Thursday, November 29, 2012
Voting On Good And Evil
The laws of the land are designed to protect rights, property, and people. That is a tall order. I am not a lawyer. I am a layman when it comes to law. But I observe, remember, reflect upon, evaluate and report on things that go on around me. I emphasize the reality that there is a great deal of imperfection all around me. I am part of that imperfection. Nevertheless, we try to do what is right, fair and proper. We believe in freedom. Who decides what is right and what is wrong? I guess......everybody. And everybody makes mistakes. If I were to say to you: "God makes no mistakes." You would probably agree with me. If you asked me if His Word had mistakes, I would say no. However, many who interpret His word make mistakes. Sometimes they take bits and pieces of it and interpret it any way they want to interpret it in order to substantiate or justify some doctrine, teaching, position, idea or persuasion that they hold and want to defend. The big question is what does something said or written really mean? At the risk of sounding arbitrary, must everything be voted on in order to be deemed fair, just and proper? Constitutions, by-laws, laws, guidelines, statutes, agreements, principles, charters and doctrines came about to guide people in their decisions regarding all business in society, be it public, private, and/or personal.
What about the sacred and the secular? What if laws are passed that are evil? What if abortion is encouraged rather than discouraged? What if the majority of a people, using the democratic process, are instrumental in passing a law making it legal for men to marry men and women to marry women? The democratic process is faulty. It always has been. It will continue to be. Nevertheless, I will defend the process. So far, it is generally the best process we can find to suit our needs.
However, during the 1850's, the issue of slavery was a big question/dilemma. The question was asked: Should it be allowed in the new states? Stephen Douglas proposed that the new states just vote. "Let the people decide." Douglas had a nemesis. His name was Abraham Lincoln. This is how he responded to Douglas:
“God did not place good and evil before man telling him to make his choice. On the contrary, He did tell him there was one tree, of the fruit of which he should not eat, upon pain of certain death….I should scarcely wish so strong a prohibition against slavery in Nebraska.” Lincoln was a "man of The Word."
My response is this: The will of the people does not necessarily make a decision right, proper, or God's will. "Popular Sovereignty"? That is what they called it then. Today, for our purposes, I will call it "Pop Decisions" or "Trendy Decisions." Voting on good and evil is different than voting on whether to change the voting age from age 21 to age 18.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A Rape In A High School Gym Restroom
It happened recently in a high school in Tampa, Florida. A gym restroom? It is possibly the most neglected place in the whole school. What can be done to prevent such things from happening in a public school? The gym restroom needs to be patroled. It needs to be patroled often. I know there is a stigma attached to being around those places. Nevertheless, having the students know that someone might be around can possibly prevent a rape. An additional preventative step is to teach the young (particularly young men) the importance of self-control. A reasonable amount of time in a jail cell can assist a young man in helping him to curb sexual attacks. The only body that a young man owns is his own. He may not control another person's body. He must not. At least not in "the land of the free." A rapist is a freedom stealer.
Monday, November 26, 2012
"The process of liberation is continuous." Eric Schaub
The desire for it is natural. But people, society and governments must continue to make sure that it exists and that it is available. Liberty is a two-sided coin. There is a constant force to want to practice it. At the same time there is a constant force to deny its practice. Apparently, it must be this way. The battle to survive in civilization is connected to the battle to allow liberty. The irony of those two battles is this: Freedom has allowed a great deal of creativity, thus enhancing civilization. Freedom has also allowed a variety of actions, including debauchery, decadence and the breakdown of moral parameters. This allowance is capable of ushering in the end of civilization as we know it. The battles must continue. There is no other way.
The desire for it is natural. But people, society and governments must continue to make sure that it exists and that it is available. Liberty is a two-sided coin. There is a constant force to want to practice it. At the same time there is a constant force to deny its practice. Apparently, it must be this way. The battle to survive in civilization is connected to the battle to allow liberty. The irony of those two battles is this: Freedom has allowed a great deal of creativity, thus enhancing civilization. Freedom has also allowed a variety of actions, including debauchery, decadence and the breakdown of moral parameters. This allowance is capable of ushering in the end of civilization as we know it. The battles must continue. There is no other way.
