE WORD MADE FLESH. It is indeed a joyous season. But how can we be on fire for Jesus if we do not know His Word? Jesus is God.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dr. Bill King's Theory Is Backed Up
Many years ago, a close friend of mine and I were sitting in a restaurant discussing politics. His name was Dr. Bill King. He was an optometrist in National City, at the South Bay Plaza. He was probably one of the most brilliant persons I have ever met. I shall never forget him. May he rest in peace. I used to call him "Doc." Government and politics were his favorite topics. He enjoyed criticizing communism. He claimed that communism was created by very intelligent men. However, those men were incapable, in spite of their intelligence to become wealthy. They were jealous of the wealthy and successful. They were jealous of the hard-working, skilled and disciplined. Those were Doc's claims. I had not thought of our conversation in many years (it took place over 40 years ago). Approximately 3 days ago, I came across a quote that reminded me distinctly of "good old Doc." It was written by Henry Hazlitt, who was an American economist, philosopher, literary critic and journalist. Hazlitt died in 1993, at the age of 99. I have no idea if Dr. King had ever heard of Hazlitt.
"The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never, under any circumstances, admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never, under any circumstances, admit that your own failure may be owing to your weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects - his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity." Henry Hazlitte
"The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never, under any circumstances, admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never, under any circumstances, admit that your own failure may be owing to your weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects - his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity." Henry Hazlitte
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tebow Praying
Everyone who mocks, judges and criticizes the way Tim Tebow prays should read Matt. 6:5 and 6:6 for greater understanding. Jesus was telling people not to pray in public "to be seen of men." He was not prohibiting public prayer. Tebow is not praying to be seen of men. He is praying to give praise and thanks. He is praying for focus, and to do his best. The football field does not have "rooms and doors." Critics need the Holy Ghost for greater illumination. The Bible says in "everything give thanks." Rooms and doors are not required. Jesus knows what He is talking about. Jesus is God. "Cherry picking" scripture in order to condemn someone's actions is both foolish and mean spirited. It is an attempt to justify unfair, unfounded and inaccurate accusations.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tim Tebow's Critics
Tim Tebow is sometimes criticized for praying in public. Some have even quoted Matthew 6:5,6. Those who quote those verses for the purpose of mocking Tebow are wrong. The key part of Matthew 6:5 is meant to teach us not to be sanctimonious. "THAT THEY MAY BE SEEN OF MEN." Jesus gives us the condition for not praying in public. Tebow does not pray to be seen of men. This is obvious. He prays for strength and to praise and thank God. Public prayer is at times a Christian duty and tradition. If public prayer is not valid, why then does every NFL team have a Christian Chaplain? Public prayer is wrong if it is done for the wrong reasons. Are Tebow's critics qualified to judge what is in a man's heart? "Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." (Acts 3:6) God used Peter to heal a man who had never walked in his life. The healed man was over 40 years of age. He did it through public prayer. Our relationship with God is a relationship that produces power. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." The problem with many of Tebow's critics is that they have religion, but they do not have the Holy Ghost.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Supporters of Communism
Supporters of communism in this country are often intelligent people who do not like to work. They are resentful of the successful, industrious and talented. The SOC would also like to be successful, but they are often blinded by jealousy due to the success of those who do not think like them. Many times the SOC think they are leaders. They are not leaders. They are frustrated people who are able to detect problems but are unable to solve them because their solutions are inadequate. Many of the SOC are idealists that truly believe that most human problems can be resolved by government. What they do not realize is that government is unable to exist in a positive form unless hard working people support it. Hard working people need motivation. Can government provide it? Sometimes. What is the purpose of government anyway? I will give you Abraham Lincoln's answer: "The purpose of government is to do for the people those things which the people cannot do for themselves." Well......the government cannot give me heaven. The government cannot give me peace and joy. The government cannot give me eternal life. The government cannot give me love. Government is ill-equipped to provide those things. The SOC is also ill-equipped to provide those things. I must seek those things on my own. Part of the job of government is to not impede my quest.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Welcome December
It is my favorite time of the year. Mainly because of Jesus. The Christmas season is all about Jesus. It is party time because of Jesus. I recommend you get drunk on the Holy Ghost. It is party time. Stay away from liquor. Don't you know how to party? Hit the streets. Be afraid of nobody. Be afraid of nothing. Tell the folks about Jesus. Tell them about His love and His power. You can dance while you talk because it is party time. Lift Him up. Lift up Jesus. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32) And if you must drink and drive, drink the wine of the Holy Ghost. It is Jesus in you. "Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27) Have a great time.......don't forget to invite me.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Every Student Has A Right To Learn
I wrote the following essay many years ago when I was still teaching at the junior high level.
Every student has a right to learn, every teacher has a right to teach. Reality shows us that a "regular" junior high public school has a diverse representation of adolescents. They come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, socio-economic levels and value systems. Some do not have very acceptable manners. They are rude or hostile and/or full of rage. Education is not a high priority for them. Or, more accurately stated, being educated may be a priority, but the process involved in obtaining that goal may be something that the youngster is either unwilling or unable to do. Self-control is an essential ingredient toward obtaining an education in a public school. Without it, chaos knocks at our door. Chaos is not welcome in my classroom. Chaos producers are welcome, only on the condition that they produce no chaos. I am a teacher. I must be allowed to teach. Every student has a right to learn. I have a right to teach. Perhaps I should say that learning is a privilege and not a right. Every one of my students is important. Fun, rather than learning might be the priority of some students. My classroom is an academic room. Teaching and learning go on. At times learning can be "fun," but for the most part, learning is work. To receive a formal education a student needs to listen, he/she needs to be quiet. It is difficult for some youngsters. I am here to help. Of course, while I help, time that belongs to many is used on one or few. I do realize that to help one, many can benefit. What do I mean by "help"? My job is to help. My job is to assist students in obtaining their education in the given subject I teach. Is it my job to police, discipline, scold, babysit and correct unruly and disrespectful students? Or is it my job to teach? Do you want to know? It is a combination of both. I teach middle and junior high school students. I teach a level of students that are undergoing mental, emotional, and physical changes that are greater than at any time in their lives. These changes might interfere with concentration and a focus on academics, and shift the concentration to fun, friends, popularity, looks, dreams, image, style, guys, girls, music and chewing gum. But none of this means that these youngsters can't be taught. It only means that I, as a teacher, must be aware that it is necessary to have certain expectations academically and certain policies and parameters regarding conduct. These students deserve no less. They have a right to learn, I have a right to teach.
Every student has a right to learn, every teacher has a right to teach. Reality shows us that a "regular" junior high public school has a diverse representation of adolescents. They come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, socio-economic levels and value systems. Some do not have very acceptable manners. They are rude or hostile and/or full of rage. Education is not a high priority for them. Or, more accurately stated, being educated may be a priority, but the process involved in obtaining that goal may be something that the youngster is either unwilling or unable to do. Self-control is an essential ingredient toward obtaining an education in a public school. Without it, chaos knocks at our door. Chaos is not welcome in my classroom. Chaos producers are welcome, only on the condition that they produce no chaos. I am a teacher. I must be allowed to teach. Every student has a right to learn. I have a right to teach. Perhaps I should say that learning is a privilege and not a right. Every one of my students is important. Fun, rather than learning might be the priority of some students. My classroom is an academic room. Teaching and learning go on. At times learning can be "fun," but for the most part, learning is work. To receive a formal education a student needs to listen, he/she needs to be quiet. It is difficult for some youngsters. I am here to help. Of course, while I help, time that belongs to many is used on one or few. I do realize that to help one, many can benefit. What do I mean by "help"? My job is to help. My job is to assist students in obtaining their education in the given subject I teach. Is it my job to police, discipline, scold, babysit and correct unruly and disrespectful students? Or is it my job to teach? Do you want to know? It is a combination of both. I teach middle and junior high school students. I teach a level of students that are undergoing mental, emotional, and physical changes that are greater than at any time in their lives. These changes might interfere with concentration and a focus on academics, and shift the concentration to fun, friends, popularity, looks, dreams, image, style, guys, girls, music and chewing gum. But none of this means that these youngsters can't be taught. It only means that I, as a teacher, must be aware that it is necessary to have certain expectations academically and certain policies and parameters regarding conduct. These students deserve no less. They have a right to learn, I have a right to teach.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Critics And Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. Although he was weak and asthmatic as a child, he became a driven and robust man. And although blind in one eye, he was still athletic and courageous. He was a scholarly man. He was a man of faith. He was a Christian. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church. He knew the Word of God. He had studied and taught it as a young man. Roosevelt had enemies. He had critics. On October 14, 1912, he was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
He was campaigning for a third term as President. While he was making a speech, a man shot him in the chest. It was aimed at his heart. He was wounded. He spoke for a whole hour while wounded. He had lost a great deal of blood. Just before he finished speaking he said: "I am going to have to stop now, the inside of my boots are full of blood, it takes more than one bullet to stop a bull moose." At the end of his speech he was taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. He survived, but he was defeated for the Presidency by Woodrow Wilson the following month. He was a tough man. The following is a paragraph written by him as a response to those who severely criticized him.
