Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some People Cannot Apologize, Forgive Them Anyway

I know some people, perhaps many, will not agree with me.  Nevertheless, I believe that what I am saying is true.  It is the better road to take.  Forget about pride.  "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty look before a fall."  (Prov. 16:18)  Do not allow a wrong (or wrongs) suffered to control you and eat away at your well-being.  Life has far too much to offer.  I am not saying to anyone to be unrealistic, masochistic or unreasonable with yourself.  I am saying......we must forgive.  You have a great deal going for you.  This is probably the reason someone did you wrong.  You are not perfect.  You may or may have not  made a mistake.  Someone lowered the boom.  They may have done you wrong to express their jealousy of you while trying to veil it.  Forgiveness should not be accompanied with feelings of expectations that the offender should apologize or change his/her ways.  Don't worry if they understand or not, or if they feel contrite.  You have a life to live.  You have choices.   Many new adventures and experiences await.  Forgive those people.  Love them.  I am not necessarily suggesting that they become your best friends, either.  They are probably gone. Let them go.  Refusing to forgive is a poor substitute for comfort.  It is a form of vengeance.  Vengeance does not belong to us.  It belongs to God.  Some people cannot apologize.  They have not been taught to do so, or they have just been taught wrong.  Maybe they have too much pride.  Forgive them anyway.

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