Monday, December 31, 2012
2013.......The Best Yet
Life is what you make it. 2013 will be what we make it. John Maxwell told us "Make every day a masterpiece." That is what I intend to do. Although I do not plan on it, mistakes will be made along the way. I just need to do better. Improve, improve, improve. That will be one of my mantras. The best to you too.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
If Jesus Wept For Lazarus..............
Three days ago, a man I truly admired passed away. He was my father-in-law, Art Lopez. What a man he was. What an example for others to follow. The night before he went home to see his maker, I was sitting next to him. I spoke to him. I also shared several positive stories about him. Afterward, with the piano playing, we proceeded to sing his favorite hymn, "Fuente De Misericordia." It was composed by a dear friend of his, who went home to see the Lord several years ago. During the hymn, I remembered how kind and respectful Art always was with me. I started sobbing. No problem. "Jesus wept." If Jesus wept for Lazarus..........I can weep for Art.
Omnipotent Moral Busybodies?
C. S. Lewis wrote, “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under Omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
"Omnipotent moral busybodies? I am not sure what Lewis meant by that term, but it grabs my attention. Maybe he meant lawmakers who need to stay busy. Or do-gooders guided by their opinions only. Maybe he meant intellectuals who think that by using only human reason and human reasoning, they can help create a better world. Or perhaps he was referring to activists who refuse to consider the greatest guide to morality: The eternal Word of God. These thinkers/moralists will never replace God's ideas for right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. What is fair? What is balanced? One might say: "Well, it depends what century you are living in." It is a point well taken. But some things never change. I will march to the drum-beat of things tested and true. Foolish legislation and Hollywood will not dictate to me how I am supposed to think. It is not about arrogance and pride. It is not because I, as a person, think that I am superior to others. Be it far from me to think that way. However, the greatest teacher of all time and place told me that I am the "light of the world." With all my faults: I will take it, I will live it. "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Ps. 119:105)
"Omnipotent moral busybodies? I am not sure what Lewis meant by that term, but it grabs my attention. Maybe he meant lawmakers who need to stay busy. Or do-gooders guided by their opinions only. Maybe he meant intellectuals who think that by using only human reason and human reasoning, they can help create a better world. Or perhaps he was referring to activists who refuse to consider the greatest guide to morality: The eternal Word of God. These thinkers/moralists will never replace God's ideas for right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. What is fair? What is balanced? One might say: "Well, it depends what century you are living in." It is a point well taken. But some things never change. I will march to the drum-beat of things tested and true. Foolish legislation and Hollywood will not dictate to me how I am supposed to think. It is not about arrogance and pride. It is not because I, as a person, think that I am superior to others. Be it far from me to think that way. However, the greatest teacher of all time and place told me that I am the "light of the world." With all my faults: I will take it, I will live it. "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Ps. 119:105)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The School Shootings And Abortion
Abortion is wrong. No innocent child deserves to die. If his dad was a rapist, that does not make the child guilty of any crime. How in the world did we get so calloused to arrive at the conclusion that killing babies is okay? Tolerance or intolerance? It is intolerance. Intolerance toward human life. Do we really care about dead children? A crazed young man kills 20 children (and 7 adults, including himself). All of a sudden we hear a cry for stricter gun control laws. Abortion kills 3000 children every day in this country. Who is defending them? There are 104 thousand reasons (at least for this year) for why those 20 children were massacred. Society is screaming out: It is okay to kill children! So what is the big deal!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Taking Guns Away From The Citizenry
Taking guns away from the citizenry is dangerous and would interfere with the pursuit of peace. Just because a deranged young man massacred children (with guns that did not belong to him), and with guns he had no permission to use at the time he used them is no reason to take guns away from responsible persons. I have used weapons, I am a former soldier. But I have never owned a weapon nor do I plan to own one. However, the suggested solutions that have been offered lately to prevent a massacre of this type from happening again are not acceptable if they involve the prohibition of gun ownership. Better security measures will provide greater safety in our schools. Voluntary prayers are also very important.
Sandy Hook/ Prayer Debate
Recently, Miles Mcpherson, Pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego wrote an article in the SDUT about prayer and the importance of it in the aftermath of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre. Some critics responded to his article. They offered no solutions, only criticisms. One sounded like an atheist, another sounded like he believed in multitudes of gods. I did not agree with them. Here is my letter to the newspaper. It did not get published.
It is interesting to note that Sanford J. Madigan offered absolutely no suggestion that would attempt to prevent another Sandy Hook massacre. All he did was criticize Pastor Mcpherson's article. The Pastor was in no way attempting to "exploit the Sandy Hook tragedy." He was offering a powerful suggestion, and not a foolish one. Prayers of faith are powerful. And God is not an "unseen dictator." "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." (Ps. 14:1) Also, I suggest we all read II Chron. 7:14. It is for us today. And Mr. Mullin: "Whose God?" There is only one. Please do not believe that old lie that there are many gods. There is only one God. Please read Isaiah 9:6. It is particularly relevant this month. There is only one "mighty God."
Robert Dominguez
Chula Vista
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The following letter was sent by me to Town Hall as a response to an article that dealt with a male student who was hazed at a high school in the boy's PE locker room. A pencil was stuck up his anus. Most of the responses to this letter were positive. However, oddly enough, some respondents did not agree with my evaluation of the situation. They had a "boys will be boys" perspective. I say no way. I say "boys will be taught to not do extremely foolish and dangerous things."
"Hazing may be a tradition in some areas, but it needs to stop. A person's body is not the "toy " of someone else. Especially in a public school, and especially the type of hazing that took place. Hazing needs to stop. It is criminal behavior. Leave people alone. Conduct your activities. Play your sports. Learn, grow, participate. Stay away from the anuses of others. Yes, stay away. Respect others. Fire teachers and coaches who encourage perversity. These matters are particularly affected due to the facility of taking photos with a cell phone." RD
"Hazing may be a tradition in some areas, but it needs to stop. A person's body is not the "toy " of someone else. Especially in a public school, and especially the type of hazing that took place. Hazing needs to stop. It is criminal behavior. Leave people alone. Conduct your activities. Play your sports. Learn, grow, participate. Stay away from the anuses of others. Yes, stay away. Respect others. Fire teachers and coaches who encourage perversity. These matters are particularly affected due to the facility of taking photos with a cell phone." RD
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Gun Carrying Asst. Principal
In 1972 I worked at a high school in South Central Los Angeles. Believe it or not, the Asst. Principal packed a 38 special in a shoulder holster. I had no idea whether there was an official policy regarding this practice, and I did not bother to ask. I remember he pulled his gun out one day and marched an unruly gang member to the office. That particular school experienced shootings and actual gunfights. One particular student was allowed to carry a weapon in a briefcase because he feared for his life. While I was there, no students lost their lives through gunfire at school, however some did get wounded. At that time the school enrollment was 100% Black.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Newspapers Get A Bad Rap, I Agree
The media is generally liberal. Newspapers often leave things out. They leave news out that is relevant. Often times when a newspaper writes, it writes what it wants to and not what acually happened or what was actually said. Is not a newspaper a "news" paper? So.....write the news. Below are just three of many, many quotes made against what newspapers have done (or not done).
