Monday, November 5, 2012

"If Honor Be Your Clothing"

This world has many people who worry a great deal about their image.  Be it clothing, political party, political persuasion, trendy thinking, books read or movies one has seen, hobbies, income, college attended, occupation, friends, acquaintances, where one lives,  the car one drives, and the list goes on.  So many worried about what "others think." I will tell you what really matters............ WHAT DOES GOD THINK?  That is what really matters.  Are we living honorable lives?   Is the superficial the most important part?  Does the TV sitcom dictate to us our value system.  I think not.  I hope not.

A 19th Century, Scottish preacher and theological writer by the name of William D. Arnot put it this way:

"If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare."

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