"It is not the critic who counts, not that man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doers of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
He was campaigning for a third term as President. While he was making a speech, a man shot him in the chest. It was aimed at his heart. He was wounded. He spoke for a whole hour while wounded. He had lost a great deal of blood. Just before he finished speaking he said: "I am going to have to stop now, the inside of my boots are full of blood, it takes more than one bullet to stop a bull moose." At the end of his speech he was taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. He survived, but he was defeated for the Presidency by Woodrow Wilson the following month. He was a tough man. The following is a paragraph written by him as a response to those who severely criticized him.
"It is not the critic who counts, not that man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doers of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Some Quotes From Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood. She does not seem to me to have been a very kind person. She made many racist and heartless quotes. Here are two:
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its' infant members is to kill it."
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population."
Planned Parenthood is responsible for millions and millions of abortions. It does not sound like the current membership has strayed very far from the philosophy of its'founder.
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its' infant members is to kill it."
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population."
Planned Parenthood is responsible for millions and millions of abortions. It does not sound like the current membership has strayed very far from the philosophy of its'founder.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Tebow Can Handle It
Tim Tebow can handle the pressure. He just is not a perfect person. He is not a one man team for the Denver Broncos. Every NFL football team is supposed to have eleven players on the team. Tebow is not Superman. He needs his offensive line to block for him. Who is mainly at fault when a quarterback gets sacked? Is it not the offensive line? They need to just give him enough time. Why all of the verbal abuse against him? I know why.......jealousy. Why don't his critics attend a University that is a football power and earn Heisman Trophies? Tebow has proven already what he is capable of doing. He is, however, a member of a team. A team works together on that athletic field. Football is not golf, boxing or tennis. it is a team sport.
Herman Cain: Part ll
So he has been accused of sexual harrassment? Where are the accusers? Where is the proof of a lawsuit? Who are the women? The way Cain has handled these allegations proves to me how much class he has. The way he has answered the questions germane to this matter is honest and genuine. Cain has a spiritual power that none of his opponents have. Cain is feared because those trying to stop him view his frankness, sincerity and genuine ways as a threat to their "professional sincerity." Herman Cain is for real. This country needs him. His enemies will continue to attempt to find "dirt" on him. This can backfire. I am aware that politics is the dirtiest business there is on this planet. Nevertheless, it is necessary because government is necessary. Political leaders all have faults. We do well to find the leaders who have integrity and whose faults will not interfere with their ability to lead.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Chaz Bono
I am unable to feel what another human being feels. I can only think for myself. I can only conclude for myself. I do have a right to have a point of view regarding decisions people make. How are we to live our lives? Who makes the rules? What are we supposed to do? What is right? What is wrong? The issue between right and wrong is a war. Yes, it is a war. It is a battle. And the war that I speak of is not necessarily fought among people. It is fought within the minds and hearts of individuals. At times, a grown person will say: "I am going to do what I want to do." Alright, just remember, there are consequences for what we do. Sometimes we do not like the consequences. What if, instead of a person saying: "I am going to do what I want to do," he or she said: "I am going to do what I need to do." Or, let us take it to a higher level: he or she said: "I am going to do what God wants me to do." Do I speak for God? No. But I repeat what he says. I will keep it simple. I judge no person. Chaz Bono is not the only female who has attempted to convert herself to a man. She will not be the last. It is wrong before God. I could select other scriptures, but I will select only one. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Gen.1:27) "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." (Gen. 1:31) I believe with all of my heart, that the most important thing in this world is the Word of God. Why? Because the Word of God is God. Could God have made a mistake when he determined the gender of a person at the time of conception? No. God does not make mistakes. Everything that He does is perfect. Life is a gift from God. The gender determination is a gift from God. We must not tamper with that. We must somehow learn to deal with our challenges without doing things that truly harm us. One last thing: too many people live in this world without the knowledge of the Word of God. I consider this to be the biggest tragedy on this planet.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Herman Cain
Herman Cain wants to be the President of the United States. I think he would make a good one. That is just my opinion. He is intelligent, articulate and talented. He is the type of person who knows about hard work. He has studied hard and has succeeded in the business world. He knows about business and economics. He comes from a poor family and through hard work and determination, has succeeded. He is also a Baptist minister. This means he is familiar with the Word of God. This means he has more than just religion. He knows the Word of God. It has guided him all of his life. One thing Cain has in his favor is that he is a leader. He is an ex CEO of a thriving pizza business. Another thing that favors him is that he is not a professional politician. This by itself could cause me to vote for him. I am not saying I can't change my mind. I know politics is dirty business, and something could happen to him to prevent him from continuing his campaign. He is gaining popularity. He is gaining momentum. He already has my vote. One last thing: I don't think he is as wealthy as some of his competitors. This could become an issue of concern germane to his campaign.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Envious And The Unmotivated
They come from all walks of life. They come from many backgrounds. Some even have college degrees. They all want to be successful. They all have pride. They all want it easy. They have an important missing ingredient. They have mocked it. They have never developed it. They wish they had it, but some are not even sure what it is. Some think it is contaminating and a cop out. Some think it is a sell out. They want the benefits it produces. What is the missing ingredient? It is in 3 parts. Motivation, hard work, and discipline. Because they do not have the three part missing ingredient; they will criticize those who do. The criticism will be fueled by a passion. It is called envy. It is called jealousy. Look out, because jealousy is the rage of a man. It will cause a person to do crazy things. It will cause a person to accuse. It will cause a person to intellectualize and be self-righteous. It will cause a person to do many things.....except, maybe.....get a job.
Monday, October 10, 2011
You Can't Break Tim Tebow, He's A Gamer
You can't break Tim Tebow, he's a gamer. He will survive. Does he have a great attitude? You know the answer to that question. No doubt the press will have no mercy on him. He does not worry about that stuff. He is not perfect. But it appears perfection is expected of him. Some people cannot stand the fact that he is an athlete/gentleman. Yesterday he was instrumental in almost reversing the outcome of a game between the Denver Broncos and the San Diego Chargers. Tebow scored a running touchdown. He also threw a touchdown pass to Knowshon Moreno. "He came in and gave us a spark," said Willis McGahee. Of course he did. That is what he is. That is what he does. You can't break Tebow, he's a gamer.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Herman Cain
I am interested in politics but the political arena is not my major interest. I would be lying, however, if I told you that I pay very little attention to the men and women who are/were vying for the Republican nomination for the United States Presidency. I pay more than a little attention. Herman Cain has gotten my attention. He was born poor. However, he had an excellent upbringing. The emphasis was on faith in God, hard work, education, discipline and responsibility. In the land of opportunity, he took advantage of what was available to him. He studied hard. He worked hard. He became a successful business man. He became wealthy. He "paid his dues." I do not consider him a politician. I consider him an astute business person. I consider him a man who is conscious of how finance works, how the market works, and how to improve business. He knows the heat of competition. He knows the heat of competition in the real world of business where if one does not produce he is gone. Herman Cain is intelligent. But it does not end there. He has done something with his intelligence. He is not a bureaucrat who is afraid of his own shadow. He is skilled in observing and reporting. What appeals to me is that he is not a career politician. He is a skilled man who is taking his talents into another arena. His experience in the business world can only help.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
"We are not happy until you are not happy"
He could have been a gay activist or an environmentalist. Maybe he was angry about a political decision that was made that he did not agree with. Maybe he was mad at his boss and wanted better benefits. "We are not happy until you are not happy," was written on a man's tee-shirt. He looked dissatisfied. His face matched what his tee-shirt said. Some people just do not realize that slogans are very limited when it comes to societal change. When slogans insult somebody then the message is just an example of our right to express ourselves. Not much more. If we want change, we need to be "convincers," not just "expressers." The man's tee-shirt did not give me enough information, and I did not request any. In my own mind, I did jump to conclusions, however. I assumed that what ever he was campaigning for; I did not agree with. Obviously I did not have enough information to agree or disagree. However, two things affected me immediately: the message on his shirt, and the look on his face. That was enough. I prefer not to receive angry messages from angry people.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wrigley Field
I have been a baseball fan for many, many years. Last week I had the privilege of visiting a a baseball stadium that was built in 1914. I was in Chicago and I attended a baseball game on Tuesday, September 20th at Wrigley Field. The baseball park looked and felt old. But things were sure good. I had a feeling of deja vu. It felt like I was at Lane Field in 1948 to watch the Pacific Coast League, San Diego Padres. What an environment. All those Chicago Cubs fans. The Cubs were playing the Brewers. I was with my wife, Sandy. We had taken the L Train from downtown. The train was so packed, I literally shoved Sandy into the train. We got a couple of souvenirs before the game started. We shared a hot dog and a soda. We relaxed, had some snacks and just enjoyed some good major league baseball. After the game, we took the L Train back to downtown. We found a restaurant called Pizzeria Uno, also a very old place with a good reputation for Chicago style pizza. The pizza was good but it was a style I had never eaten before; deep dish with lots of cheese, and spices. We called it a night. We had a nice walk back to our hotel. I really like Chicago. It is my kind of place.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Who Attacked The Twin Towers?