"A newspaper has three things to do.
One is to amuse, another is to entertain
and the rest is to mislead."
Ernest Bevin British Foreign Minister
"Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction.
Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) British essayist, critic, poet, and novelist
"In the United States there is no phenomenon more threatening to
popular government than the unwillingness of newspapers to give the facts to their readers."
Nelson Antrim Crawford (1888-1963) American writer, editor, author
"A newspaper has three things to do.
One is to amuse, another is to entertain
and the rest is to mislead."
Ernest Bevin British Foreign Minister
"Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction.
Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) British essayist, critic, poet, and novelist
"In the United States there is no phenomenon more threatening to
popular government than the unwillingness of newspapers to give the facts to their readers."
Nelson Antrim Crawford (1888-1963) American writer, editor, author
Same-sex Marriage Nixed In Nevada
Heterosexual marriage is the foundation of society, and the state of Nevada has chosen to uphold it. Same sex marriage is neither recognized nor valid in the state of Nevada. How would Nevada benefit if same-sex marriage were legal? Is it a civil rights issue? No. Nevada offers domestic partnerships to same-sex couples. I know what many same-sex couples want. They want their marriage to eventually achieve legitimacy. Some things are legal and legitimate. Some things are legal and illegitimate. For example: abortion is legal, but it is an illegitimate way to end a life. Same-sex marriage is a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron. It cannot be marriage. It will never be marriage. You can call it that if you want to, but it does not make it so. Apparently, Nevada understands that.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tonya Reaves
Maybe it was on CNN. I didn't see it. Maybe it was a headline somewhere. I didn't see it if it was. A few months ago, A Black young woman died on a Planned Parenthood-referred operating table. She was getting a second trimester abortion. Mistakes were made by the abortionists. Tonya bled to death. The autopsy revealed that a Chicago area Planned Parenthood killed the 24-year old woman in a botched abortion. Why was this not on the news? Is there an on-going cover-up of Planned Parenthood's actions?
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Two Sad Days At West Point
I am convinced that The United States Military Academy at West Point is the greatest military training facility on the planet Earth. It was officially established in March of 1802. What a glorious history it has. What excellent training it offers. It has a curriculum that offers training/teaching in the areas of academics, the military, physical, and moral and ethical training. I am of the persuasion that it has prepared and continues to prepare our nation's greatest military leaders. But alas, all great institutions have their sad days. For two weekends in a row, in late November, West point has hosted two same-sex wedding ceremonies. One in the Cadet Chapel, it is the landmark Gothic church that is reputed to be a center for spiritual life at the Academy. The other ceremony was held in the Old Cadet Chapel in West Point's cemetery. Both couples were females. I suppose all were "brides." All 4 women know each other. They are friends.
This is sad news as far as I am concerned. However, I see one good result, I am determined to pray harder for this great nation, for our leaders, citizens, inhabitants and all of our institutions. Homosexuality and lesbianism are sins before God. I wonder how the military chaplains are responding to this rejection of God's Word? "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for EVEN THEIR WOMEN DID CHANGE THE NATURAL USE INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE." (caps. mine)
(Rom. 1: 26) King James Bible.
Think about it, God says it is against nature. The government supporting and facilitating "vile affections"? .
This is a serious mistake. Do we know more than God knows about marriage and relationships? Where do you stand?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Those Who Cast The Votes
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
Josef Stalin
It would be great if everyone in government (our government leaders) were honest, full of integrity and untarnished. Sorry, but that is not going to happen. I am not bitter, hateful or outright distrustful of government. It is just full of human beings. Some are extremely arrogant, egocentric and have a type of phony righteousness about them. Power harms them. Power corrupts them. But we must have government. There is no other way. We must have government, even it it is crooked. When we find crooked politicians, expose them....get them out. We need to deal with things the way they are, not the way we wish they were. It is a tough job. It can be confusing. It is not an ideal world. People need order. Well then, how about having a theocracy? No. We do not need theocracies to run national governments because there is too much false religion out there. Religion that steals your liberty. Religion that lies to you. Religion making false proclamations and premises. Religion with heirarchies who claim to not have them, or religion with too many secrets about their leaders and leadership. The fact of the matter is that even religious leaderships can be corrupt. Nevertheless, no leadership that claims to use the democratic process to fill its' positions need abide by the way Stalin proposed.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
Josef Stalin
It would be great if everyone in government (our government leaders) were honest, full of integrity and untarnished. Sorry, but that is not going to happen. I am not bitter, hateful or outright distrustful of government. It is just full of human beings. Some are extremely arrogant, egocentric and have a type of phony righteousness about them. Power harms them. Power corrupts them. But we must have government. There is no other way. We must have government, even it it is crooked. When we find crooked politicians, expose them....get them out. We need to deal with things the way they are, not the way we wish they were. It is a tough job. It can be confusing. It is not an ideal world. People need order. Well then, how about having a theocracy? No. We do not need theocracies to run national governments because there is too much false religion out there. Religion that steals your liberty. Religion that lies to you. Religion making false proclamations and premises. Religion with heirarchies who claim to not have them, or religion with too many secrets about their leaders and leadership. The fact of the matter is that even religious leaderships can be corrupt. Nevertheless, no leadership that claims to use the democratic process to fill its' positions need abide by the way Stalin proposed.
Words Of Chief Tecumseh
The following poem is from a movie entitled "Act of Valor." This particular poem truly caught my attention.
"Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about his religion.
Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and of service to your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,
or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light,
for your life, for your strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.
