Saturday, December 28, 2013


The Sweetwater Red Devil Varsity football team did it. They actually did it. They won CIF! They beat Monte Vista High School 7 to 0 for the Division 4 CIF Championship at Mesa College Stadium on December 7, 2013. What a game it was!

Rest In Peace.....Rudy Hernandez

He was a hero of the Korean War, a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. The son of migrant farm workers who could not find a job, joined the Army at the age of 17. He became a paratrooper. He was a member of Company G of the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team. His unit was attacked by artillery about 2 a.m. on May 31, 1951. Hernandez, single-handedly carried out a bayonet assault on the enemy. Although severely wounded, he fixed his bayonet to his damaged, useless rifle, threw six grenades at the North Koreans, then charged out of his foxhole, shouting, "Here I come!" Hernandez stabbed six enemy soldiers to death with his bayonet. His one-man assault caused the North Koreans to retreat and allowed his Army unit time to regroup and launch a counterattack. He was injured all over his body from grenades, bullets and artillery shrapnel. He collapsed on the battlefield. His body was found the next morning, bloody and muddy, surrounded by the corpses of the enemy troops he had killed. He had bayonet wounds in his back and through his lower lip. He had lost most of his front teeth. He appeared to be lifeless there on the ground. Then a medic noticed some movement in his hands. He was evacuated. He did not regain consciousness for a month. He was presented the Medal of Honor by President Harry Truman in the White House Rose Garden on April 12, 1952. I, personally do not take Corporal Hernandez' actions lightly. He is a true war hero. He is among the valiant. He passed away 7 days ago, in Fayetteville, NC. He was 82. Rest in peace, Rudy. (most of the above information was taken from a Washington Post article written by Matt Schudel. It later appeared in the Union Tribune San Diego)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Yes......People Disagree

People disagree all the time. Am I obligated to agree with every lifestyle? No. However, I refuse to be unkind. I refuse to call people rude names. Some people are wordsmiths. Some people have high level formal educations with advanced degrees, however, they tend to explode if someone refuses to agree with them. They demonstrate an arrogance that screams out: "How dare you disagree with me, don't you know that I am sophisticated and you are not? Don't you know that I am educated and you are not? Don't you know that the time has come to be tolerant?" (except I don't need to be tolerant, only you need to be)

"Family Planning" Is An Oxymoron

Family planning is a "buzz term" for abortion. "Family planning" is not really about family planning. It is about ending the lives of the unborn. Due to the fact that killing babies is detestable and grotesque business, it is not in the best interests of those providing this "service" to be honest about what they are doing. The term "family planning" does not even reach the label of being a euphemism, because at least a euphemism has a similarity. Abortion is family destruction, not family planning. This is why "family planning" is an oxymoron. Is not a baby born into a family? How can it be born into a family if it is not even given a chance to be born.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Name-Calling Is A Substitute

Name-calling is a substitute.  It is a place of refuge for those who have neither enough information or adequate communication skills to express themselves.  Many people use their computers not only to express themselves but also to relieve themselves.......of their anger, frustrations, jealousy, regret for not pursuing a higher education, unhappiness because they are poor, not famous, have bad health, need their teeth fixed, can't get a date, not cool, too young, too old and a host of other problems all of which have solutions.  But, they prefer substitutes.  Personally, I do not want substitutes.  I want the real deal.  Calling people unkind names is not the real deal.  It never has been, it never will be.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Who Is Responsible?

How can you run a business if people are not held accountable for what they do?  How can you manage or administer an organization if people are not held responsible for what they do?  Educational institutions, local, state and national governments, their agencies and departments, the military, law enforcement.............who is accountable?  How can you solve problems if people refuse to be responsible for what happens?  One might say:  "society is responsible."  No, no, no.  People who run it, are in it, act in it, prosper in it,  and benefit from it are responsible.  Some more than others.  "Share the blame"?  Be careful with that one.  If that is the case, then everyone belongs in prison.  And no, not everyone belongs in prison.

Get Real

The pursuit of image in some men prohibits them from truly enjoying life.  It prohibits them from finding a purposeful meaning in life.  I say seek truth.  I say seek what really is.  I say seek something solid....something that lasts, and really matters.  I say seek something genuine.  Phoniness stands out like a sore thumb.  Don't be pretentious.  Get real.  Seek the truth.  Don't worry about what people think.  If you get hung up on that, it will ruin your life.  Get real.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Chance To Be Kind