Ten years ago, tomorrow, some people attacked the Twin Towers in New York City. Who were they? They were people who were unable to dance in a Broadway Show. They were people who never invented anything. They were people who came from places that have no subway systems. They were people who are not represented by great professional baseball, basketball and football teams. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who did not come from a place where there are great universities and other institutions of higher learning. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who were unfamiliar with indoor plumbing until they came to the United States. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who came from a culture that preaches a religion that can only be forced on a person. They came from a culture that demeans women. They came from a culture that allows a man to marry a twelve year old girl. They came from a culture that practices "honor killings." They came from a culture that in many areas does not allow a female to learn how to read or drive a car. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who are afraid of democracy and freedom. Maybe they have a point. I know that a free country can produce many ugly things, due to the actions allowed. Who doesn't know that? But freedom produces greatness. It always has. Perhaps freedom has allowed debauchery and degeneration. By the same token, it has also allowed an unrestricted search for the truth. This is the secret of America's greatness. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who did not have the truth. Because if they had owned it they would have respected freedom. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
An Egyptian Raid On The Israeli Embassy
Recently, a young tigress attacked and killed a young male tiger at the San Antonio, Texas zoo. The male tiger was sent from the San Diego zoo to the San Antonio zoo for the purpose of breeding with the young female tiger. It has been stated by the San Antonio zoo officials that the reason for the attack was due to jealousy. The male tiger was friendly with an older female tiger who was beyond the age of reproducing. Since the older female tiger was out of the reach of the young female, it is believed that the young female took out her rage on the male. This probably would not of happened in the wild because there are places to escape. There is somewhere to run. Of course, these things are hard to understand. Nevertheless, animals have their reasons. They have their instincts and choices.
Now, let us get to the title of this blog. Today, some Egyptian protesters attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Why? For the same reason as the attack mentioned above. The attack was due to jealousy. The embassy is where it is. There is no place to hide. There is no place to run. The embassy represents power, success, youthfulness and vigor. The embassy represents a great nation. One of the greatest nations on this planet. Some people just cannot stand the truth. They will attack those that they cannot compete with on other levels. They will act like animals. "Jealousy is the rage of a man." (Prov. 6:34) Three people died and 1000 were injured. For what purpose? Because of hatred? Can a good reason for hating Israel be given? Yes, insanity. And I really don't think it is a very good reason.
Now, let us get to the title of this blog. Today, some Egyptian protesters attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Why? For the same reason as the attack mentioned above. The attack was due to jealousy. The embassy is where it is. There is no place to hide. There is no place to run. The embassy represents power, success, youthfulness and vigor. The embassy represents a great nation. One of the greatest nations on this planet. Some people just cannot stand the truth. They will attack those that they cannot compete with on other levels. They will act like animals. "Jealousy is the rage of a man." (Prov. 6:34) Three people died and 1000 were injured. For what purpose? Because of hatred? Can a good reason for hating Israel be given? Yes, insanity. And I really don't think it is a very good reason.
Monday, September 5, 2011
If Obama hates Israel
If Obama hates Israel, and if he is openly hostile to Israel because he wants to impress the enemies of Israel, he is making a serious mistake. Israel has a type of government called a parliamentary democracy. Israel probably has the fairest type of government on the planet earth. Israel's government is well run and allows all citizens to be participants/beneficiaries of it. The United States has always been supportive of the nation of Israel. Unfortunately, many of the nations that surround Israel are jealous of it because of it's continued success. Some of those nations would like to destroy Israel. They will not. They cannot. But if Obama wants to appease those nations by being hostile to Israel, he is making a serious mistake. And quite plainly; he does not know what he is doing.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hazing Rituals in the NFL? They Should End
When an NFL team pays an exorbitant amount of money to a draft pick, it should definitely protect that player. Should a rookie player be hazed and subjected to humiliation or possible injury just because of some foolish tradition? No. I am all for tradition. But please be reminded that their are good traditions and foolish traditions, in many places, not just football. Just as an example, (not football)during hazing traditions of certain fraternities, sometimes the pledge is forced to eat something that he might be allergic to. He might be thrown into a pond, without knowing how to swim. He might be forced to drink a bottle of vodka in a certain amount of seconds. Alcohol poisoning deaths have occurred because of this.
Coming back to pro football. Last year, Tim Tebow, a rookie quarterback was given a ridiculous friar style haircut. He was bald in the middle of his head with locks of hair surrounding the baldness. This is ridiculous. Tebow submitted to it because he has character. I consider it a form of persecution because he is a professed Christian. It appears that football is the king of hazing. I even consider it foolish for a coach to be drenched in Gatorade after winning an important game or a championship. I have seen coaches get hit with the container during the process, and I know it was painful. Is that the reward for doing a good or great job? Such foolishness! Believe it or not, careers can be ended due to such nonsensical conduct. Just ask Cam Cleeland and Jeff Danish. Both were New Orleans Saints rookies during the late nineties. Both were gang-rushed by teammates. Cleeland sustained an eye injury after being clubbed by a bag of coins. Danish was hospitalized after being shoved through a window. Danish sustained serious injuries. He sued the Saints, an assistant coach and a half-dozen players. He won an undisclosed amount of money after suing for more than $650,000 in damages. He was released from the team the next day. What a shame. What a waste of money and talent. All because of stupidity. There is much more to discuss regarding this matter. I will save it for another time.
Coming back to pro football. Last year, Tim Tebow, a rookie quarterback was given a ridiculous friar style haircut. He was bald in the middle of his head with locks of hair surrounding the baldness. This is ridiculous. Tebow submitted to it because he has character. I consider it a form of persecution because he is a professed Christian. It appears that football is the king of hazing. I even consider it foolish for a coach to be drenched in Gatorade after winning an important game or a championship. I have seen coaches get hit with the container during the process, and I know it was painful. Is that the reward for doing a good or great job? Such foolishness! Believe it or not, careers can be ended due to such nonsensical conduct. Just ask Cam Cleeland and Jeff Danish. Both were New Orleans Saints rookies during the late nineties. Both were gang-rushed by teammates. Cleeland sustained an eye injury after being clubbed by a bag of coins. Danish was hospitalized after being shoved through a window. Danish sustained serious injuries. He sued the Saints, an assistant coach and a half-dozen players. He won an undisclosed amount of money after suing for more than $650,000 in damages. He was released from the team the next day. What a shame. What a waste of money and talent. All because of stupidity. There is much more to discuss regarding this matter. I will save it for another time.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Triple G (Part III) GIRLS
For our purposes here, I refer to women as girls. The main reason being, so that I can stick to the letter "G" and thus adhere to to the title of "The Triple G."
Girls are special. They are unique. They are attractive. They are mysterious. They are desired by natural, normal and healthy men. This has existed for thousands of years. They have dominated the thoughts of adolescent boys, poets, composers, authors, and movie producers. Nicole Hollander once wrote: "Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy, fat women." Ironically the quote connects to my theme of the last "G" which is Girls. Men will do many things for girls. Men will do many things to girls. Men will get locked up because of girls. I will not discuss fault. My emphasis is reality. Most normal or abnormal relationships between men and women require money. Motivation is a key word here. I spoke of "Gold" in my first G. The desire for money can often not be related to survival, but to girls. I have stated that some men will get locked up for girls. Why? Apparently they are willing to break laws for them. Girls give life meaning.
"If women didn't exist, all the money in this world would have no meaning."
(Aristotle Onassis)
Girls are special. They are unique. They are attractive. They are mysterious. They are desired by natural, normal and healthy men. This has existed for thousands of years. They have dominated the thoughts of adolescent boys, poets, composers, authors, and movie producers. Nicole Hollander once wrote: "Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy, fat women." Ironically the quote connects to my theme of the last "G" which is Girls. Men will do many things for girls. Men will do many things to girls. Men will get locked up because of girls. I will not discuss fault. My emphasis is reality. Most normal or abnormal relationships between men and women require money. Motivation is a key word here. I spoke of "Gold" in my first G. The desire for money can often not be related to survival, but to girls. I have stated that some men will get locked up for girls. Why? Apparently they are willing to break laws for them. Girls give life meaning.
"If women didn't exist, all the money in this world would have no meaning."
(Aristotle Onassis)
The Triple G (Part II) GLORY
Most normal men want to be recognized, considered, appreciated, honored, and respected. I see nothing wrong with that. It is part of being human. Sometimes normal needs take on levels of aberration that require legal, medical and spiritual responses because they are so abnormal. Such is the case for a man who will kill another man because the victim gave him an unkind look. Duels and fights have taken place over misconceived perceptions that someone was dishonored. Perhaps someone was dishonored. How did he respond? How should have he responded? Where was he? What was he doing/saying? Who was he with? What was his state of mind? What were his motives in the scenario? Why was property damaged? Why did people get injured? Why did someone die?
