Saturday, December 8, 2012

Two Sad Days At West Point

I am convinced that The United States Military Academy at West Point is the greatest military training facility on the planet Earth.  It was officially established in March of 1802.  What a glorious history it has.  What excellent training it offers.  It has a curriculum that offers training/teaching in the areas of academics, the military, physical, and moral and ethical training.  I am of the persuasion that it has prepared  and continues to prepare our nation's greatest military leaders.  But alas, all great institutions have their sad days.   For two weekends in a row, in late November, West point has hosted two same-sex wedding ceremonies.  One in the Cadet Chapel, it is the landmark Gothic church that is reputed to be a center for spiritual life at the Academy.  The other ceremony was held in the Old Cadet Chapel in West Point's cemetery.  Both couples were females.   I suppose all were "brides."  All 4 women know each other.  They are friends.
This is sad news as far as I am concerned.  However, I see one good result, I am determined to pray harder for this great nation, for our leaders, citizens, inhabitants and all of our institutions.  Homosexuality and lesbianism are sins before God.   I wonder how the military chaplains are responding to this rejection of God's Word?    "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for EVEN THEIR WOMEN DID CHANGE THE NATURAL USE INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE."  (caps. mine)
(Rom. 1: 26) King James Bible. 
Think about it, God says it is against nature.  The government supporting and facilitating "vile affections"?  .
This is a serious mistake.  Do we know more than God knows about marriage and relationships?  Where do you stand?

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