When your time comes to die,
be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death,
so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time
to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."
A Christian Is A Soldier
It is a good fight. It always will be until we are with our King. A good fight is a fight we win. When we pass over to the other side, and the battle in this flesh ends, the fight will be over. Then we will truly reap the benefits of war. Then we will truly reap the benefits of obedience and faithfulness. Will we have been wounded? Of course. How can one pursue a life of righteousness and holiness without getting wounded? But they are good wounds. They are wounds that build, not tear down. They are wounds that heal, restore and instruct. What if one surrenders to the enemy? He is then guilty of rejecting the one who truly loves, protects, provides for, restores and guides. He chooses to reject the truth. He chooses to reject the best way of existing. He chooses to reject life. He threw his weapons away when he rejected the truth. Could there possibly be a bigger mistake made? No.
“In heaven we shall appear, not in armour, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work, and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ.”
(William Gurnall)
“In heaven we shall appear, not in armour, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work, and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ.”
(William Gurnall)
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Voting On Good And Evil
The laws of the land are designed to protect rights, property, and people. That is a tall order. I am not a lawyer. I am a layman when it comes to law. But I observe, remember, reflect upon, evaluate and report on things that go on around me. I emphasize the reality that there is a great deal of imperfection all around me. I am part of that imperfection. Nevertheless, we try to do what is right, fair and proper. We believe in freedom. Who decides what is right and what is wrong? I guess......everybody. And everybody makes mistakes. If I were to say to you: "God makes no mistakes." You would probably agree with me. If you asked me if His Word had mistakes, I would say no. However, many who interpret His word make mistakes. Sometimes they take bits and pieces of it and interpret it any way they want to interpret it in order to substantiate or justify some doctrine, teaching, position, idea or persuasion that they hold and want to defend. The big question is what does something said or written really mean? At the risk of sounding arbitrary, must everything be voted on in order to be deemed fair, just and proper? Constitutions, by-laws, laws, guidelines, statutes, agreements, principles, charters and doctrines came about to guide people in their decisions regarding all business in society, be it public, private, and/or personal.
What about the sacred and the secular? What if laws are passed that are evil? What if abortion is encouraged rather than discouraged? What if the majority of a people, using the democratic process, are instrumental in passing a law making it legal for men to marry men and women to marry women? The democratic process is faulty. It always has been. It will continue to be. Nevertheless, I will defend the process. So far, it is generally the best process we can find to suit our needs.
However, during the 1850's, the issue of slavery was a big question/dilemma. The question was asked: Should it be allowed in the new states? Stephen Douglas proposed that the new states just vote. "Let the people decide." Douglas had a nemesis. His name was Abraham Lincoln. This is how he responded to Douglas:
“God did not place good and evil before man telling him to make his choice. On the contrary, He did tell him there was one tree, of the fruit of which he should not eat, upon pain of certain death….I should scarcely wish so strong a prohibition against slavery in Nebraska.” Lincoln was a "man of The Word."
My response is this: The will of the people does not necessarily make a decision right, proper, or God's will. "Popular Sovereignty"? That is what they called it then. Today, for our purposes, I will call it "Pop Decisions" or "Trendy Decisions." Voting on good and evil is different than voting on whether to change the voting age from age 21 to age 18.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A Rape In A High School Gym Restroom
It happened recently in a high school in Tampa, Florida. A gym restroom? It is possibly the most neglected place in the whole school. What can be done to prevent such things from happening in a public school? The gym restroom needs to be patroled. It needs to be patroled often. I know there is a stigma attached to being around those places. Nevertheless, having the students know that someone might be around can possibly prevent a rape. An additional preventative step is to teach the young (particularly young men) the importance of self-control. A reasonable amount of time in a jail cell can assist a young man in helping him to curb sexual attacks. The only body that a young man owns is his own. He may not control another person's body. He must not. At least not in "the land of the free." A rapist is a freedom stealer.
Monday, November 26, 2012
"The process of liberation is continuous." Eric Schaub
The desire for it is natural. But people, society and governments must continue to make sure that it exists and that it is available. Liberty is a two-sided coin. There is a constant force to want to practice it. At the same time there is a constant force to deny its practice. Apparently, it must be this way. The battle to survive in civilization is connected to the battle to allow liberty. The irony of those two battles is this: Freedom has allowed a great deal of creativity, thus enhancing civilization. Freedom has also allowed a variety of actions, including debauchery, decadence and the breakdown of moral parameters. This allowance is capable of ushering in the end of civilization as we know it. The battles must continue. There is no other way.
The desire for it is natural. But people, society and governments must continue to make sure that it exists and that it is available. Liberty is a two-sided coin. There is a constant force to want to practice it. At the same time there is a constant force to deny its practice. Apparently, it must be this way. The battle to survive in civilization is connected to the battle to allow liberty. The irony of those two battles is this: Freedom has allowed a great deal of creativity, thus enhancing civilization. Freedom has also allowed a variety of actions, including debauchery, decadence and the breakdown of moral parameters. This allowance is capable of ushering in the end of civilization as we know it. The battles must continue. There is no other way.
"Abuse No One And No Thing"
One of the reasons some people abuse others is because they are jealous of them. Sometimes the abusers are intelligent people. Sometimes they are bitter because they were never able to achieve anything truly meaningful in spite of their intelligence. For a long time, I have felt that some intelligent people who abuse others are only harming themselves and denying themselves opportunities to arrive at success and many beautiful experiences. Apparently they never learned how to use their intelligence. They never learned how to appreciate it. I suspect that they were guided by a "hurt and hurtful" spirit. They "converted" their intelligence into a tool for abusing others. They traded their intelligence for a cleverness to insult. What a tragedy. What a travesty. What a shame. Such a waste of talent. Such foolishness and confusion. I wonder how many people they harmed besides themselves?
Recently, I read a long poem by a well-known Native-American leader. Just one line inspired me to write what I just wrote. What he wrote was short, powerful, profound and yet simple. It definitely rang a bell.
"Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision."