Why did the man steal a loaf of bread instead of asking/begging for it? Because, as he saw his situation, he figured that there is more glory in stealing something than in begging for it. Begging equals loss of glory. Stealing represents skill, and a sense of self-worth.
The pursuit of glory got a man locked up because he injured another man for taking away his girlfriend. But we will talk about that in Part III.
Why did the man steal a loaf of bread instead of asking/begging for it? Because, as he saw his situation, he figured that there is more glory in stealing something than in begging for it. Begging equals loss of glory. Stealing represents skill, and a sense of self-worth.
The pursuit of glory got a man locked up because he injured another man for taking away his girlfriend. But we will talk about that in Part III.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Triple G (Part I) GOLD
Gold, for our purposes, here, represents money. It represents wealth and riches. It represents possessions of significant value. It represents a desire to own. It represents a "because I have it, I receive power, pleasure, and praise" mentality. To many, it represents freedom. It also represents fulfilled aspirations and goals reached. For some, it represents the main purpose of life. Who will argue that money is not a good thing to have? Solomon, known as one of the wealthiest men in the history of the world, stated: "Money answers all things." Some men will lie, steal,cheat, beg, abuse, give up their integrity/friendships/family and freedom for money. They will kill or die........for money. Of course, we work and make sacrifices for money because we must. But their is something to remember: "The love of money is the root of all evil." (I Tim. 6:10) In my view, this is probably the most misquoted verse there is. Money is not the root of all evil. The love of it is. If one truly loves money, he is willing to do most anything to obtain it. Because of this many men are locked up for the first G.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Triple G...3 Reasons Men Go To Prison, Intro.
What I am about to say, may sound like an oversimplification to a complex societal and criminal problem. It is indeed a moral problem. I would like to classify all the reasons men commit crimes into 3 general categories. Sometimes they overlap. Sometimes they are remotely connected. Sometimes they are very connected. All three are well known. All three are concepts all of us can relate to. All three are pursuits of normal/natural men. Some men dedicate their entire lives to the pursuit of one, two or three of them. I must say all of them are important. I venture to say that many men would declare: "I'll vote for those." All three are goals. All three are things men have fought and killed for. What are they?
They are the Triple G. My next three blogs will explain each G.
They are the Triple G. My next three blogs will explain each G.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Customer Is Always Right
"There is only one boss. The customer. And they can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending their money somewhere else."
(Sam Walton)
I think most of us realize that the customer is not "always right." But that is not the message attempted to be conveyed. These days jobs are not plentiful. Potential employees, particularly those who work in retail and service industries need to understand that the customer insures them that they can continue to have a job if the customer is pleased with the service and/or product. Yes, it can almost guarantee job security if an employee treats a customer well. I know that working with the public is not always easy, but it can be enjoyable, successful and rewarding. Rule #1....learn how to treat people right.
(Sam Walton)
I think most of us realize that the customer is not "always right." But that is not the message attempted to be conveyed. These days jobs are not plentiful. Potential employees, particularly those who work in retail and service industries need to understand that the customer insures them that they can continue to have a job if the customer is pleased with the service and/or product. Yes, it can almost guarantee job security if an employee treats a customer well. I know that working with the public is not always easy, but it can be enjoyable, successful and rewarding. Rule #1....learn how to treat people right.
Little Gangster (Part 14) No Party Invitation
Mosca was a gang member. He loved his gang. He loved to get high. He loved to party. He was a good dancer. He was 5' 4." He carried a switch blade knife with him and a 38 special revolver most of the time. He was sensitive about his stature. He was 18 years of age. One Saturday night an attractive girl in the neighborhood had a party. She was 16. She knew Mosca but not well. She did not invite him to the party. Mosca became upset. Maybe he would not have become so upset had he not mixed his marijuana use with several beers. It made him react differently and with bitter emotions. It was Saturday night. He wanted to be at that party. The party represented something. It represented fun, friends, adventure and a chance to express his identity. The party was a chance to meet girls. The party was a chance to show everyone he had "game." The party represented pleasure and a chance to show his authority in the neighborhood. He felt life was passing him by. He had no recourse. He had no alternatives. From being upset, he became furious. He then became deranged. What he did was extremely foolish. He went to where the party was. He hid behind some bushes and started shooting his gun at the people attending the party. He killed two and wounded two. He was caught, arrested, tried and convicted of two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder. He was sentenced to life in prison. If he ever gets out of prison he will be an old man who probably won't be interested in going to any parties.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Practice As You Play
Football season is starting soon. Every high school, college and NFL football coach probably wants to win a championship. It is his job to get every one of his players to practice with skill and passion. This is nothing but common sense to me. I believe you practice as you play. Practice with all of your heart. Give it every thing you have on every drill and every play. This can at times be a major task. Why? Because you do not want to injure your own team mates. No worries. Practice like you are supposed to practice. If you have any sense, you would not purposely try to injure a team mate. Particularly if he is the quarterback or another starting player. Think about Friday night, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon.
You need to win that next game. One game at a time. Win it. One game at a time. Practice hard. Play that game with everything you have. Another thing: If you practice hard.....you increase your chances of getting into that game. Give it everything you have. Leave it on the field. Win a championship.....one game at a time.
You need to win that next game. One game at a time. Win it. One game at a time. Practice hard. Play that game with everything you have. Another thing: If you practice hard.....you increase your chances of getting into that game. Give it everything you have. Leave it on the field. Win a championship.....one game at a time.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thank You, Sgt. Petry
He is a United States Army Ranger. He has served in 8 combat deployments, 2 in Iraq and 6 in Afghanistan. He is Sgt. First Class Leroy Petry. He is from Santa Fe New Mexico. He is a career soldier with a wife and four children. On May 26,2008 Sgt. Petry and his Ranger unit were involved in some heavy combat. Petry was already wounded with a bullet that went through both of his legs. A grenade landed by him and his fellow soldiers. He picked it up and did not allow it to harm his comrades.
In the process, he lost his right hand. He applied a tourniquet to himself and saved his own life. On July 12, 2011, President Barack Obama presented to Sgt. First Class Petry; The Congressional Medal of Honor, which is the highest award a military person can receive. Most deservedly so. He is a soldier's soldier. Someone heard him quote: "Never shall I fail my comrades."
Thank you Sgt. Petry. I firmly believe that every student in a United States high school Civics, US History class, or current events portion in his/her academic schedule, should know who you are and what you did. I am pretty sure they learned about Casey Anthony. Thanks again.
In the process, he lost his right hand. He applied a tourniquet to himself and saved his own life. On July 12, 2011, President Barack Obama presented to Sgt. First Class Petry; The Congressional Medal of Honor, which is the highest award a military person can receive. Most deservedly so. He is a soldier's soldier. Someone heard him quote: "Never shall I fail my comrades."
Thank you Sgt. Petry. I firmly believe that every student in a United States high school Civics, US History class, or current events portion in his/her academic schedule, should know who you are and what you did. I am pretty sure they learned about Casey Anthony. Thanks again.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Casey Anthony? The System Has Spoken
Nobody is perfect. The legal/justice system is not perfect. Why was Casey Anthony found innocent of murdering her daughter? The answer is simple. There was not enough evidence to find her guilty. When a person is on trial for an accusation that can put her away for life or possibly end her life, absolutely no reasonable juror will make a decision that is based on hunches, hearsay and opinion only. What did the evidence say? Apparently not enough. More evidence was needed. The truth will eventually come out. The truth endures forever. "A lying tongue is but for a moment, but the truth is established forever." What of the people who are protesting the decision and making cruel accusations? They represent a mob. They represent a bunch of busybodies who need to get a life. They are self-righteous accusers. I will admit, they do have a right to speak out. Particularly in this great (although imperfect) nation. The system has spoken. You don't like the jury system? If the jury made a mistake, better this mistake than to send an innocent person to prison for life, or worse yet: capital punishment. Don't hate Casey. Pray for her.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Rocks are Lethal
In major league baseball; most pitchers are able to throw the ball over 90 miles an hour. The batters are required to wear batting helmets for safety reasons. If hit by a pitch on the head without the proper protection, the results could be very serious, perhaps even fatal. Let us consider rocks flying through the air at high speeds. In ancient days; stoning was a form of execution. Rocks are lethal. When I was in junior high school a friend of mine accidently killed an acquaintance in a "friendly rock fight." As a kid I participated in rock fights. I know what it feels like to get hit by rocks. In the Middle East rocks are used in protest and war. My nephew was blinded in one eye after being struck with a rock. Let us not forget that the giant Goliath was killed by a small stone released by a shepherd boy named David. Rocks are lethal.