"Abuse No One And No Thing"
One of the reasons some people abuse others is because they are jealous of them. Sometimes the abusers are intelligent people. Sometimes they are bitter because they were never able to achieve anything truly meaningful in spite of their intelligence. For a long time, I have felt that some intelligent people who abuse others are only harming themselves and denying themselves opportunities to arrive at success and many beautiful experiences. Apparently they never learned how to use their intelligence. They never learned how to appreciate it. I suspect that they were guided by a "hurt and hurtful" spirit. They "converted" their intelligence into a tool for abusing others. They traded their intelligence for a cleverness to insult. What a tragedy. What a travesty. What a shame. Such a waste of talent. Such foolishness and confusion. I wonder how many people they harmed besides themselves?
Recently, I read a long poem by a well-known Native-American leader. Just one line inspired me to write what I just wrote. What he wrote was short, powerful, profound and yet simple. It definitely rang a bell.
"Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision."
Truth Is Serious Business
Truth is serious business. Sometimes the problem with it is that it must not be told because it could damage the reputation of someone. It could anger someone. It could injure someone. Sometimes it is not our responsibility to share truths that are injurious. But sometimes it is our responsibility, if it is for the greater good. Truth is very important. It is a double edged sword that can cut both ways. Politicians sometimes play with it. Husbands and wives seek it. Close friends sometimes hide it. Acquaintances sometimes fish for it. Unfortunately, sometimes truth is slanderous. Sometimes it is gossip. If it is gossip, is it true? If it is gossip, should it be repeated? No. If it is going to get out there, do not let it be through you. Please remember that there are people out there that are scandal mongers. Sometimes they are called "busybodies." The irony about them is that the very thing that they need is the truth. But they are not seeking the truth. They are seeking "a truth." They are seeking information to manipulate in order to judge someone. However, the truth eventually comes out about them. The truth is good. "A truth" is not necessarily bad or evil. But for my purposes, in this discourse, I differentiate between the two. The truth is fair. The truth is kind. It is complete. A truth is not. It is incomplete. It can be misunderstood, therefore people often add the "missing parts." Yes, I know, sometimes "the truth hurts." But it also helps. It breaks down barriers. It helps in the pursuit of understanding and enlightenment. The truth is. It just is. Elvis Presley once made a quote about the endurance of the truth. "Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." Truth is precious. Some say that it is the only thing worth having. I am convinced that at the root of broken relationships, divorce, ended friendships and the like, was that people were not truthful with each other. Why? Because the greatest test, the greatest bond between people is the truth between them. You might say no..... it is love. I understand what you mean. How can I disagree? I will disagree this way: Where there is no truth, there is no love. Truth is the forerunner of love. Truth is serious business.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tomorrow I Turn 70
If God permits, tomorrow I will turn 70 years of age. I feel a sense of relief. It is a landmark. It is less than 4 hours away. I am so grateful to God. This would not have happened without Him. I am grateful to my wife and children for all the work and preparation to make my 70th birthday party possible. God bless them all. The party will be really special. I am grateful for all my friends and relatives who will be attending. Thank you all. There won't be any liquor served at my party. But there will be a good time to be had. Jesus will be there. He is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best "wine" I have ever had the privilege of drinking. I have been serving God for 37 years. I have not had a bad day in 37 years. Oh, please do not misunderstand. I have had some unpleasant moments. I have had some serious challenges. But a bad day? No way. And I do not expect any bad days in the future. One day, at work, some guy called me "Pollyanna." It was a perfect opportunity to quote scripture to him. The Word of God is not just ink and paper. The Word of God is alive. It is "Spirit and truth." The Word of God is God. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." His promises are real. God cannot lie. He is holy. He said to me: (and to all who believe) "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He said much, much more. As I said before: God cannot lie. He is holy. Not only that: Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus is the best. The best to all of you.
