Sunday, November 22, 2015

Beyond The Limits Of Reason

When you mess with someone's freedom you go beyond the limits of reason.  Sometimes legislation is passed that attempts to curtail disorder by unreasonable legislation.  This can, at times, produce and identify certain actions as crimes that are not really crimes.  Obviously, members of society want a peaceful society.  But can this be accomplished without stealing a certain amount of freedom? Probably not.

Friday, November 13, 2015

You Can Do It If You Try (3 Quotes)

"In America nobody says you have to keep the circumstances you were born with."   (Amy Tan)

"What is the essence of America?  Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom 'to' and freedom 'from'."         (Marilyn vos Savant)

 "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."       (Sir Isaac Newton )

Yes, Changes Occur

Yes, changes occur. Yes, slavery was wrong. Yes, women should be allowed to vote. Yes, the military draft was necessary. Yes, people should be able to sit on available seats on a bus without regard to skin color. Yes, yes, yes to many, many things. Same-sex marriage?  Unacceptable.   If somebody else does it, how does it bother you? Some may ask. If someone else is murdered, how does it effect me? If someone else is robbed, how does it effect me? If the child of someone else is kidnapped, how does it effect me? I have the responsibility of protecting my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on from destructive value systems. Same-sex marriage is unrighteous, and not ordained by God. Are we not called to do the will of God?  I am also commanded to love my fellow human being. I will continue to do that and teach that. Homosexuality is sin. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Jesus is God.  There is much more.  Please read the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5, verses 1-48.

Just Because You Have A Right......

I am not the author of the following quote.  But I have respected its content ever since I heard it.  To me, it is nothing but truth and common sense.  It recognizes that moral parameters exist.  I used to quote it, at times, when I was a school teacher.  I do not know the name of the author, but here it is:   "Just because you have a right to do something does not mean that doing it is right."

Friday The 13th? No Biggie!

Look, let us make something perfectly clear.  Each day is what you make it.  Yes, we know that every day things happen that are beyond our control.  Regardless of the year, Friday the 13th will come around.  So, what?  Life is what we make it.  Do you really think that  the date will not allow us to determine our own destiny?  Nonsense.  Please do not be superstitious.  Again, life is what we make it.  Have a beautiful day.  Incidentally, I got fired from a job on Friday, June 13th, 1969.  I did not get fired from the job because it was Friday the 13th.  I got fired because I insulted my boss.  It turned out to be the start of a beautiful journey.  For the fourth day is what we make it. And, that is just the way it is.  Have a beautiful day.  Have a beautiful life.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do you Want To Be A Leader?

   It   does not happen because someone appointed you.  It does not happen because someone elected you.  Do you want to be a leader?  Go for it.  Earn  it.  I have five recommendations.  1) Love people. 2)  Be humble.   3)  Have a servant's heart.  4)  Pursue excellence without being arrogant about it.
5) Develop positive relationships (without being a phony, please refer to # 1)  Basically, those 5 are all that you need.  Of course you need to be knowledgeable about your goals and objectives.  Go for it!  Be a leader!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

God Sent Some Rain Today

He will never fail us.  Today is November 3, 2015.  In San Diego today, we got much rain.  It was severely needed.  It is an answer to prayer.  "Mother Nature" did not send the rain.  No such person exists.  Jesus sent the rain.  He sends it at His time.  Did He not say: "If you ask for anything in my name, I will do it?" (Jn. 14:14) He stands by His promises.  He always has.  He always will.  Praise the name of Jesus!