Recently, a US Border Patrol agent used his weapon, and fired on a man who was throwing rocks and wood with nails sticking out. He killed the man. It appears to me that the agent was just trying to defend his own life. Rocks are murder weapons when they are willfully used to hurt people. They are dangerous. Rocks are lethal when thrown at people. I have a great idea. Do not throw rocks at law enforcement agents. By doing this one increases the possibility of not getting shot, and thereby extending one's life. Some might say that it is irrational to shoot at someone who has just caused you severe pain due to a thrown rock. I say it puts a law enforcement agent in survival mode. Throwing rocks at people is wrong. It is absolutely wrong. It is also a stupid act.
Recently, a US Border Patrol agent used his weapon, and fired on a man who was throwing rocks and wood with nails sticking out. He killed the man. It appears to me that the agent was just trying to defend his own life. Rocks are murder weapons when they are willfully used to hurt people. They are dangerous. Rocks are lethal when thrown at people. I have a great idea. Do not throw rocks at law enforcement agents. By doing this one increases the possibility of not getting shot, and thereby extending one's life. Some might say that it is irrational to shoot at someone who has just caused you severe pain due to a thrown rock. I say it puts a law enforcement agent in survival mode. Throwing rocks at people is wrong. It is absolutely wrong. It is also a stupid act.
Friday, June 17, 2011
I Am Going To Gettysburg
If God permits, I will be making my fourth trip to Gettysburg on Saturday June 25, 2011. I plan to study at the Civil War Institute for one week. The theme this year at Gettysburg College is "Mobilizing for War and The Battle of First Manassas/Bull Run." During the evenings, I plan to seek out Hispanic people and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. I have done this before. It has been a great blessing. I am looking forward to this trip.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Order Without Liberty And Liberty without Order
"Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive."
(Teddy Roosevelt) The main alternative to an ordered society is a disordered society. This equals anarchy. What does anarchy offer? Freedom? Opportunity? Adventure? People desire safety. People yearn for the opportunity to work out their own destinies. People plan to improve their quality of life for themselves and their posterity. How can this be done? Through ordered societies. How are ordered societies achieved? By having ordered families. The family is the core of a nation. The family is the core of society. The family is what will drive and determine the destiny of a nation. Most disordered families make attempts or have an outside influence such as government or independent agencies make attempts to put the family structure in order. The family is a type of small, independent entity/sub-culture/society within the larger culture. The leader(s)of each family is supposed to be responsible for supporting each member. Each member has responsiblities within its' structure. The young in the family increase their responsibilities as they age. The young are taught. The young are taught academic skills. They are taught values. At least this is the ideal. When the ideal is not achieved, order in society must still be achieved because the society cannot continue to exist without order. The order will be achieved by the establishment of a religious ruling class. The religious ruling class must be educated, but they must not allow the masses of the people to be educated. They must make sure that the women of the society have no power and definitely no education. They must keep the women in fear of the power of the men. Large families are encouraged. To have multiple wives is acceptable. This causes the men to support the ruling class. Society must adhere to a culture of a single standard, and the members of society must all practice the same religion. The religion must be strict. It must allow the men of the ruling class to have their sexual perversions and promiscuity be justified through the creation of mercy killing and punishment of trumped up crimes committed by women. The punishment against the women will be that men who are leaders will be allowed to rape those women. The men who rape those women must make it clear that they are only executing justice and "making things right." The women who are raped must never, ever learn how to read. If they learn how to read they may become troublemakers and interfere with the order in society. Liberty must not be an option. It is too risky. It could create a tremendous change that the society is not ready to make. Keeping society at the levels of the 12th Century is important to maintain order in society.
(Teddy Roosevelt) The main alternative to an ordered society is a disordered society. This equals anarchy. What does anarchy offer? Freedom? Opportunity? Adventure? People desire safety. People yearn for the opportunity to work out their own destinies. People plan to improve their quality of life for themselves and their posterity. How can this be done? Through ordered societies. How are ordered societies achieved? By having ordered families. The family is the core of a nation. The family is the core of society. The family is what will drive and determine the destiny of a nation. Most disordered families make attempts or have an outside influence such as government or independent agencies make attempts to put the family structure in order. The family is a type of small, independent entity/sub-culture/society within the larger culture. The leader(s)of each family is supposed to be responsible for supporting each member. Each member has responsiblities within its' structure. The young in the family increase their responsibilities as they age. The young are taught. The young are taught academic skills. They are taught values. At least this is the ideal. When the ideal is not achieved, order in society must still be achieved because the society cannot continue to exist without order. The order will be achieved by the establishment of a religious ruling class. The religious ruling class must be educated, but they must not allow the masses of the people to be educated. They must make sure that the women of the society have no power and definitely no education. They must keep the women in fear of the power of the men. Large families are encouraged. To have multiple wives is acceptable. This causes the men to support the ruling class. Society must adhere to a culture of a single standard, and the members of society must all practice the same religion. The religion must be strict. It must allow the men of the ruling class to have their sexual perversions and promiscuity be justified through the creation of mercy killing and punishment of trumped up crimes committed by women. The punishment against the women will be that men who are leaders will be allowed to rape those women. The men who rape those women must make it clear that they are only executing justice and "making things right." The women who are raped must never, ever learn how to read. If they learn how to read they may become troublemakers and interfere with the order in society. Liberty must not be an option. It is too risky. It could create a tremendous change that the society is not ready to make. Keeping society at the levels of the 12th Century is important to maintain order in society.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Liberty Is The Prevention Of Control By Others
"Liberty is the prevention of control by others. This requires self-control and therefore religious and spiritual influences; education, knowledge, well being." (John Acton)
This quote; although I agree with it, in a general sense, requires further explanation. "Religious and spiritual influences"? What are they? Surely he means the Word of God. "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalms 119:11) The Word of God is replete with telling us that if we believe it, follow it, study it, obey it, honor it and recognize it for what it is, our lives will have a better quality. Our lives will be purposeful. Our lives will be blessed. We will know the truth. We will affect and influence others in a positive way. We will have liberty. We will have liberty because our actions will not demand authorities to take liberties away from us. We will be a blessing to society. Our actions will demonstrate respect for others. This has happened. It will continue to happen. We will have a message of peace. We will have the truth. The truth is powerful. The truth produces liberty. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)
This quote; although I agree with it, in a general sense, requires further explanation. "Religious and spiritual influences"? What are they? Surely he means the Word of God. "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalms 119:11) The Word of God is replete with telling us that if we believe it, follow it, study it, obey it, honor it and recognize it for what it is, our lives will have a better quality. Our lives will be purposeful. Our lives will be blessed. We will know the truth. We will affect and influence others in a positive way. We will have liberty. We will have liberty because our actions will not demand authorities to take liberties away from us. We will be a blessing to society. Our actions will demonstrate respect for others. This has happened. It will continue to happen. We will have a message of peace. We will have the truth. The truth is powerful. The truth produces liberty. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Five of My Favorite Quotes on Leadership
1. "The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority."
Ken Blanchard
2. "A man's character is his fate." Heraclitus
3. "Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for
getting there." John P. Kotter
4. "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more
followers." Ralph Nader
5. "A leader is a dealer in hope." Napoleon
Ken Blanchard
2. "A man's character is his fate." Heraclitus
3. "Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for
getting there." John P. Kotter
4. "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more
followers." Ralph Nader
5. "A leader is a dealer in hope." Napoleon
Interesting People
Interesting people attract attention. Interesting people attract appreciation. Interesting people cause people to be interested. How? You add value to people when you place a value on them. If you want to be interesting.....be interested. Be interested in others. Take the risk. Yes, do not be afraid. Be kind. Everyone is fighting a tough battle. Help people. Be courteous.
"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It is what you do for others." Danny Thomas
"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It is what you do for others." Danny Thomas
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Chihuahua Hero
It happened during the month of June of 2010, in Richmond California. Two pit bulls named Jade and Beast chewed a hole through a wooden fence and made their way to a Richmond apartment nearby. Mayda Estrella was holding her newborn baby while she was cooking. Brian, her four year-old son was on the couch. The two pit bulls came in. One went after Mayda, she threw her remote control at one of the pit bulls and temporarily startled him along with her screams. The other pit bull went after Brian. Mancha, Mayda's pet chihuahua, intercepted the pit bull and gave Brian enough time to go into the bedroom and slam the door shut. In the meantime the pit bull who went after Mayda also went to attack Mancha. Mancha fought back, but he was no match for two pit bulls. They mutilated him, but the family was safe. Mancha was a fearless hero. He saved three lives, but he lost his. Somebody told me that chihuahuas don't know that they are little. I guess that is a good thing. Particularly when one chihuahua thinks he is big enough to take on two pit bulls and saves three lives in the process.
Monday, May 2, 2011
No Circumcision?