Monday, November 19, 2012
I Vote Because I Can (Pt. 2)
I vote because I can. I voted because I could. The election is over. We must move on. Please read II Chronicles 7:14, it is applicable to us. Our land, our nation needs healing. The Word of God is clear. 1 Peter 2:17 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3 are clear about this. If someone has a better solution, I sure would like to hear it. The opinions of men are not superior to the eternal Word of God. I am not talking religion, denominations, or organizations. I am talking about the importance of the Word of God and the application of it for the ills of society. The good news..........the Gospel is powerful. It is powerful enough to transform a nation. Pray for this nation. I am not proposing a theocracy. The Vatican, in Rome is a theocracy. This is the United States of America. It is the land of the free. It is the land of the free because the truth has been preached here. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) "If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it." (John 14:14) Yes, I vote because I can. The campaign has ended. Prayer has not ended. It is our lifeline. "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17)
I Vote Because I Can (Pt. 1)
"Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matt. 22:21) Governments of this world are imperfect. The reason they are imperfect is because they are run by human beings. Humans have faults. Therefore, the things they are involved with, organize, run, oversee and manage will have flaws. It stands to reason. This includes governing boards, corporations, administrations of schools, businesses of all kinds, military establishments, religious organizations, volunteer organizations, charities, non profits and even families. Men and women have faults. All of them, with no exceptions. However, this does not mean that among them, do not exist those who are capable of taking charge of huge responsibilities that include vast amounts of property, wealth and persons. In order to do this, they need the support of those who have placed them in authority. I realize that I am speaking in very general terms. But I refer to both the public and private sectors. I speak of leadership. This world needs leaders. It needs good leaders. It needs effective leaders. It needs leaders who have integrity. Where can they get it? From whom can they acquire it? A long, tense and arduous political campaign has just finished. At this point, it does not really matter whether or not we are pleased with the results. What matters is that those leaders are where they are, and we as citizens, are behooved to pray for them. Why? Because God says so. I am aware that no election will ever solve the most basic problems of America. But I am also aware that nothing is impossible for God. Absolutely nothing is impossible for God! We need to pray for our leaders. We need to pray for all that are in authority, at all levels. The greatest authority anywhere is the eternal Word of God. How would we ever know God and what He is about if it were not for His Word? "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." (Ps. 19:7) If the Word of God is perfect, is it not reasonable to believe that what it says can guide a leader? We need to pray for our leaders. The Word of God says to do it. "The authorities that exist are appointed by God." (Rom. 13:1) Please read the whole chapter.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tebow's Team Mates Throw Stones
So some of Tim Tebow's team mates are "throwing stones." Tebow is not responsible for the Jets' sorry record. The Jets have scored less points per game than their opponents. (except for 3 games) The "stoneless" critics who are "throwing stones" are wearing the right color. Why? They are "green with envy." I suspect those who are spewing the verbal abuse are getting paid less than Tebow. The problem with Tebow is that he is not perfect. He is a handy scapegoat for some frustrated players. Incidently, what kind of newspaper is The New York Daily News? Is it a gossip column? I guess not. Just another business trying to make a buck.Here is what Head Coach of the Jets , Rex Ryan had to say about the situation:
"If you're going to make a negative comment, that's fine. We never say that it always has to be a bed of roses. But again, put your name to it. I think people will respect you a lot more."
When asked if he addressed the issue with his team, Ryan responded, "Did I address it? I absolutely addressed it. Because I think it's a cowardly thing. If you're not going to put your name to it, I think that's about as cowardly of a thing as there is. I even mentioned that. I said, 'Look, if …' Well, I don't want to get into specifics of what I said. But I did address it with our football team. I absolutely did."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Real Dangers
I am convinced that we should be cautious about what we think, say and do. Please do not think that I am implying that we should be nervous wrecks and worry about everything, and proceed to live our lives as we were walking on eggs. What I suggest is not really a new idea. "I am my own worst enemy," is not a new saying. Do we have a soul? Do we have a body? Which is more valuable? Which one will last the longest? In short, don't hate people. And don't expect them to be perfect. Can you improve others? Probably not. Can we improve ourselves? Of course we can. We need to want to. Do we have bad habits? Vices? They are able to destroy us. Do not permit it. Self-destructive conduct is not a theory. It is a reality. I think Victor Hugo made a good point:
"Have no fear of robbers or murderers. They are external dangers, petty dangers. We should fear ourselves. Prejudices are the real robbers; vices the real murders. The great dangers are within us. Why worry about what threatens our heads or purses? Let us think instead of what threatens our souls."
Victor Hugo
Thursday, November 8, 2012
You Need To Be Willing, You Need To Want It
You need to be willing. You need to want it. How much are you willing to sacrifice for it.? No doubt, it is out there. Seize it. Know that it is the best thing for you, and that you want it. Go for it. And I mean really go for it. It is going to cost you, but make it fun. Make it fun because you really, really want it. You need to be willing. You need to want it. Because in the end, that is what is going to make the difference.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Vince Lombardi
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Vince Lombardi
A School District Bans Father-Daughter Dances
Two months ago, as a result of the activism of the ACLU, a school district in Cranston, Rhode Island banned all father-daughter dances. This decision came as a result of a single mother's daughter not being allowed to attend such a dance. The single mother complained. The ban was made. The word "ban" and the word "freedom" are often diametrically opposed. It is interesting to me that the word "Liberties" is part of the ACLU's title. I suppose an argument can be made that if the girl with no father would have been allowed to go, there would have been no problem. However, was it not a father-daughter dance? Is it wrong to expect attendance to reflect the theme of the dance? Apparently it is. The father-daughter dance is a tradition. I think some traditions are wrong. Especially some traditions that involve hazing and rituals that are dangerous and unhealthy. However, I do not consider a father-daughter dance a wrong tradition. The ban should not have taken place.
