Monday, April 7, 2008

The Law of the Flesh

The flesh cannot please God. The flesh has it's own rules and wants. The main rule of the flesh is: "Give me what I want." The flesh demands air, food, water, pleasures, safety, and honor. And then, it proceeds to demand more. This is a problem. But it has a solution. In the final analysis, it is simple: "Walk ye in the Spirit and satisfy not the lusts of the flesh." God knows our flesh has needs. It is His will to take care of those needs. Just let Him do it His way ; through us. We must be involved, we must let Him operate through us. First: give Him your heart, repent. Next, be baptized in His name. Next, be filled with His Spirit. Next, Walk in the Spirit. How does one do that? Good question. It demands an answer. It has an 8 part answer. 1) Love Him
2) Worship Him 3) Talk to Him (pray) 4) Study His word. 5) Obey His word. 6) Serve Him 7)Fellowship with His people. 8) Fellowship with Him. Go for it. The flesh cannot please God. Do you really want to spend your whole life not pleasing God? I am sure you do not.

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