Truth Is Serious Business
Truth is serious business. Sometimes the problem with it is that it must not be told because it could damage the reputation of someone. It could anger someone. It could injure someone. Sometimes it is not our responsibility to share truths that are injurious. But sometimes it is our responsibility, if it is for the greater good. Truth is very important. It is a double edged sword that can cut both ways. Politicians sometimes play with it. Husbands and wives seek it. Close friends sometimes hide it. Acquaintances sometimes fish for it. Unfortunately, sometimes truth is slanderous. Sometimes it is gossip. If it is gossip, is it true? If it is gossip, should it be repeated? No. If it is going to get out there, do not let it be through you. Please remember that there are people out there that are scandal mongers. Sometimes they are called "busybodies." The irony about them is that the very thing that they need is the truth. But they are not seeking the truth. They are seeking "a truth." They are seeking information to manipulate in order to judge someone. However, the truth eventually comes out about them. The truth is good. "A truth" is not necessarily bad or evil. But for my purposes, in this discourse, I differentiate between the two. The truth is fair. The truth is kind. It is complete. A truth is not. It is incomplete. It can be misunderstood, therefore people often add the "missing parts." Yes, I know, sometimes "the truth hurts." But it also helps. It breaks down barriers. It helps in the pursuit of understanding and enlightenment. The truth is. It just is. Elvis Presley once made a quote about the endurance of the truth. "Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." Truth is precious. Some say that it is the only thing worth having. I am convinced that at the root of broken relationships, divorce, ended friendships and the like, was that people were not truthful with each other. Why? Because the greatest test, the greatest bond between people is the truth between them. You might say no..... it is love. I understand what you mean. How can I disagree? I will disagree this way: Where there is no truth, there is no love. Truth is the forerunner of love. Truth is serious business.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tomorrow I Turn 70
If God permits, tomorrow I will turn 70 years of age. I feel a sense of relief. It is a landmark. It is less than 4 hours away. I am so grateful to God. This would not have happened without Him. I am grateful to my wife and children for all the work and preparation to make my 70th birthday party possible. God bless them all. The party will be really special. I am grateful for all my friends and relatives who will be attending. Thank you all. There won't be any liquor served at my party. But there will be a good time to be had. Jesus will be there. He is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best "wine" I have ever had the privilege of drinking. I have been serving God for 37 years. I have not had a bad day in 37 years. Oh, please do not misunderstand. I have had some unpleasant moments. I have had some serious challenges. But a bad day? No way. And I do not expect any bad days in the future. One day, at work, some guy called me "Pollyanna." It was a perfect opportunity to quote scripture to him. The Word of God is not just ink and paper. The Word of God is alive. It is "Spirit and truth." The Word of God is God. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." His promises are real. God cannot lie. He is holy. He said to me: (and to all who believe) "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He said much, much more. As I said before: God cannot lie. He is holy. Not only that: Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus is the best. The best to all of you.
Monday, November 19, 2012
I Vote Because I Can (Pt. 2)
I vote because I can. I voted because I could. The election is over. We must move on. Please read II Chronicles 7:14, it is applicable to us. Our land, our nation needs healing. The Word of God is clear. 1 Peter 2:17 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3 are clear about this. If someone has a better solution, I sure would like to hear it. The opinions of men are not superior to the eternal Word of God. I am not talking religion, denominations, or organizations. I am talking about the importance of the Word of God and the application of it for the ills of society. The good news..........the Gospel is powerful. It is powerful enough to transform a nation. Pray for this nation. I am not proposing a theocracy. The Vatican, in Rome is a theocracy. This is the United States of America. It is the land of the free. It is the land of the free because the truth has been preached here. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) "If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it." (John 14:14) Yes, I vote because I can. The campaign has ended. Prayer has not ended. It is our lifeline. "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17)
I Vote Because I Can (Pt. 1)
"Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matt. 22:21) Governments of this world are imperfect. The reason they are imperfect is because they are run by human beings. Humans have faults. Therefore, the things they are involved with, organize, run, oversee and manage will have flaws. It stands to reason. This includes governing boards, corporations, administrations of schools, businesses of all kinds, military establishments, religious organizations, volunteer organizations, charities, non profits and even families. Men and women have faults. All of them, with no exceptions. However, this does not mean that among them, do not exist those who are capable of taking charge of huge responsibilities that include vast amounts of property, wealth and persons. In order to do this, they need the support of those who have placed them in authority. I realize that I am speaking in very general terms. But I refer to both the public and private sectors. I speak of leadership. This world needs leaders. It needs good leaders. It needs effective leaders. It needs leaders who have integrity. Where can they get it? From whom can they acquire it? A long, tense and arduous political campaign has just finished. At this point, it does not really matter whether or not we are pleased with the results. What matters is that those leaders are where they are, and we as citizens, are behooved to pray for them. Why? Because God says so. I am aware that no election will ever solve the most basic problems of America. But I am also aware that nothing is impossible for God. Absolutely nothing is impossible for God! We need to pray for our leaders. We need to pray for all that are in authority, at all levels. The greatest authority anywhere is the eternal Word of God. How would we ever know God and what He is about if it were not for His Word? "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." (Ps. 19:7) If the Word of God is perfect, is it not reasonable to believe that what it says can guide a leader? We need to pray for our leaders. The Word of God says to do it. "The authorities that exist are appointed by God." (Rom. 13:1) Please read the whole chapter.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tebow's Team Mates Throw Stones
So some of Tim Tebow's team mates are "throwing stones." Tebow is not responsible for the Jets' sorry record. The Jets have scored less points per game than their opponents. (except for 3 games) The "stoneless" critics who are "throwing stones" are wearing the right color. Why? They are "green with envy." I suspect those who are spewing the verbal abuse are getting paid less than Tebow. The problem with Tebow is that he is not perfect. He is a handy scapegoat for some frustrated players. Incidently, what kind of newspaper is The New York Daily News? Is it a gossip column? I guess not. Just another business trying to make a buck.Here is what Head Coach of the Jets , Rex Ryan had to say about the situation:
"If you're going to make a negative comment, that's fine. We never say that it always has to be a bed of roses. But again, put your name to it. I think people will respect you a lot more."