The ACLU does not stand for civil liberties. The ACLU stands for intolerance of reality. Traditions are a reality in our society. I took my son to a father-son banquet. It was a memorable experience. I had a chance to chat with an active NFL player. I also remember when I was in junior high school, a father-son banquet was celebrated. An acquaintance of my parents only had daughters, and he wanted to go. So, he asked my parents if he could "borrow " me to be his "son" for the evening. They said yes, and I had a great time. It was the only banquet of that type I ever attended while in school. I still remember it, even though it was 56 years ago. What is wrong with celebrating these functions? If one is unable to go, don't go. Don't be jealous of someone who may. It is also a learning experience. Be assured, that in the future, that student, as well as all students will grow up and not be able to participate in certain things, for a variety of reasons. It is reality.
The ACLU does not stand for civil liberties. The ACLU stands for intolerance of reality. Traditions are a reality in our society. I took my son to a father-son banquet. It was a memorable experience. I had a chance to chat with an active NFL player. I also remember when I was in junior high school, a father-son banquet was celebrated. An acquaintance of my parents only had daughters, and he wanted to go. So, he asked my parents if he could "borrow " me to be his "son" for the evening. They said yes, and I had a great time. It was the only banquet of that type I ever attended while in school. I still remember it, even though it was 56 years ago. What is wrong with celebrating these functions? If one is unable to go, don't go. Don't be jealous of someone who may. It is also a learning experience. Be assured, that in the future, that student, as well as all students will grow up and not be able to participate in certain things, for a variety of reasons. It is reality.
My Preface To A Lincoln Quote About Slavery
How do we determine what is right and what is wrong? Who makes the rules? Governments, laws, those in power? Yes indeed. It is a constant battle. Right and wrong will always be with us because chaos constantly knocks. Disorder is often clothed with the garment of curiosity. Selfishness and mistreatment of others can usually be kept in check if the awareness, desire, and ability to do so exists. Abraham Lincoln is known as "The Great Emancipator." He knew slavery was wrong. But he also knew that it benefitted a certain group of influential citizens. It was an economic system. It still is in some parts of the world. The following quote demonstrates to me, the arrogance of certain people. Some people cannot work because they are sick. Some people do not work because they are lazy. This is wrong. Sometimes it is veiled with the attitude: "I am waiting for a certain type of work that really suits me." I just have one question: In the mean time, who is going to support you? Invariably, the truthful answer is.......somebody else. Although it may not be the answer you get. I repeat my point.......laziness is wrong. Reliability is right. Being responsible for your assigned duties is right. Being punctual is right. Being cooperative is right. Putting in a "good day's work" is right. I could go on and on. Instead, I will just quote Abraham Lincoln.
"It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time and will ever continue to struggle. It is the same spirit that says, "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it."
Monday, November 5, 2012
"If Honor Be Your Clothing"
This world has many people who worry a great deal about their image. Be it clothing, political party, political persuasion, trendy thinking, books read or movies one has seen, hobbies, income, college attended, occupation, friends, acquaintances, where one lives, the car one drives, and the list goes on. So many worried about what "others think." I will tell you what really matters............ WHAT DOES GOD THINK? That is what really matters. Are we living honorable lives? Is the superficial the most important part? Does the TV sitcom dictate to us our value system. I think not. I hope not.
A 19th Century, Scottish preacher and theological writer by the name of William D. Arnot put it this way:
"If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare."
A 19th Century, Scottish preacher and theological writer by the name of William D. Arnot put it this way:
"If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare."
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Society And Government
I will keep it simple. Society and government are not the same. Sometimes there is confusion. The main reason that there is confusion is because many believe that whatever the government does is right, morally correct and in the best interest of the people (or society). Something else that might add to the confusion is the idea that the government "does the will of the people." Does the government do the will of the people? One of the best things government can do, is to allow me the privilege to pursue my own destiny. This is more commonly referred to as freedom. Freedom in society? Freedom and society? Now, that can be pretty challenging. Is government doing an okay job with that? You be the judge.
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