It appears that there is a group of people in The San Francisco area who are working hard to have circumcision for male infants outlawed. In the first place, those who would attempt to ban circumcision have faulty excuses/defenses to do so. Circumcision has a place in civilized society. It is a portion of the covenant God made with the patriarch Abraham, thus playing a part in the creation of the great nation of ancient Israel. It is a simple medical procedure which, as stated, had religious significance. It has evolved into a procedure which has a beneficial health significance. Part of the reason the political movement in San Francisco which attempts to ban circumcision is due to the attempt to secularize society. They declare that they want to defend infants. If these people truly want to defend infants; why don't they organize themselves and fight against the evils of abortion? Abortion is evil. It is murder. It is a cancer upon our society and way of life. On the other hand: the fight against circumcision is an obvious demonstration of "phony righteousness." The proponents of this fight are wasting their time. Find something else to do to help society. Incidently, the term "male circumcision" is a faulty and reduntant term. Circumcision is only for males. Therefore no adjective is needed. I know of no "female circumcision." There is no equivalent for women regarding circumcision. It is as ridiculous as having a male "hysterectomy." Men and women are physically different. Men and women are different, therefore a man cannot have his "uterus removed." Why? Because he doesn't have one. The removal of a woman's clitoris is what is known as "female circumcision." It is practiced among Muslims. The removal of the clitoris is a monstrous, hideous, torturous, barbaric act of mutilation and mayhem. It has no place in civilized society. It is criminal conduct. Speaking of equivalence; The removal of the clitoris is equivalent to the removal of the glans of the penis. This procedure speaks for itself. Especially if one is a man.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
What Kind of Justice is This?
This is a blatant example of the use of religious authority to permit the commission of immoral acts. On Thursday April 21, 2011, Pakistan's Supreme Court acquitted and freed five men accused of gang-raping a village woman in 2002 on the orders of a tribal council. The case received worldwide attention, and the victim Mukhtar Mai has become an international icon of women's rights. Women's groups and human rights monitors in Pakistan called the high court verdict a travesty of justice and said it showed that the country's judicial system is patriarchal and prejudiced against women. How can a tribal council order the rape of a woman? In June 2002 a village council ordered Mai, then 33, to be gang raped in retaliation for an alleged romantic relationship between her 13-year old brother and a woman from another tribe. After the rape, she was paraded naked around the village by the Islamic hard-liners who viewed her punishment as compensation for the perceived sins of one of her relatives. Does the punishment fit the crime? Absolutely not! There was no crime. There was heavy, heavy lust. There was a desire to have sex with an attractive young woman. The Islamic tribal leaders found a way to do it. This is evil. It is an outrage. What kind of justice is this? It is not justice. It is crime.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
But He Was A Great Athlete
His name was Brody. He was poor. His dad was a drunk. He was a big liar, and he had a terrible temper. He had a hard time getting along with people.........but he was a great athlete. He was big for his age. At the age of twelve he pitched on a little league team. He was overpowering with his fastball and curve. He pitched about three no-hitters each season. He was also a very good hitter. His batting average was 420. He hit 7 home runs. Too bad he did not have much of an upbringing. His bad temper disallowed him from being a team player. He was bitter. He always wanted more glory for his accomplishments. He was a fast runner. In football, he always wanted to be the quarterback. He complained because he wanted to make the touchdowns, so he took the ball from the center, made a short pass behind the line of scrimmage and ran down the field for a pass. He wanted to do it all, but he did not like to block. He scored touchdowns as the quarterback and the receiver. On several occasions, he threw high passes downfield, ran downfield and caught them himself. He was a glory hog. But he was a great athlete. I use the word great because the potential for greatness was there. Although he showed much skill in baseball and football, I think his best accomplishments were in basketball. He was an accurate shooter. He always wanted to be the high point man. Again, constantly refusing to be a team player. He was not very coachable. He argued with his team mates. He played hard. He did well, but it was all for him. He had issues. Issues that he could not overcome. He did not play sports in high school. He quit high school. He couldn't get along with people. As I look back, I think a mentor he could have connected with might have helped him. A coach that could have reached him. Someone to teach him to respect the team concept. It never happened. After he quit school he moved away. I don't know what happened to him. But he was a great athlete.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
George Washington Carver (Part 2)
Carver did many things to pay for his expenses. He sold hominy which he had made, and sometimes ironed clothes for classmates. He found an old stove at the city dump and brought it home to cook meals for his friends. He used old wrapping paper for notebooks. "Don't throw anything away," he would say. "Everything can be used again." After he graduated , they asked him to teach biology to the beginning students. Later he was asked to teach at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.
Carver started studying diseases which were attacking the farmers' crops. He also did a lot of experimenting to find new ways to use different plants. He made more than 300 products from peanuts. He even made soap and ink from peanuts. From sweet potatoes, he made 118 products, including flour and candy. He made 75 products from pecans and even made a building material for walls from cotton stalks. He had many good ideas.
Later in his life, Thomas Edison offered him $100,000 a year to come and work for him, but he thought he could do more good at Tuskegee. He made his students work hard, and he insisted they do each experiment right. If they told him they had done something "about right," he would say, "Don't tell me it's 'about right.' If it is 'about right,' then it is wrong." Money, stylish clothes, and fine cars were not important to him. He thought the truly successful person was the one who had learned to serve others.
Carver started studying diseases which were attacking the farmers' crops. He also did a lot of experimenting to find new ways to use different plants. He made more than 300 products from peanuts. He even made soap and ink from peanuts. From sweet potatoes, he made 118 products, including flour and candy. He made 75 products from pecans and even made a building material for walls from cotton stalks. He had many good ideas.
Later in his life, Thomas Edison offered him $100,000 a year to come and work for him, but he thought he could do more good at Tuskegee. He made his students work hard, and he insisted they do each experiment right. If they told him they had done something "about right," he would say, "Don't tell me it's 'about right.' If it is 'about right,' then it is wrong." Money, stylish clothes, and fine cars were not important to him. He thought the truly successful person was the one who had learned to serve others.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
George Washington Carver (Part 1)
As far as I am concerned, George Washington Carver is one of the finest scientists the world has ever known. The contributions he has made to mankind are hard to match. The following information about him was obtained from "Garden of Praise," a registry for educational materials. His inventions/discoveries have improved the quality of life for millions and millions of people. His quotes are inspirational and show a great deal of love for humanity of all ages. He was born in 1860 and died in 1943.
George Washington Carver was born in Missouri on the Moses Carver plantation. His parents were slaves. His father died right before George was born, then while he was still a baby, slave traders kidnapped him and his mother. Only George was returned to the plantation. When he was a baby, he had a disease called whooping cough. It left him sickly and he couldn't do hard work like the other slaves. His chores were cooking and sewing. He loved to work in the garden. He taught himself to read. His family was so poor, he could not afford to buy a pencil, so he made a holder and used a pencil that was only 1/4 inch long.
He wrote to a college to enroll and they accepted him, but when they found out he was black, they told him he could not attend. After five more years when he was 30 years old, he was accepted at a college in Iowa. He did so well, his teacher helped him to get a transfer to Iowa State College where he studied botany. He learned about plants and farming.
George Washington Carver was born in Missouri on the Moses Carver plantation. His parents were slaves. His father died right before George was born, then while he was still a baby, slave traders kidnapped him and his mother. Only George was returned to the plantation. When he was a baby, he had a disease called whooping cough. It left him sickly and he couldn't do hard work like the other slaves. His chores were cooking and sewing. He loved to work in the garden. He taught himself to read. His family was so poor, he could not afford to buy a pencil, so he made a holder and used a pencil that was only 1/4 inch long.
He wrote to a college to enroll and they accepted him, but when they found out he was black, they told him he could not attend. After five more years when he was 30 years old, he was accepted at a college in Iowa. He did so well, his teacher helped him to get a transfer to Iowa State College where he studied botany. He learned about plants and farming.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Fantasy Is A Poor Substitute
We see substitutes everywhere. We see them on the benches of teams involved in athletic contests. Students see them in public schools every day. What about the fulfillments of our goals and aspirations? We need to go after them and not make excuses. In particular, please be reminded that fantasy and imagination are a means to an end. How can we envision something unless we imagine it being fulfilled some day? However, the vision is not the fulfillment of the vision, it is only the vision. Go ahead and have a vision, make your plans and proceed. Go ahead and dream, then proceed to turn them into reality. One might think: "Hey I'm not bothering anyone." Did that person ever think that perhaps; because of his laziness, he is depriving himself, and possibly others of something innovative, life-changing, and beneficial to many? Selfishness deprives. Laziness deprives. Laziness and selfishness work together to produce fantasy as a substitute. Go for the real thing. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid to fail? Go for something that endures and yields positive results. Fantasy is a poor substitute.
