Thursday, July 30, 2009

Humble Yourself (Part 3)

This is actually my fourth entry on the subject of humility or humbleness. I continue to declare that all the knowledge of all human beings that live, have lived, or ever will live is not greater than the knowledge and the wisdom of God. God owns the blueprint for living. He created it. "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think," is just a small portion of Paul's letter to the Romans. I think most people would view the statement as reality, common sense, and a wise choice. I view it as the eternal Word of God. I repeat: God knows more than all people put together. If you actually think that you are "all that and a bag of chips," I suggest to you that you stop thinking that way; and humble yourself. I can think of two men who recently did not humble themselves; and paid the price. One is named Crowley, the other is named Gates. One is a cop. One is a professor. One yelled at the top of his voice saying(among other things): "You don't know who you are messing with." The other should have just listened and let the man vent. Both men did not humble themselves, therefore, both men were wrong. Charges of racism ensued and the event became a scandal. I was not there. I've only read the reports.
Nevertheless, I know this: "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Prov. 15:1) God is never, never wrong.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Use Of The Word "Stupid." Part 2

Approximately 11 months ago I wrote a blog entry regarding the use of the word "stupid" in conversation, accusation and evaluation. I find it necessary to discuss it again in light of the fact that US President Barak Obama; who is possibly one of the most articulate men to ever occupy the White House; received a great deal of heat for using that word to describe the actions of a certain police officer of the Cambridge Police Dept. The incident in question was the arrest of an African American professor in his own home. He is Professor Gates of Harvard University. Before I go on; I must state that I firmly believe in the freedom of speech. It is freedom of speech and freedom of the press that has helped mold this country into the great country that it is. Nevertheless; the word "stupid" continues to be a word used by angry, bitter, unsophisticated and ignorant persons. People who are free have choices. Especially people who are educated. Barak obama made a poor choice. He suffered the consequences for it. So will anyone else who uses that word too freely. I guarantee it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Philippians 4:13 ? Yes, Yes, Yes !

His name is Tim Tebow. He is a Heisman Trophy winner and a two-time national champion. He is pictured on the cover of the July 27, 2009 issue of Sports Illustrated. Under each of his eyes is expressed a text. I consider that scripture to be one of the most important verses in the life of a Christian. Whatever it may be. Whatever task lies ahead. Whatever responsibility is placed on a person's shoulders. Whenever a person starts to think: "I can't do this; it is just too hard for me." Remember Philippians 4:13; forget the doubting and the doubters. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) I have been preaching the Gospel in the San Diego County jails for 29 years. I quote that verse at every service. I ask every inmate to memorize it and live it. When lived and applied; it is a win, win situation, because you are not alone. You are never, never alone when you live by that creed. Sure, it takes faith. Go for it.

Monday, July 20, 2009


You must be wondering what those 12 letters of the title represent. They represent hard work. They represent dedication to a goal and toward a goal. They represent endurance and discipline. They represent an unwillingness to give up. They represent the maxims: "Winners never quit and quitters never win," and "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Those 12 letters represent the pursuit and the passion for excellence. Those 12 letters represent a willingness to postpone pleasure; a willingness to pay the price. They represent the desire to "get it right." They represent blood, sweat and tears. Those 12 letters remind me of two previous blog entries I have written about Rocky Marciano and Raymond Berry. But the 12 letters go beyond excellence in athletics. They can be applied to all positive fields of endeavor. Those letters represent a recipe for success. I DO NOT HAVE THE NATURAL GIFTS THEREFORE I MUST PRACTICE HARDER.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Abraham Lincoln's Creed

"I believe in God, the Almighty Ruler of nations, our great and merciful Maker, our Father in heaven, who notes the fall of a sparrow and numbers the hairs on our heads. I recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proved by all history that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord. I believe that the will of God prevails. Without him, all human reliance is vain. With that assistance I cannot fail. I have a solemn vow registered in heaven to finish the work I am in, in full view of my responsibility to God, with malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right , as God gives me to see the right." Abraham Lincoln

Recently I heard a US History professor, who is also an author, declare that Abraham Lincoln was an atheist. He made this claim in a lecture with over 300 participants. I found it necessary to present a disclaimer; so I did. RD

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Trip To Gettysburg Was Great

Many thanks to my friends who inquired about my trip to Gettysburg. It was such a memorable experience. I studied at the Civil War Institute of Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania for my third time. The CWI was started in 1983 by Professor Gabor Boritt, a noted Lincoln and Civil War scholar and historian. This year the main theme was "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" and "The Life of Mary Todd Lincoln." I learned that there was a conspiracy to assassinate the 16th President. This conspiracy developed the moment John Wilkes Booth heard a speech by Lincoln that encouraged the idea of allowing educated Blacks to vote. Someone heard Booth say: "That is the last speech he will ever make." I visited Ford's Theatre where Booth shot Lincoln on the night of April 14, 1865. The President died the next morning at 7:22. He died at the Peterson House. A place I also visited. I took a photo of the bed where Lincoln died. Twelve days after Lincoln's death; Booth was surrounded in a burning tobacco barn in the state of Virginia. He was shot through the neck. What a President Lincoln was! I have much more to say about my trip. There will be a part two.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some thoughts about Michael Vick

I will be brief about it. Michael Vick broke the law. He paid his debt to society. He has been punished for his crimes. He has done his time. Give him a chance to play football in the NFL. He needs to be on a football field during the season. He needs to compete with the best because he is one of the best. To prohibit this man from doing what he does best is wrong. It is overkill. Alright, so he mistreated some dogs. Where is the forgiveness? Where is the compassion? Did he kill anyone? Did he pull a gun on someone? PETA and other animal protection activist organizations need to get off their high horses of self-righteousness, and channel their energies to a real moral problem: abortion. They don't need to change their acrostic. Just change the words each letter represents: The new PETA: PREVENTING, ENDING THE ABORTIONS. But such an action would mean exiting the arena of self-righteousness and entering the arena of the pursuit of real righteousness; saving human lives. But that would cause them to leave their comfort zone. Maybe some are willing. Certainly the zeal is there. But why not just leave Michael Vick alone? He paid his dues.