Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Freedom Of Speech Continues Anyway

Human and civil rights are fought for. They must be defended. They must never be taken for granted. And it must not be assumed that everyone throughout the world understands or respects them. It is a shame to hear that today, two terrorists/assailants/murderers forced their way into the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine that specializes in satire, and murdered 12 people. What an atrocity. This is not the defense of religion, it is insanity. Those murdered were writers, editors and cartoonists. It is believed that this is an act of vengeance because Charlie Hebdo had published a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed in 2011. I believe this: If you do not like what is printed or published in a magazine or newspaper, contact them and let them know what you think of what they have published. This is what is usually done among civilized and reasonable people. One must not murder because he disagrees. Freedom can be costly, particularly freedom of the press. It must continue anyway. It must. And murderers must be brought to justice. This is how civilized society operates.

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