When asked if he addressed the issue with his team, Ryan responded, "Did I address it? I absolutely addressed it. Because I think it's a cowardly thing. If you're not going to put your name to it, I think that's about as cowardly of a thing as there is. I even mentioned that. I said, 'Look, if …' Well, I don't want to get into specifics of what I said. But I did address it with our football team. I absolutely did."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Real Dangers
I am convinced that we should be cautious about what we think, say and do. Please do not think that I am implying that we should be nervous wrecks and worry about everything, and proceed to live our lives as we were walking on eggs. What I suggest is not really a new idea. "I am my own worst enemy," is not a new saying. Do we have a soul? Do we have a body? Which is more valuable? Which one will last the longest? In short, don't hate people. And don't expect them to be perfect. Can you improve others? Probably not. Can we improve ourselves? Of course we can. We need to want to. Do we have bad habits? Vices? They are able to destroy us. Do not permit it. Self-destructive conduct is not a theory. It is a reality. I think Victor Hugo made a good point:
"Have no fear of robbers or murderers. They are external dangers, petty dangers. We should fear ourselves. Prejudices are the real robbers; vices the real murders. The great dangers are within us. Why worry about what threatens our heads or purses? Let us think instead of what threatens our souls."
Victor Hugo
Thursday, November 8, 2012
You Need To Be Willing, You Need To Want It
You need to be willing. You need to want it. How much are you willing to sacrifice for it.? No doubt, it is out there. Seize it. Know that it is the best thing for you, and that you want it. Go for it. And I mean really go for it. It is going to cost you, but make it fun. Make it fun because you really, really want it. You need to be willing. You need to want it. Because in the end, that is what is going to make the difference.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Vince Lombardi
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Vince Lombardi
A School District Bans Father-Daughter Dances
Two months ago, as a result of the activism of the ACLU, a school district in Cranston, Rhode Island banned all father-daughter dances. This decision came as a result of a single mother's daughter not being allowed to attend such a dance. The single mother complained. The ban was made. The word "ban" and the word "freedom" are often diametrically opposed. It is interesting to me that the word "Liberties" is part of the ACLU's title. I suppose an argument can be made that if the girl with no father would have been allowed to go, there would have been no problem. However, was it not a father-daughter dance? Is it wrong to expect attendance to reflect the theme of the dance? Apparently it is. The father-daughter dance is a tradition. I think some traditions are wrong. Especially some traditions that involve hazing and rituals that are dangerous and unhealthy. However, I do not consider a father-daughter dance a wrong tradition. The ban should not have taken place.
The ACLU does not stand for civil liberties. The ACLU stands for intolerance of reality. Traditions are a reality in our society. I took my son to a father-son banquet. It was a memorable experience. I had a chance to chat with an active NFL player. I also remember when I was in junior high school, a father-son banquet was celebrated. An acquaintance of my parents only had daughters, and he wanted to go. So, he asked my parents if he could "borrow " me to be his "son" for the evening. They said yes, and I had a great time. It was the only banquet of that type I ever attended while in school. I still remember it, even though it was 56 years ago. What is wrong with celebrating these functions? If one is unable to go, don't go. Don't be jealous of someone who may. It is also a learning experience. Be assured, that in the future, that student, as well as all students will grow up and not be able to participate in certain things, for a variety of reasons. It is reality.
The ACLU does not stand for civil liberties. The ACLU stands for intolerance of reality. Traditions are a reality in our society. I took my son to a father-son banquet. It was a memorable experience. I had a chance to chat with an active NFL player. I also remember when I was in junior high school, a father-son banquet was celebrated. An acquaintance of my parents only had daughters, and he wanted to go. So, he asked my parents if he could "borrow " me to be his "son" for the evening. They said yes, and I had a great time. It was the only banquet of that type I ever attended while in school. I still remember it, even though it was 56 years ago. What is wrong with celebrating these functions? If one is unable to go, don't go. Don't be jealous of someone who may. It is also a learning experience. Be assured, that in the future, that student, as well as all students will grow up and not be able to participate in certain things, for a variety of reasons. It is reality.
My Preface To A Lincoln Quote About Slavery
How do we determine what is right and what is wrong? Who makes the rules? Governments, laws, those in power? Yes indeed. It is a constant battle. Right and wrong will always be with us because chaos constantly knocks. Disorder is often clothed with the garment of curiosity. Selfishness and mistreatment of others can usually be kept in check if the awareness, desire, and ability to do so exists. Abraham Lincoln is known as "The Great Emancipator." He knew slavery was wrong. But he also knew that it benefitted a certain group of influential citizens. It was an economic system. It still is in some parts of the world. The following quote demonstrates to me, the arrogance of certain people. Some people cannot work because they are sick. Some people do not work because they are lazy. This is wrong. Sometimes it is veiled with the attitude: "I am waiting for a certain type of work that really suits me." I just have one question: In the mean time, who is going to support you? Invariably, the truthful answer is.......somebody else. Although it may not be the answer you get. I repeat my point.......laziness is wrong. Reliability is right. Being responsible for your assigned duties is right. Being punctual is right. Being cooperative is right. Putting in a "good day's work" is right. I could go on and on. Instead, I will just quote Abraham Lincoln.
"It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time and will ever continue to struggle. It is the same spirit that says, "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it."
Monday, November 5, 2012
"If Honor Be Your Clothing"
This world has many people who worry a great deal about their image. Be it clothing, political party, political persuasion, trendy thinking, books read or movies one has seen, hobbies, income, college attended, occupation, friends, acquaintances, where one lives, the car one drives, and the list goes on. So many worried about what "others think." I will tell you what really matters............ WHAT DOES GOD THINK? That is what really matters. Are we living honorable lives? Is the superficial the most important part? Does the TV sitcom dictate to us our value system. I think not. I hope not.
A 19th Century, Scottish preacher and theological writer by the name of William D. Arnot put it this way:
"If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare."
A 19th Century, Scottish preacher and theological writer by the name of William D. Arnot put it this way:
"If honor be your clothing, the suit will last a lifetime; but if clothing be your honor, it will soon be worn threadbare."
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Society And Government
I will keep it simple. Society and government are not the same. Sometimes there is confusion. The main reason that there is confusion is because many believe that whatever the government does is right, morally correct and in the best interest of the people (or society). Something else that might add to the confusion is the idea that the government "does the will of the people." Does the government do the will of the people? One of the best things government can do, is to allow me the privilege to pursue my own destiny. This is more commonly referred to as freedom. Freedom in society? Freedom and society? Now, that can be pretty challenging. Is government doing an okay job with that? You be the judge.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Rape and Pregnancy, I Defer My Answer
Please do not talk foolishly or ignorantly about rape. Rape is serious business. The rape of children is particularly heinous. Women get raped, and sometimes become pregnant as a result. Here is the bottom line: No man should have sex with a woman unless she is a willing participant. Does that statement makes sense? From a Biblical perspective: No man should have sex with a woman unless he is married to that woman. I do realize that the majority of the adults in this world probably disregard the previous statement and in many cases disrespect it. However, many do not disregard/disrespect it. But that is a discussion for another time. If a woman gets pregnant as a result of a rape, what is she to do? Is there an easy solution? No. The world is imperfect. It is full of imperfect human beings. Does a woman who is raped and gets pregnant as a result, go get an abortion? I don't know. I defer my answer. I defer my answer to the unknown third party. Ask him or her. Ask the developing human being: "Do you want to live or do you want to die?" He or she will give the same answer we gave when we were in the same situation. "I want to live." Every time that human moves, reacts, breathes and eats......he/she is saying "I want to live." That is what we said too.
