Monday, October 29, 2012

Rape and Pregnancy, I Defer My Answer

Please do not talk foolishly or ignorantly about rape.  Rape is serious business.  The rape of children is particularly heinous.   Women get raped, and sometimes become pregnant as a result.  Here is the bottom line:  No man should have sex with a woman unless she is a willing participant.   Does that statement makes sense?   From a Biblical perspective:  No man should have sex with a woman unless he is married to that woman.   I do realize that the majority of the adults in this world probably disregard the previous statement and in many cases disrespect it.  However, many do not disregard/disrespect it.  But that is a discussion for another time.  If a woman gets pregnant as a result of a rape,  what is she to do?  Is there an easy solution?  No. The world is imperfect.  It is full of imperfect human beings.  Does a woman who is raped and gets pregnant as a result,  go get an abortion?   I don't know.  I defer my answer.  I defer my answer to the unknown third party.   Ask him or her.  Ask the developing human being:  "Do you want to live or do you want to die?"  He or she will give the same answer we gave when we were in the same situation.  "I want to live."  Every time that human moves, reacts, breathes and eats......he/she is saying  "I want to live."   That is what we said too.

My Letter To The SDUT: About Their Beer Article

A newspaper article came out in early March of 2010 praising the benefits of drinking beer. It was in the San Diego Union Tribune, Health section..........yes........Health section! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't take it. I had to write a letter of response to the SDUT. They have published some of my opinions, but not this one. However, in all fairness to them, they did send me a personal response. The response was unsatisfactory to me because it did not really deal with what I told them and asked them.

From: Robert Dominguez Subject: Nutritional qualities of beer
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 3:53 PM

It seems like clockwork. Every several months we are subjected to headings in the newspaper like the article in today's Health section, right under the words: "fitness and wellness." "Nutritional qualities are a beer bonus." A bonus? A bonus to what? Drunkenness? Why is an article of this nature written in your newspaper? Are you promoting the consumption of liquor? I understand beer commercials and ads. Their function and motives are obvious. But what about your article? What is the point? Is there remuneration involved by publishing these so-called "revelations" under the guise of "scientific research"?  Some of your buzz words are "antioxidant qualities," "highest fiber content," "bone mineral density," "lower hip bone density," and "gluten-free option." Are you kidding me? Beer advertisements attempting to create a sort of social sophistication connected to the consumption of beer. Of course it is a deception. Your article appears to try to create a "health and wellness" sophistication connected to drinking beer. This is also a deception. Two countries are cited in the article. Germany and Spain. Both of those countries have far too many alcoholics. No problem. Beer companies are amoral. They just want to sell their product. Now they want the health industry to help them. What is fair is fair. They have helped provide much clientele for the health industry. Particularly in the areas of heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and mental health; just to name a few. What about the crime, accidents and broken homes? That is just a tip of the "beerberg." I hope I am wrong, but I predict that your next article about the "greatness of liquor" will be about wine and "how good it is for your heart."

Robert Dominguez

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hard Work

The ability to perform hard work is something that needs to be taught.  It can be taught many ways. However, teaching by example is probably the best method.  It can be forced, but that can be risky.  It should be rewarded but not too much and not too soon.  Hard work represents greatness.  Hard work represents love.  Hard work is a precursor to great accomplishments and success.  How may the latter be experienced without it?   I have selected a few quotes about hard work.  I believe they are true, and that they contain motivating factors.

"I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near." Margaret Thatcher

"Love conquers all, but if love doesn't do it, try hard work." Unknown

"If the power to do hard work is not a skill, it's the best possible substitute for it." James A. Garfield

"When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity." Steve Pavlina

"There is no substitute for hard work." Thomas Alva Edison

"Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top."  J.C. Penney

"I learned the value of hard work by working hard."  Margaret M. Fitzpatrick

"Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win."  Nadia Comaneci

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."  David Bly

Monday, October 22, 2012

Is Capitalism Really a Natural Phenomenon?

I am not an economist.  I am not an expert in the field of finance.  I am not a business man.  Nevertheless, I have observed that human beings need goods and services.  The best providers of goods and services are human beings.  They need to be free to exercise those provisions.  Government vs the private sector is an issue in our country these days.  It appears to be an issue in the election of the  President of our free and great  nation.  I was reminded of the relationship between capitalism and freedom by the quote below.  Is it really true that "economic progress and political freedom are natural  partners"?  Is socialism really a policy of "unrestrained intervention."?  Apparently a Professor of Economics by the name of Michael Rothschild does think so.  Here is one of his quotes addressing the matter:

"Fortunately, political freedom and economic progress are natural partners.  Despite capitalism's lingering reputation as the source of all the world's evils, the fact remains that every single democracy is a capitalist country.  Half a century of economic experimentation proved beyond doubt that tyranny cannot yield prosperity.  Socialism collapsed because it is a policy of unrestrained intervention. It tries to fix what is 'wrong' with the spontaneous, self-organizaing phenomenon called capitalism. But, of course, a natural process cannot be 'fixed.' Socialism is an ideology.  Capitalism is a natural phenomenon."

