Monday, August 24, 2015

Denver Chick Filet Haters

Apparently someone in Denver does not want Chick-Fil-A to set up shop at the Denver airport. Why? Because the owners are Christians who do not believe in same-sex marriage. Here is my response to the Chic-Filet haters.

What is happening to freedom in this great country? Are people not entitled to practice their faith, have opinions and points of view? Chick-fil-A is harming nobody. They are being discriminated against just because the ownership holds Biblical beliefs. Part of the problem is jealousy. Those who do not agree with CFA’s faith are insanely jealous of their financial success. Keep it up Chick-fil-A, keep it up! You are a beacon of light in our society! Not only that, every school of business within the illustrious universities of our beautiful nation should require their students to hear presentations given by representatives of CFA, before they earn their undergraduate degrees. Why? Because “nothing succeeds like success!”

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