Thursday, December 15, 2016

My Letter To The Editor

On Sunday December 11, 2016: the San Diego Union-Tribune published a letter to the Editor I wrote to them.  However, they did edit it. It was under the heading: "Debate over Christmas celebration goes on." The following is the letter I sent them in it's complete form.  Here is the unedited letter:

"Regarding Mr. Singer's letter posted on 12/5, I just want to say that it is the Christmas season.  The Christmas season does not have anything to do with discrimination against African Americans, foreign nationals Native Americans or Jews. Christmas is all about peace, joy and love for all.  Yes, there is a Christmas spirit.  It is not a "Winter" or "December" spirit.  Yes, it is a "Holiday" spirit.  But, mainly because it is the celebration of the arrival of the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Messiah.  It affects many people, in a positive manner, including non-Christians.  Does not every holiday have a reason for being a holiday?  Well....."Jesus is the reason for the Season."  This event is  powerful.  It should be, it is the fulfillment of God's Prophet, Isaiah in Chapter 9 verse 6.  Check it out. God is a spirit.  He chose to manifest Himself in the flesh.  Why?  Because God is love, and that is what He does.  Merry Christmas!"
Robert Dominguez
Chula Vista

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Celebrities Are Not Political Experts

Most Celebrities, particularly movie stars, want to be liked.  They want to be popular, or continue to be popular.  Therefore, when they are asked about a particular political issue, they tend to answer in a way that they think is the most popular.  Actors are experts in their craft, or should be. They have a following.  They are liked.  They are payed well.  Good for them.  They have worked hard to get to where they are.  I commend them.  I do not hold their fame or wealth against them.  But to glom on to their opinions regarding politics, candidates, and political issues is not wise.  They are not experts.
Do some research.  Study the issues.  Ask people who are in the know.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Politics And Respect

Can I respect you and not agree with your politics?  Of course I can.  Are you not entitled to your opinion?  You are part of a political movement that I do not agree with.  It is immoral.  Have you ever heard of a political movement that does not have opposition?  I am opposed to your political movement.  Please do not be angry.  There is much more to life than politics.  I am commanded by God to love you.  So I do.  I just do not agree with everything you do.  You say what you do is your business. If that were true..........we would not be having this conversation.

A Political Movement Involving Sex

The LGBT community needs to understand that not everyone is riding their bandwagon.  It is nothing but a political movement.  Political movements have opposition.  That is just the way it is.  And it has nothing to do with hatred or intolerance.  Most members of the human race do not agree with such conduct.  That is a fact.  The goal of the LGBT community is to foster and gain power and legitimacy.
What else is new?  That is the nature of a political movement.  But this political movement involves conduct that is immoral.  It is not sanctioned by God.  Perhaps many think that if they yell loud enough, and call certain people plenty of unkind names, that they will automatically cause this type of conduct to be legitimate.  It does not work that way.  It never will.  Can we all get along?  Of course we can.  Just do not expect everyone to agree with everything you do.