My Letter To The SDUT: About Their Beer Article
A newspaper article came out in early March of 2010 praising the benefits of drinking beer. It was in the San Diego Union Tribune, Health section..........yes........Health section! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't take it. I had to write a letter of response to the SDUT. They have published some of my opinions, but not this one. However, in all fairness to them, they did send me a personal response. The response was unsatisfactory to me because it did not really deal with what I told them and asked them.
From: Robert Dominguez Subject: Nutritional qualities of beer
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 3:53 PM
It seems like clockwork. Every several months we are subjected to headings in the newspaper like the article in today's Health section, right under the words: "fitness and wellness." "Nutritional qualities are a beer bonus." A bonus? A bonus to what? Drunkenness? Why is an article of this nature written in your newspaper? Are you promoting the consumption of liquor? I understand beer commercials and ads. Their function and motives are obvious. But what about your article? What is the point? Is there remuneration involved by publishing these so-called "revelations" under the guise of "scientific research"? Some of your buzz words are "antioxidant qualities," "highest fiber content," "bone mineral density," "lower hip bone density," and "gluten-free option." Are you kidding me? Beer advertisements attempting to create a sort of social sophistication connected to the consumption of beer. Of course it is a deception. Your article appears to try to create a "health and wellness" sophistication connected to drinking beer. This is also a deception. Two countries are cited in the article. Germany and Spain. Both of those countries have far too many alcoholics. No problem. Beer companies are amoral. They just want to sell their product. Now they want the health industry to help them. What is fair is fair. They have helped provide much clientele for the health industry. Particularly in the areas of heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and mental health; just to name a few. What about the crime, accidents and broken homes? That is just a tip of the "beerberg." I hope I am wrong, but I predict that your next article about the "greatness of liquor" will be about wine and "how good it is for your heart."
Robert Dominguez
From: Robert Dominguez Subject: Nutritional qualities of beer
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 3:53 PM
It seems like clockwork. Every several months we are subjected to headings in the newspaper like the article in today's Health section, right under the words: "fitness and wellness." "Nutritional qualities are a beer bonus." A bonus? A bonus to what? Drunkenness? Why is an article of this nature written in your newspaper? Are you promoting the consumption of liquor? I understand beer commercials and ads. Their function and motives are obvious. But what about your article? What is the point? Is there remuneration involved by publishing these so-called "revelations" under the guise of "scientific research"? Some of your buzz words are "antioxidant qualities," "highest fiber content," "bone mineral density," "lower hip bone density," and "gluten-free option." Are you kidding me? Beer advertisements attempting to create a sort of social sophistication connected to the consumption of beer. Of course it is a deception. Your article appears to try to create a "health and wellness" sophistication connected to drinking beer. This is also a deception. Two countries are cited in the article. Germany and Spain. Both of those countries have far too many alcoholics. No problem. Beer companies are amoral. They just want to sell their product. Now they want the health industry to help them. What is fair is fair. They have helped provide much clientele for the health industry. Particularly in the areas of heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and mental health; just to name a few. What about the crime, accidents and broken homes? That is just a tip of the "beerberg." I hope I am wrong, but I predict that your next article about the "greatness of liquor" will be about wine and "how good it is for your heart."
Robert Dominguez
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Hard Work
The ability to perform hard work is something that needs to be taught. It can be taught many ways. However, teaching by example is probably the best method. It can be forced, but that can be risky. It should be rewarded but not too much and not too soon. Hard work represents greatness. Hard work represents love. Hard work is a precursor to great accomplishments and success. How may the latter be experienced without it? I have selected a few quotes about hard work. I believe they are true, and that they contain motivating factors.
"I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near." Margaret Thatcher
"Love conquers all, but if love doesn't do it, try hard work." Unknown
"If the power to do hard work is not a skill, it's the best possible substitute for it." James A. Garfield
"When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity." Steve Pavlina
"There is no substitute for hard work." Thomas Alva Edison
"Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top." J.C. Penney
"I learned the value of hard work by working hard." Margaret M. Fitzpatrick
"Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win." Nadia Comaneci
"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted." David Bly
Monday, October 22, 2012
Is Capitalism Really a Natural Phenomenon?
I am not an economist. I am not an expert in the field of finance. I am not a business man. Nevertheless, I have observed that human beings need goods and services. The best providers of goods and services are human beings. They need to be free to exercise those provisions. Government vs the private sector is an issue in our country these days. It appears to be an issue in the election of the President of our free and great nation. I was reminded of the relationship between capitalism and freedom by the quote below. Is it really true that "economic progress and political freedom are natural partners"? Is socialism really a policy of "unrestrained intervention."? Apparently a Professor of Economics by the name of Michael Rothschild does think so. Here is one of his quotes addressing the matter:
"Fortunately, political freedom and economic progress are natural partners. Despite capitalism's lingering reputation as the source of all the world's evils, the fact remains that every single democracy is a capitalist country. Half a century of economic experimentation proved beyond doubt that tyranny cannot yield prosperity. Socialism collapsed because it is a policy of unrestrained intervention. It tries to fix what is 'wrong' with the spontaneous, self-organizaing phenomenon called capitalism. But, of course, a natural process cannot be 'fixed.' Socialism is an ideology. Capitalism is a natural phenomenon."
Michael Rothschild
"Fortunately, political freedom and economic progress are natural partners. Despite capitalism's lingering reputation as the source of all the world's evils, the fact remains that every single democracy is a capitalist country. Half a century of economic experimentation proved beyond doubt that tyranny cannot yield prosperity. Socialism collapsed because it is a policy of unrestrained intervention. It tries to fix what is 'wrong' with the spontaneous, self-organizaing phenomenon called capitalism. But, of course, a natural process cannot be 'fixed.' Socialism is an ideology. Capitalism is a natural phenomenon."
