Friday, April 21, 2017

UC Berkeley: Let Freedom Ring

UC Berkeley: You are known for being a haven for free speech. However, apparently, free speech is only applicable for those who are left wing.  Do you realize that  your decision to cancel Ann Coulter's visit is an act of tyranny and anti-freedom.  You need to stop doing this.  Did you do it to avoid a riot?  Get better security then.  Is conservative speech too dangerous?  If your answer is yes, my next question is: What has happened to freedom of speech on your campus?  UC Berkeley: Let freedom ring.  Freedom is too precious.  The cost to acquire it has been high.  It is immature, unlawful and ridiculous to be intimidated by law breakers and destroyers of property who are doing such things just because they do not agree with a speaker's words.  Stop the "freedom stoppers." Arrest them. Let people speak.  Let freedom ring.

"I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it."
(Voltaire)   (Evelyn Hall)

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