I know that the letter I just sent to Yahoo may not be well received by many. It is my point of view. God predicted in His Word that such things would come to pass. I judge no person. No person is righteous, including me. But the Word of God says what it says. The Word of God judges. I refuse to hate another human being. Jenna Wolfe and Stephanie Gosk are two lesbians married to each other. Jenna is expecting a child. She was artificially inseminated. It is my view (based on the Word of God.......not my opinion) that these two selfish women are willfully denying their daughter to be, a relationship with her father. This is wrong. Same sex marriage is wrong. It is wrong before God. I judge no person. Below is the letter.
The truth is a woman cannot impregnate another woman. A third party is required. That third party must be a man. Why is a lesbian using the reproductive nature/ability of a man if she does not believe in marriage to, or intimate relations with a man? The probable answer will be: "Because she wants to, it is a free country, leave her alone." Good, since it is a free country, I will use my freedom of speech and practice my faith in the Word of God. Lesbianism is a sin against God. Lesbians and gays need to repent. They can get counseling that can assist them in their quest for a relationship with our Creator. God loves them. I love them too. I am praying for them. Please refer to Jn. 3:16, Rom. 1: 18-31, and Jude 18. There is much more. The Word of God is superior to the opinions, trends, and ideas of humans. It is God's greatest gift to humanity. Please do not mock it.