Sunday, July 26, 2009

Use Of The Word "Stupid." Part 2

Approximately 11 months ago I wrote a blog entry regarding the use of the word "stupid" in conversation, accusation and evaluation. I find it necessary to discuss it again in light of the fact that US President Barak Obama; who is possibly one of the most articulate men to ever occupy the White House; received a great deal of heat for using that word to describe the actions of a certain police officer of the Cambridge Police Dept. The incident in question was the arrest of an African American professor in his own home. He is Professor Gates of Harvard University. Before I go on; I must state that I firmly believe in the freedom of speech. It is freedom of speech and freedom of the press that has helped mold this country into the great country that it is. Nevertheless; the word "stupid" continues to be a word used by angry, bitter, unsophisticated and ignorant persons. People who are free have choices. Especially people who are educated. Barak obama made a poor choice. He suffered the consequences for it. So will anyone else who uses that word too freely. I guarantee it.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey Dad. I agree with you partially in that stupid is a word that should not be used too freely and it should not be used in name calling. BUT, I do believe that it is sometimes a very useful and descriptive word to describe some people's actions. In fact, my pastor, whom I love and respect greatly, and who happens to be one of the most articulate and annointed preachers I have ever heard, recently preached an amazing sermon entitled "God is not everywhere". (I know the title sounds bad but you have to listen to it to understand what he meant -- I can get you a copy if you want). Anyway, his first sub title was "God is not in our stupid. He is in our wisdom". That statement, among others, in that same preaching had a profound affect on me and I believe has made me a better Christian (as the word of God should do every time it is preached) and I don't think I will ever forget it. The use of the word stupid was powerful and maybe even necessary for him to make his point. Anyway, you can't say that only angry, bitter, etc. people use that word. That just isn't true. I love you, Dad. Talk to you soon.