Michael Rothschild
Factors of Excellent Football Coaches
In the final analysis: playing good football comes down to running, blocking and tackling, and doing it well......doing it very well. Excelling at it. I refer to coaching the game at all levels: from Pop Warner to the NFL. Good coaching is in seven parts: 1) the ability to connect with players. 2) The ability to motivate players. 3) Knowledge of the game. 4) The ability to impart that knowledge. 5) Knowledge of the intangibles and the ability to put that knowledge to use. 6) The ability to be flexible and make adjustments. 7) The ability to deal with management/administration and matters not directly connected to football but nevertheless vital to its' existence and operation. This usually refers to matters of finance, whether it is fund raising at the lower levels or contract negotiation at the higher levels.
Hopefully, the coach would tend to stick mainly to coaching, however, he needs to know what is going on. He needs to want and acquire the best talent available whenever possible. I have mentioned nothing about character and integrity. However, I am persuaded that it should permeate all seven factors. Obviously the stakes are different at the professional level. And yes, at the lower levels of football, character building and teamwork are more emphasized than at the higher levels. (but not always) "Win at any cost" is the mantra for many coaches. I do not criticize that particular mentality. However, sometimes there is a serious price to pay for having it. One of the famous quotes of Vince Lombardi is: "Winning is not everything, it is the only thing."
Hopefully, the coach would tend to stick mainly to coaching, however, he needs to know what is going on. He needs to want and acquire the best talent available whenever possible. I have mentioned nothing about character and integrity. However, I am persuaded that it should permeate all seven factors. Obviously the stakes are different at the professional level. And yes, at the lower levels of football, character building and teamwork are more emphasized than at the higher levels. (but not always) "Win at any cost" is the mantra for many coaches. I do not criticize that particular mentality. However, sometimes there is a serious price to pay for having it. One of the famous quotes of Vince Lombardi is: "Winning is not everything, it is the only thing."
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sugar Ray Robinson
Pound for pound, the greatest boxing machine that ever lived, Sugar Ray Robinson has no equal. Many may say: "So, who cares? I hate boxing." They might have a point. But I submit to you that professional boxing, even as corrupt as it may seem is still a sport that requires skill, discipline and endurance. Robinson was great. He fought professionally 198 times. He won 173 of those bouts. 108 of those victories were by knockout. He lost 19. (mostly in his later years) On 6 occasions he fought to a draw. He was Welterweight Champ from 1946 to 1951. He was Middleweight Champ from 1951 to 1952, 1955 to 1957 and 1958 to 1960. He fought the best and beat the best. He beat 10 Hall of Fame boxers, among them were Jake LaMotta, Gene Fullmer, Rocky Graziano, Henry Armstrong, Kid Gavilan, Carmen Basilio, Randy Turpin and Bobo Olson. Much more could be said about the great "Sugar Ray." I'll just say he was the greatest.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Jerry Sandusky: 45 Counts of Sexual Abuse
Jerry Sandusky is almost 70 years of age. He has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for crimes he has committed against male children. He will very likely die in prison. He has denied the charges. His wife is also in denial. My question is : Why the denial? Why are they defiant? Why do they blame others? I suspect because the truth is too difficult for them to bear. Everbody makes mistakes. Some mistakes just have more serious repercussions. I firmly believe that denying what he did is actually more serious than what he did. Denial is an attempt to heal. It is a foolish attempt. Denial is an attempt to undo what he did. What he did cannot be undone. He did it. So where does he go from here? He goes to Psalm 51. He reads it. He then rereads it. He prays to God and asks for forgiveness. He repents. He humbles himself. He admits his guilt. He contacts the media and says the following words :
" I admit that what I did was wrong. I am terribly sorry for the harm that I have caused. To the young men and all connected to them; please know that I regret harming you. If you can find it within you; please forgive me. I admit that I have done some terrible things. I ask that you do your best to heal and to recover from the abuses you have suffered. I realize we cannot be friends, nevertheless, again, I ask that you forgive me. Please do not hate me. I will spend the rest of my life in prison. I deserve it. Please know that I will dedicate the rest of my life to the study of God's Word and prayer. God has forgiven me. I have hope. I have stated before that I have a broken heart. Now I know what to do with it. I realize that the Word of God is God. I realize that the Word became flesh. I realize that the man (flesh) has a name that is above every name. That name has power. In that name, demons are cast out. Now I can really know God. I want to get to know Him better every day. He loves me."
"A broken and contrite heart, He will not despise."
(Ps. 51:17)
" I admit that what I did was wrong. I am terribly sorry for the harm that I have caused. To the young men and all connected to them; please know that I regret harming you. If you can find it within you; please forgive me. I admit that I have done some terrible things. I ask that you do your best to heal and to recover from the abuses you have suffered. I realize we cannot be friends, nevertheless, again, I ask that you forgive me. Please do not hate me. I will spend the rest of my life in prison. I deserve it. Please know that I will dedicate the rest of my life to the study of God's Word and prayer. God has forgiven me. I have hope. I have stated before that I have a broken heart. Now I know what to do with it. I realize that the Word of God is God. I realize that the Word became flesh. I realize that the man (flesh) has a name that is above every name. That name has power. In that name, demons are cast out. Now I can really know God. I want to get to know Him better every day. He loves me."
"A broken and contrite heart, He will not despise."