Kindness is important.  Because of it, many problems are avoided.  Conflicts are avoided.   Confusion can be avoided.  We really should make every effort to be kind.  Let us do what we can.  Help that person out. Assist, accompany, attend to, fill in, do a favor.  I remember a plane trip I was on, about 10 years ago.  We were just about to depart from Houston to San Diego.  A married couple entered the airplane.  They wanted to sit together.  There were no empty seats that were together, so they sat separately. There were three seats on my row.  I had an aisle seat, and there was one empty seat next to me.  The woman sat next to me.  I asked her: "would you like me to trade seats with your husband?"  "Of course. Would you really do that!" "Sure, no problem."  They were both elated.  They both thanked me.  What I did was very little, but it was sure appreciated.  Their satisfaction was my reward.  This happened during late November.  A man watched what I did.  He said:  "The Christmas spirit is already here and it is still November."  Like I said, I do not consider what I did a big deal.  I am no hero.  It was just a chance to be kind.

"Constant kindness can accomplish much.  As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."
Albert Schweitzer   (1875-1975)

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Blessings Of Faith

We make choices.  Some of those choices are advantageous, some are not.  It is a wise choice to have faith in God and His Word.  Some may say that faith is not a choice but that it is something that is already pre-ordained by forces greater than ourselves.  Some may say:  "Don't talk to me about God, I would rather talk about my vacation or my new  house."  However it works out, is not faith a choice?  Faith has certain requirements.  I am convinced that in order to acquire faith, one must hear the Word of God.  This is where faith comes from.  It comes from the Word of God.  Some want to hear.  Some do not.  Things happen to one who has faith.  His/her life begins to develop a certain quality that cannot be compared to anything else.  One begins to feel secure and safe.  One begins to believe that everything is going to be fine.  "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  (Heb. 11:1)  "The substance of things hoped for"?  "The evidence of things not seen"?  Blessings come when you believe.  What if you pray, and your prayers are answered?  If you hope for things......then you pray.  You receive.  Do you want something?  Ask God for it.  Do it humbly, boldly...... but with faith. "But without faith it is impossible to please God."  (Heb. 11:6)  Exercise your faith.  And I do not mean exercise your religion or organization!  I mean exercise your faith.  "You people are too weird," she said.  Without being sarcastic, I responded, "Where did the air you are breathing come from?  Who created the ability for you to think and come up with ideas such as the one you have just shared?  Why are we here?  Do you have a better response for the purpose of life than to honor God and obey His word"?  She was willing to talk and listen but she did not answer any of the questions I asked her.  I did not pressure her.  She was a young woman who was not happy, but she wanted to be.  Basically, all it takes is faith.  But here is the clincher:  It must be faith in Jesus Christ.  If it is not faith in Him, you do not reach God.  Jesus said:  "I am the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes unto the Father but by me."  (John 14:6)  Notice Jesus said "comes," he did not say "goes."  There is much more.  Enjoy.  Enjoy the blessings of faith.

A Prayer For SUHI's Football Team

Preface to the Prayer
For the first time in 29 years, the Sweetwater High School Varsity Football team will be competing in the CIF Championship  finals.  What a season it has been!  It has been memorable.  It has been special......and it is not over.  Next Saturday (Dec.7) is the showdown.

                                 PRAYER ON DEC. 7, 2013

Almighty God we thank you for allowing us to be here today. We thank you for the hard work and devotion of these football players.  All have endured pain and sacrifice.  They are living proof of what hard work can bring.  They have done it for the love of this game and respect for their school.  We thank you for their coaches, families and friends.  We thank you for all that have supported them in this endeavor.  They have come a long way.  This team has brought honor to Sweetwater High School, National City, and to the communities of South Bay.  And they continue to represent themselves, their coaches, their families, their school, and their community.  We humbly come before you and ask your blessing upon us here.  Bless all persons connected to this team.  Bless all starters and non-starters, all are important, we are a team.  We ask that you inspire and motivate every player on this team to do his very best in every facet of competitive high school football. That they may compete with an intensity, focus and skill that is superior to all the games behind us, which are now history.  Place a fire in the hearts of these players.  Give the coaches guidance and wisdom.  Protect all from accidents and injuries.  That they may play their "A" game on  offense, defense, and special teams!  Thank you.
In Jesus' name, amen!

Rude Comments

Unfortunately, ignorant comments/people are not going away.  Knowing how to deal with them is a life skill.  A smile, a kind gesture is usually welcomed by all.  However, some people have not been taught to be kind/courteous/wise and positive conversationalists.  It is not in them.  The reality is that we need to win.  By that, I mean civility and wisdom need to win, even if it means a red face.  Yes, it is a battle, but it is a battle that can only be won by not being the same as the offender.  It is a different type of warfare.  It basically boils down to this: the contest between the civilized and the uncivilized.  Humility is superior to arrogance.  "I am so proud and smart, and I can say anything I want."  No.  Absolutely not.