 Michael Rothschild

Factors of Excellent Football Coaches

In the final analysis: playing good  football comes down to running, blocking and tackling, and doing it well......doing it very well.   Excelling at it. I refer to coaching the game at all levels: from Pop Warner to the NFL.  Good coaching is in seven parts:  1) the ability to connect with players.  2)  The ability to motivate players.  3)  Knowledge of the game.  4)  The ability to impart that knowledge.  5)  Knowledge of the intangibles and the ability to put that knowledge to use.  6)  The ability to be flexible and make adjustments.  7)  The ability to deal with management/administration and matters not directly connected to football but nevertheless vital to its' existence and operation.  This usually refers to matters of finance, whether it is fund raising at the lower levels or contract negotiation at the higher levels.

  Hopefully, the coach would tend to stick mainly to coaching, however, he needs to know what is going on.  He needs to want and acquire the best talent available whenever possible.  I have mentioned nothing about character and integrity.  However, I am persuaded that it should permeate all seven factors.  Obviously the stakes are different at the professional level.  And yes, at the lower levels of football, character building and teamwork are more emphasized than at the higher levels.  (but not always)  "Win at any cost" is the mantra for many coaches.  I do not criticize that particular mentality.  However, sometimes there is a serious price to pay for having it.  One of the famous quotes of Vince Lombardi is:  "Winning is not everything, it is the only thing."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sugar Ray Robinson

Pound for pound, the greatest boxing machine that ever lived, Sugar Ray Robinson has no equal.  Many may say: "So, who cares?  I hate boxing."  They might have a point.  But I submit to you that professional boxing, even as corrupt as it may seem is still a sport that requires skill, discipline and endurance. Robinson was great. He fought professionally 198 times. He won 173 of those bouts. 108 of those victories were by knockout. He lost 19. (mostly in his later years) On 6 occasions he fought to a draw.  He was Welterweight Champ from 1946 to 1951.  He was Middleweight Champ from 1951 to 1952, 1955 to 1957 and 1958 to 1960.  He fought the best and beat the best.  He beat 10 Hall of Fame boxers,  among them were Jake LaMotta, Gene Fullmer, Rocky Graziano, Henry Armstrong, Kid Gavilan,  Carmen Basilio, Randy Turpin and Bobo Olson.  Much more could be said about the great "Sugar Ray."  I'll just say he was the greatest.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Jerry Sandusky: 45 Counts of Sexual Abuse

Jerry Sandusky is almost 70 years of age.  He has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for  crimes he has committed against male children.  He will very likely die in prison.  He has denied the charges.  His wife is also in denial.  My question is : Why the denial?  Why are they defiant? Why do they blame others?  I suspect because the truth is too difficult for them to bear.  Everbody makes mistakes.  Some mistakes just have more serious repercussions. I firmly believe that denying what he did is actually more serious than what he did.  Denial is an attempt to heal.  It is a foolish attempt.  Denial is an attempt to undo what he did.  What he did cannot be undone.  He did it.  So where does he go from here?   He goes to Psalm 51.  He reads it.  He then rereads it.  He prays to God and asks for forgiveness.   He repents.  He humbles himself.  He admits his guilt.  He contacts the media and says the following words :

 " I admit that what I did was wrong. I am terribly sorry for the harm that I have caused.  To the young men and all  connected to them; please know that I regret harming you.  If you can find it within you; please forgive me. I admit that I have done some terrible things.  I ask that you do your best to heal and to recover from the abuses you have suffered.  I realize we cannot be friends, nevertheless, again, I ask that you forgive me.  Please do not hate me.  I will spend the rest of my life in prison.  I deserve it.  Please know that I will dedicate the rest of my life to the study of God's Word and prayer.  God has forgiven me.  I have hope.  I have stated before that I have a broken heart.  Now I know what to do with it.  I realize that the Word of God is God.  I realize that the Word became flesh.  I realize that the man (flesh) has a name that is above every name. That name has power.  In that name, demons are cast out.  Now I can really know God. I want to get to know Him better every day.  He loves me."
 "A broken and contrite heart, He will not despise."
(Ps. 51:17)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Liberals, Conservatives And Lazy People

I think liberalism is good on a personal level.  If people were more liberal with their own money, goods, time and talent; this would be a much better world.   However, part of the problems liberals and conservatives both face are due to their philosophical stances on ownership, money, private property and the role of government in our lives.  What is the role of government anyway?  I think Abraham Lincoln said it best:  "The role of government is to do for the people those things which they cannot do for themselves."  What is the role of a lazy person in our society?   Is it possible for a lazy person to even have a role?  I think so.  A lazy conservative may be a person of means.  Thus, he/she wants to conserve what he/she has.  A lazy liberal is better off being lazy because he/she may be able to get involved in the pursuit of obtaining the money of someone else without working for it.  Is a liberal a thug?  Maybe.   Is a conservative a hater? Maybe.   Also, it is possible to be a social conservative and a political liberal.  It is also possible to be a political conservative and a social liberal.   I guess most people just want to live their lives and keep the government out of their lives.   Good luck.