England is a great nation. It has shown hospitality London is a great city. It was attacked by a Syrian migrant. It needs revival. It needs the genuine power of God. It needs the Word of God. It needs to embrace the promises of God. As I see it, the same war is going on in many places. It is spiritual
warfare. It is the job of the secular government to protect the citizens against those who use weapons to kill and maim. That is natural/human/national warfare. But it is not spiritual warfare. It is the responsibility of Christian believers to practice their faith with power. Why? Because the "weapons of our warfare are not carnal." (ll Cor. 10:4) Certain Muslim extremists practice their faith by the use of natural/physical warfare. Blowing up buildings is not acceptable. Who benefits from that? Nobody. Being hospitable?
Being kind? Sharing/obeying the Word? Yes to all 3. I am not proposing that England or any nation, become a theocracy. The US has survived so far as a democratic/republic. The freedoms of assembly, speech, the press, and religion have worked very well in this country. One "freedom" that has NEVER
legitimately existed here is the freedom of BTWIDOD. Which translated, means: "Believe the way I do or die."
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