Monday, April 19, 2010

NFL Player: Learn How To Party

These words can be directed to anyone who goes out to bars, night clubs, lounges and other places of entertainment where liquor is served. They can be directed to any professional athlete who earns a very high salary for the work that he does. But I would like to direct it mainly to any NFL player who goes out and drinks and then gets a DUI. I have one question for you: With all of those millions you are earning: can't you call a cab? With all of those millions you are earning: why don't you rent a limo? Are you afraid you might be considered a wimp? Are you afraid you might not be able to show off your new Bentley? Wise up, man. Do it for the fans. Do it for your own career, do it for your team. Your career is in jeopardy anyway, considering the line of work you are in. You are one twist, one fall, one block, one tackle, one hit away from a career ending injury. Why increase the possibility of scandal, accidents, injury, heavy fines, scrutiny, embarrassment, and above all.....death? Why? Think, man think. Consider this: What is more costly: The price of a cab or limo; or the loss of a multimillion dollar career? Better yet: Quit using drugs and liquor...learn how to party. Can't do it? Ask God to help you. He will.

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