Recently I read an article online about some public schools in Oregon. They are ready to defend any female who "thinks she is a male" and vice versa. Lawyers warned parents of students that schools could be sued if the schools did not comply for allowing transgenders to use the restrooms and locker rooms of "their choice." Here is my response to that article.
“Lawyers warn” is the key part to the title of this article.
Our society is a “wounded animal.” I respect the legal profession. Some lawyers
are heroes. But, might some lawyers be like vultures? The wounded animal is
kicking in a societal desert of ridiculousness and ignorance. Are the vultures
circling? There is absolutely no reason to defend the “right of a male” to use
a restroom intended for females. And vice versa. Lawyers, please stay away from
this issue unless you are defending decency and common sense. It is an old non
issue. Please read the Epistle of Paul to the Romans Chapter 1 and particularly
verses 18 to 28. Who is the author of righteousness, correctness and
appropriateness? “It is impossible to govern a nation without the use of the
Bible.” (George Washington) Am I intolerant? No. I just do not agree with
everything people do. Do you? “He who stands for nothing will fall for
everything.” Incidentally, A person’s gender was assigned to him or her the day
he or she was born.
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