Monday, March 14, 2011
"Go Get You One"
This blog entry is dedicated to all of the jealous people in the world who cannot stand it when one of their "friends" or someone else receives, achieves, perceives, conceives or even believes something that they are unable or unwilling to experience. This particular jealous person's name is Jay Jeal. His acquaintances (he does not have friends) call him "Gigyo." Gigyo is an acrostic for "Go get you one." At parties, Gigyo was too shy to ask a girl to dance, so he waited for someone else to take a girl to the dance floor and then he would grab the girl's arm and dance with her. Once a guy at the party pushed him and told him: "Go get you one." Gigyo was actually intelligent enough to have finished college but he never did because he spent too much time criticizing the system, the country and society. Jay Jeal, AKA Gigyo had some personal problems. He was too much in denial to deal with them. He could taste success because he had the possibility for it. But success was just a fantasy. And any success someone else had was to be attacked. He tried buying a house but he lost it. Success eluded him. He tried buying another house, but he lost that one as well. He would approach someone who had bought a house and say: "Thats' not your house, the bank owns it." Gigyo didn't have his own car because he couldn't make the payments, so he drove his mom's car. Gigyo had White middle class values, but he couldn't compete so he attempted to create an identity that reflected a hippy, Gypsy, Bohemian image. He attempted marriage several times, it suited him, but he did not have the moxie to deal with the challenges of marriage. Therefore when he saw people that were happily married, he criticized them and said they were shallow because compromises sometimes must be made to achieve marital bliss, and he didn't believe in compromises because "you were not being true to yourself." Possibly another way of saying "my way or the highway." One of his acquaintances had just bought a beautiful brand new car. Instead of saying anything positive about the car, Gigyo said: "Ha, good luck with the payments." Gigyo reminds me of a saying: "You don't have to blow out my candle to make yours shine brighter." Come on Gigyo.......go get you one.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Young Man Don't do Time, Take Time
This is not a rap song, and I am not trying to be rythmic. I don't do rap. I advise. My advice is good, not bad. I tell kids not to be lazy. I encourage them to study, to learn. Stay away from drugs, tobacco, liquor and bad company. Be respectful and courteous. Be the best you can be. Be on time. Take time. Make time. Make time count. Get out of bed. Get up. Dress up. Show up. Make things happen today. Connect with people. You say you are shy? Learn not to be shy. Take the time. People are more interesting than birds, dogs, cats, fish and all other animals. I know some people don't think so. This is because they are selfish, and all the animals just offer entertainment, allegiance, support and no strings attached. Okay, nothing wrong with that. However, take your life to a higher level. Again, I say connect with people. Connect with people you can learn from. Connect with people who are educated, talented and interesting. Connect with people who can teach, encourage and motivate you. You can also help them. If you don't take the time.....you might end up doing time.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Justice And Power
"Justice without power is inefficient. Power without justice is tyranny. Justice without power is opposed because there are always wicked men. Power without justice is soon questioned. Justice and power must therefore be brought together; so that whatever is just may be powerful and whatever is powerful may be just."
The above quote might very well be my favorite non-Biblical quote. When I taught political science in school, I used it extensively. I discussed it and I even created lesson plans around it. Here is an example of a discussion-provoking scenario: Your friend is on vacation. He lives in your neighborhood. It is a beautiful, warm summer night around 10:00 pm. You decide to go for a walk. You walk by your friend's house. You notice 3 burglars have broken into his house through the back door. They have loaded all of his sound equipment, televisions, computers, jewelry, clothing and other valuables into the back of a large pickup truck. You quickly realize what they are doing is wrong. It is an injustice. Those things do not belong to those men, they belong to your friend. You rush over to where they are and tell them: "Stop doing this, it is an injustice!" They proceed to point a gun at you. They say: "Get the hell out of here, or die!" Well....at least they gave you a choice. Let us change the scenario.....just a little. Same situation, except this time, instead of you showing up; 5 cop cars, including a canine unit, and 8 cops show up with their guns drawn. It seems that the execution of justice at the crime scene appears more realistic.
The above quote might very well be my favorite non-Biblical quote. When I taught political science in school, I used it extensively. I discussed it and I even created lesson plans around it. Here is an example of a discussion-provoking scenario: Your friend is on vacation. He lives in your neighborhood. It is a beautiful, warm summer night around 10:00 pm. You decide to go for a walk. You walk by your friend's house. You notice 3 burglars have broken into his house through the back door. They have loaded all of his sound equipment, televisions, computers, jewelry, clothing and other valuables into the back of a large pickup truck. You quickly realize what they are doing is wrong. It is an injustice. Those things do not belong to those men, they belong to your friend. You rush over to where they are and tell them: "Stop doing this, it is an injustice!" They proceed to point a gun at you. They say: "Get the hell out of here, or die!" Well....at least they gave you a choice. Let us change the scenario.....just a little. Same situation, except this time, instead of you showing up; 5 cop cars, including a canine unit, and 8 cops show up with their guns drawn. It seems that the execution of justice at the crime scene appears more realistic.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Walkout In Wisconsin
How wealthy can everybody in America be? Is the "American Dream" still attainable? Well, maybe. We now have more people working for the US government than we do in manufacturing or construction. I am not saying that we are approaching the existence of an unbounded growth of a governing class that provides for its own affluence at the expense of the citizenry. I just have a question. Are we seeing a development of a new form of class warfare pitting the majority of taxpayers against those whose incomes are tax-dependent? What do the people want? The exercise of democracy is the exercise of what the people want.
Obama And Same-sex Marriage
Barack Obama has determined that the Defense of Marriage Act---the 1996 law that bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages---is unconstitutional and has directed the Justice Department to stop defending the law in court. Obama is a typical politician who wants to get re-elected. I hope this decision backfires on him because I truly believe that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and that the same-sex marriage campaign is an attempt to legitimize perverted conduct. My words have nothing to do with hatred. I refuse to hate anyone. Certain lifestyles are chosen, and I am not one to judge, however, God has declared this conduct to be wrong, therefore it is. Obama opposes same-sex marriage (at least he says he does) but has said repeatedly that his views are "evolving." How convenient. How can you be for something and against something at the same time? Also, How accurate are the words of Rep. Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee? "It is a transparent attempt to shirk the department's duty to defend the laws passed by Congress. This is the real politicization of the Justice Department--when the personal views of the president override the government's duty to defend the law of the land." The abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act is an outrageous political move that was legally unjustified. How much power does Obama actually have? Is he the President or is he a dictator?
Leaders And Relationships
As far as I am concerned, every leader needs to be a people person. How can a person be a leader and not be able to communicate and connect with people? This, to me is the most important aspect of being a leader. I would like to share a few quotes from the book entitled "The Servant." The book, written by Jim Hunter, is a simple story about the true essence of leadership. It is powerful, and it has been translated into 9 languages.
"Nature shows us clearly that you are either alive and growing or you are dying, dead, or decaying. Labor unrest, turnover, strikes, low morale, low trust, and low commitment are merely symptoms of a relationship problem. Simply put, leadership is about getting things done through people. When working with and getting things done through people, there will always be two dynamics involved---the task and the relationship. If we focus only on tasks and not on the relationship, we may experience turnover, rebellion, poor quality, low commitment, low trust, and other undesirable symptoms. To lead, you must serve, is the great paradox. Trust me now, understand me later. Management is not something you do to other people. You manage your inventory, your checkbook and your resources. You can even manage yourself. But you do not manage other human beings. You manage things, you lead people."
Reality shows us that the ability to connect with people is a vital ingredient in being a successful leader. I am not saying that the other factors are unimportant. I am saying that leadership demands skill, and the essence of that skill, is being a people person.
"Nature shows us clearly that you are either alive and growing or you are dying, dead, or decaying. Labor unrest, turnover, strikes, low morale, low trust, and low commitment are merely symptoms of a relationship problem. Simply put, leadership is about getting things done through people. When working with and getting things done through people, there will always be two dynamics involved---the task and the relationship. If we focus only on tasks and not on the relationship, we may experience turnover, rebellion, poor quality, low commitment, low trust, and other undesirable symptoms. To lead, you must serve, is the great paradox. Trust me now, understand me later. Management is not something you do to other people. You manage your inventory, your checkbook and your resources. You can even manage yourself. But you do not manage other human beings. You manage things, you lead people."
Reality shows us that the ability to connect with people is a vital ingredient in being a successful leader. I am not saying that the other factors are unimportant. I am saying that leadership demands skill, and the essence of that skill, is being a people person.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Holidays And Life.
