Friday, January 16, 2009

Say No To The Good

Please do not misunderstand the title of this entry. The complete title should read: "Learn to say `no` to the good so you can say `yes` to the best." It is a quote that I read in a small book about leadership. I would like to expand on it. When I refer to "good," I am not talking about goodness, kindness or giving. I believe those are fine concepts but they represent a different meaning of the word. When I speak of "good," I refer to levels of opportunity, pleasure, experience, and the pursuit of objectives, goals, accomplishments. In the first place: Why settle for good when you are capable of the best? Regarding tests, projects, and assignments in school: Is a "C" a good grade? Maybe. Maybe not. Is a "B" a good grade? Maybe. Maybe not. The bottom line here is to sacrifice something that is satisfactory for something that is a great deal better. In matters not necessarily related to school or training, but in relationships, careers, personal growth, the pursuit of success, or achieving purpose in life: there are times when one must reject something good in the hope of acquiring something better or the best. This is certainly not a new idea. You say you passed up an opportunity? An opportunity for what? When you passed up that opportunity; you probably took a step in a positive direction. You need to lose to win sometimes. Postpone or reject a gratification for an achievement of a greater gratification. This is a "law of life." Unfortunately some people never learned it. They never learned it until they were too old, too sick, too poor, or too miserable. Some can bounce back. If they want to. Some cannot bounce back. Even if they want to. You reap what you sow.

1 comment:

Angie said...

This is a good one Dad. Its a good reminder to always do your best and to also pray for's not always easy to know what's a 'good' opportunity, as opposed to a better or even the best opportunity. I think you could probably drive yourself crazy wondering what would have come along if you would have passed up some opportunities and acted on others...
So in an effort to not drive myself nuts, I try to remember that no matter what we do..."we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Rom 8:28

I love you Daddy!!