A holiday is what you make it. Life is what you make it. Some people, because of their religion, do not celebrate birthdays. What is the justification? Where does it say not to celebrate birthdays? What about Christmas and Easter? Obviously, they are Christian holidays. Some people celebrate them, some people don't. There are many other holidays. Some are just "drinking days." I say that a person's attitude toward life is exemplified in the manner in which he/she celebrates holidays. What does a holiday mean to a person? Is it "just another day," or is it really special and to be celebrated? Of course that depends on a person's cultural standards, religion, tastes, ethnicity, homogeneity, heterogeneity, finances, and motivation. The bottom line is this: A holiday is what you make it. Life is what you make it. If you celebrate a holiday, there are consequences. If you don't celebrate a holiday, there are consequences. A holiday is what you make it. Life is what you make it.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Acquire Some People Skills
Are you afraid of people? Don't be. Talk to people. Ask them questions. Just do not ask the wrong questions. One of the reasons people do not have adequate people skills is because they are too selfish. They need to start giving. They need to give of their time and skills. They need to not worry if they make a mistake. Do not be guilty of having PTPSK. PTPSK will ruin your opportunities to have some beautiful "people experiences." Oh, so you do not want to deal with people? I know, it can be mighty challenging sometimes. Here is your answer: Love people. People are easy to love. What about PTPSK? It means this: PRIDE...THE PEOPLE SKILL KILLER. PTPSK is like a killer whale. Drown the killer whale. Drown it.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wealth, Health And Hope
I do not remember who it was, but a long time ago somebody said: "If you have lost your wealth, you have lost nothing. If you lost your health, you have lost something, if you have lost your hope, you have lost everything." Time flies. A young man can waste a great deal of time by refusing to grow up and take responsibility. "Man, I'm gonna have a good time." He has his good time. He liked it, but it was not good enough. He wants more. The good time did not satisfy him enough. It just left a good memory. He wants more. He has more good times. He just cannot seem to reach that peak. He keeps on searching for that peak pleasure. Along the way, in his quest for new pleasures, he has done some damage to innocent people, both young and old. He says doesn't care. He tends to drink too much liquor. He uses drugs. His health is starting to fail him. He needs medicines. He makes unreasonable demands to government and any family members who might listen to him. The years he spent in his pursuit of pleasure have turned into decades. He wakes up one day and realizes he is an old man. He blames others because he is not happy. He blames others because he is poor. He blames others because he is not healthy. Since he has lived most of his life in a world of fantasy, his conclusions are permeated by fantasy. He has no wealth. His health (mental and physical) is tenuous. He has one last card. It is called hope. Yes, he messed up. However, he is still able to make decisions. He can hope for the best. He can make the best happen. If he does not believe in miracles, someone can teach him about them. If he has too much pride, he can humble himself. If he wants to find a higher power he can find it. It is available. He needs to look for it. But if he has lost hope; he has lost everything.
Sometimes you just need to make it hurt. Sometimes you just need to postpone that pleasure. Sometimes you just need to keep your eye on the prize. If you want to succeed, you must make some sacrifices. That is just the way it is. Do you want to satisfy those goals and objectives? Make some sacrifices. Let me make myself clear. I do not refer to pagan sacrifices of self-mutilation or animal mutilation. I refer to hard work. I refer to the need to pursue your goals. Many people out there are unwilling to "pay the price." It is not wrong to love yourself. Here is the rule: You must make sacrifices for the things you love, whether it is football or a woman. You must make sacrifices for the things you love, that is just the way it is. Please do not take a course of action that will cause you to regret, or a course of inaction that will cause you to regret. Jim Rohn sums it up: "We must all suffer from two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is the pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weighs tons."
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thanks, Martin
Happy belated birthday, Martin. I plan to remember you, and think about your words and deeds for years to come. Thanks for the example you set. Thanks for giving your life for something you truly believed in. Thanks for your kindness. You are with Jesus now. You know: "absent from the body, present with the Lord." Jesus is perfection. You are now close to perfection because you are close to Him. Thanks for sharing these words with us: "Darkness is only driven out with light, not more darkness. Hatred is only driven out with love, not more hatred." Thanks, Martin.
Goodbye, January 2011
Goodbye Janeleven. We will miss you, but we must move on. You have been good. You are a memorable gift. Most of us will not forget you. Why? Because a lot of stuff happened with you. You are still cool.......in more ways than one. Janeleven; thank you. You are the newborn. You are the infant. You are moving on. Let your brother take over. Let Brofeb take it and run with it. He is cool too. One twelfth of your life will soon be gone. Great things are about to happen. Thanks again. But above all, I thank your maker.
Don't Be A Complainer
The old saying "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" is sometimes applicable when there is truly a need that should be taken care of. However, when a person is a complainer and uses complaining as a personal therapy because he/she is an unhappy person; that person needs to realize that he/she is being very selfish and annoying. It may be that in the opinion of some; that person may be a form of entertainment. Maybe. On the other hand, quite possibly, in the view of many he/she is a type of pest. I realize that serious personality problems are not likely to be resolved with this humble and short discourse, but maybe, just maybe, someone may consider that chronic complaining is often a nuisance to others, and will stop to think about his/her actions.
The Repeal Of Don't Ask Don't Tell
In the course of natural events, nature, guided by the will of men took a different course. Certain men became sexually attracted to other men. Certain women became sexually attracted to other women. Was there a certain rule, guideline, or moral parameter designed for humankind to prevent this from happening? Was there a natural law? Was there a legislative law? Was there a divine law? Yes, there was/is. Nevertheless, due to the 4 D's, disobedience, defiance, disillusionment, and depravity of the human race; adjustments have had to be made in this nation regarding the permission to openly serve as a lesbian or a homosexual in the armed forces of the United States. The time has come. Will there be problems? Yes, there will be problems. But every problem has a solution. Every problem related to this change will be a human problem, a personnel problem, a military problem. There will be solutions. Nearly all of them will be imperfect solutions. But they will be solutions. The pursuit of justice using the devices of men will always produce imperfect justice. Why? Because there are imperfect laws. Imperfect laws produce imperfect justice. Albeit, there are men and women serving in the military service who have connections to divine answers. They will play a major role. In order for right to prevail, God must be involved in the equation. If I am optomistic about the decision to repeal the "Don't ask don't tell" policy, I am because I have faith in the men and women in our great military who have faith. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." (Psalms 23:4)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dorwin Stoddard And George Morris
On Saturday January 8, 2011, something terrible happened in Tucson Arizona. A deranged young man shot and killed 6 people and wounded 13. Among the wounded is US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. This event is tragic. However, in spite of the lunacy, anger and cowardice shown by the shooter; Jared Loughner, heroism was also a part of the scenario. I would like to point out what two men did during the shooting. I consider both of them heroes. Dorwan Stoddard quickly put his wife on the ground and laid on top of her. He was shot and killed. She, being wounded in her legs, survived. George Morris did the same thing. However, even though he tried to shield her, she took fatal bullets and he is recovering from his wounds. Two different outcomes for two men who showed valor. The greatest teacher that ever lived said: "Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends." The wife of a man should also be his best friend. Maybe it sounds too idealistic, but these two men put the ideal into action.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Even If You Are Locked Up
Most of my words refer to a poem that Richard Lovelace wrote in 1642 while imprisoned in England a few months before the English Civil War. His main point was that as long as you have love you will always be free, even if you are in prison. Richard Lovelace was in love. He was deeply in love with a woman named Althea. His poem, "To Althea From Prison," of four stanzas, starts off by mentioning how he felt when Althea would come to visit him. "When love with unconfined wings hovers within my gates, and my divine Althea brings to whisper at the grates......" He goes on to speak about the liberty that he feels because of his great love for her. He talks about the tremendous joy that he experiences.....because of his deep love for her. He talks as if he was not locked up. He refers to himself as a flying bird or a fish "tippling" in deep waters. He claimed he was more free than the wind. Why? All because of love. He concludes his poem with these last words:
"Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage; minds innocent and quiet take that for a hermitage; if I have freedom in my love and in my soul am free, Angels alone , that soar above enjoy such liberty."
Love made Richard free. I failed to mentioned something found in the third stanza of his poem. He spoke of how good his King was to him. As he refers to his King by saying: "The sweetness, mercy, majesty, and glories of my King," and that he would "voice aloud how good He is," I can't help but think: Lovelace is not referring to any ordinary King. He refers to a perfect King. The perfect King can do anything for you.....even if you are locked up.
"Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage; minds innocent and quiet take that for a hermitage; if I have freedom in my love and in my soul am free, Angels alone , that soar above enjoy such liberty."
Love made Richard free. I failed to mentioned something found in the third stanza of his poem. He spoke of how good his King was to him. As he refers to his King by saying: "The sweetness, mercy, majesty, and glories of my King," and that he would "voice aloud how good He is," I can't help but think: Lovelace is not referring to any ordinary King. He refers to a perfect King. The perfect King can do anything for you.....even if you are locked up.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
2011.....The Year To Serve
This can be the best year of your life, on one condition.....that you serve others. Philanthropy, volunteerism and helping those in need are bedrocks of this great nation. Enrich your life by helping others. Enrich your life by volunteering. Sure, hobbies are fun. Fishing is fun. Golfing is fun. We need the fellowship. We need to socialize. We benefit from it. How about volunteering at a school or social service agency. You will benefit, but others will also benefit. Help someone out, be willing to give. Give of your time, talent and treasure. A great teacher once said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." His opinion is superior to the opinions of men. Be willing to give. Give, serve. Your life will be enriched. You will not regret it. Men are not honored for what they get, they are honored for what they give.
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