(Ps. 51:17)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Liberals, Conservatives And Lazy People
I think liberalism is good on a personal level. If people were more liberal with their own money, goods, time and talent; this would be a much better world. However, part of the problems liberals and conservatives both face are due to their philosophical stances on ownership, money, private property and the role of government in our lives. What is the role of government anyway? I think Abraham Lincoln said it best: "The role of government is to do for the people those things which they cannot do for themselves." What is the role of a lazy person in our society? Is it possible for a lazy person to even have a role? I think so. A lazy conservative may be a person of means. Thus, he/she wants to conserve what he/she has. A lazy liberal is better off being lazy because he/she may be able to get involved in the pursuit of obtaining the money of someone else without working for it. Is a liberal a thug? Maybe. Is a conservative a hater? Maybe. Also, it is possible to be a social conservative and a political liberal. It is also possible to be a political conservative and a social liberal. I guess most people just want to live their lives and keep the government out of their lives. Good luck.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Seahawks And Packers: Mon. 9/24/12
Enough already! We have seen the play over and over and over. Hey, lets' move on. It is what it is. The refs made their decision. That should be the end of it. The Seattle Seahawks had the ball on the final play, with 8 seconds left, Wilson, the QB for Seattle, let go a Hail Mary, MD Jennings and some other Packer defenders went up for the pass. It looked like he intercepted the pass. However, it was not obvious enough, considering Golden Tate, the wide receiver for the Seahawks also had two hands on it. Granted, Jennings had possession of the pass, but not enough to make it clearly an interception. What does the rule say? When the receiver and the defender both have their hands on the ball, the reception goes to the offensive player. Even the replays do not make it clear enough to deny this ruling. Let us move on. Next time, just score more points so that you don't find yourself in a position to blame the refs. I know it sounds simplistic, but, no team should allow themselves to be placed in a situation that places the responsibility on the refs to determine a loss or a victory. Just score more points. Incidently, I am neither a Packer or Seahawk fan. Lets just play some football and forget about the zebras.
Johnny Bratton
At the age of 23 Johnny Bratton was welterweight champion of the world. His career started in 1944 and ended in 1955. I thought of him because I remember the conversations JP Spitz and I used to have at National City Junior High School about him and other boxers. Johnny Bratton was a great fighter. He deserves recognition as an athlete. He fought with all of his heart. He started boxing at the age of 14. He earned a great deal of money (around half a million dollars) and he spent it all and found himself in debt at the end of his career. His fighting name was "Honey Boy." He was also known as JBB (Johnny Baby Bratton). In 1955, the year Bratton's career ended, he was broke and confined to a mental hospital.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Islamic Extremists And Violence
A movie, an expression of an opinion, a speech, a novel that causes its' author to go into hiding for years. What do they mean? They are expressions of freedom. They are tests of freedom. Some disagreed with the "tests." Those who disagreed with the tests were Islamic extremists. They lost. Why? Because instead of expressing themselves through reason and truth, they expressed themselves through violence. Is there no power in their prayers? Must they resort to violence to those who disagree with them? Must innocent people suffer the consequences of the fanaticism of others? Here is the bottom line: CHRISTIANITY PRODUCES FREEDOM, EVEN FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN JESUS. This is definitely what has happened in the United States. Faith and freedom go hand in hand, but only when it is faith in the truth. Why? Because "the truth shall make you free." The problem with Islam is that it is a national, theocratic government, as well as a religion. It has to be, because it does not preach the truth. Therefore, it cannot allow the truth to be preached. It must force its' faith in order to survive. It must kill infidels in order to survive. How many street preachers are allowed to preach the gospel in the streets of Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other places that are predominantly Muslim? Why are these Muslims afraid of the gospel of Jesus Christ? I'll tell you why. The gospel produces freedom. But I also know that freedom produces problems. Is Islam able to handle those problems? Probably not. Why? Two reasons. 1) They do not know the power of God's Word. 2) Their prayers are not powerful. Nevertheless, they see the need to have power. They must have power. How can they continue to survive without it? They have nothing to resort to except the power of the sword, intimidation, threat and the need to keep people ignorant. That is how I perceive the situation, and truthfully, I hope there is a better way.
Churchill And The Tiger, Cow And Horse
"Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot.
Others look on it as a cow they can milk.
Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.
-- Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
I would like to comment on the above quote by saying first of all, that private enterprise, at its best, is designed to offer in the competitive arena of business, goods and services to society and enhances the quality of life to all involved. It is not an animal of prey unless it is offering destructive goods and/or services which are illegal or found to be dangerous to one's health and well-being. Incidently, a tiger is a very attractive animal. Private enterprise is also attractive.
If it is a cow they can milk.......then fine. That is what cows are for. The cow gets sick and uncomfortable if it is not milked. The cow must be taken care of properly. It needs the proper food, shelter and care.
It needs to be allowed to be a healthy horse pulling a sturdy wagon. The sturdy wagon represents society. Society needs to be sturdy in order to last. The healthy horse helps to keep the wagon sturdy. If it is not sturdy, the horse will discover it. Private enterprise is not a sloth. If it were, it would make society a sloth.
Others look on it as a cow they can milk.
Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.
-- Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
I would like to comment on the above quote by saying first of all, that private enterprise, at its best, is designed to offer in the competitive arena of business, goods and services to society and enhances the quality of life to all involved. It is not an animal of prey unless it is offering destructive goods and/or services which are illegal or found to be dangerous to one's health and well-being. Incidently, a tiger is a very attractive animal. Private enterprise is also attractive.
If it is a cow they can milk.......then fine. That is what cows are for. The cow gets sick and uncomfortable if it is not milked. The cow must be taken care of properly. It needs the proper food, shelter and care.
It needs to be allowed to be a healthy horse pulling a sturdy wagon. The sturdy wagon represents society. Society needs to be sturdy in order to last. The healthy horse helps to keep the wagon sturdy. If it is not sturdy, the horse will discover it. Private enterprise is not a sloth. If it were, it would make society a sloth.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Envy And Moral Indignation
I have seen it in action. It lifts up its' ugly, judgmental head. It witnesses human excellence. It witnesses human greatness. It witnesses human effort and talent. It witnesses grace bestowed upon a man or woman. The witness can't take it. The witness becomes a judge. The judge can't take it. The judge becomes a moralist. The moralist can't take it. Why? What is the problem? Jealousy. Jealousy overpowered the witness. The witness took action. He took action with a vengeance. He took action with rage. But he tried to disguise it. It did not work. He disguised it with arrogance. He disguised it with moral indignation. Jealousy continued to be the rage of that man. Even when the man attempted to hide it. A famous psychologist, actor and writer knew about it. This is what they said:
"There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy to be acted out under the guise of virtue."
Erich Fromm
"Moral indignation in most cases is, 2% moral, 48% indignation and 50% jealousy."
Vittorio De Sica
"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
H. G. Wells
Monday, September 17, 2012
Another Letter To Yahoo
This letter was written by me to Yahoo News readers approximately 8 months ago. It is in response to an article written about freedom. The response to this letter was varied. I came away thinking, that in the view of some, freedom is okay, unless you want to lift up the name of Jesus. Until someone is able to convince me otherwise, I firmly believe that this is a great country because most of the founders knew and believed in, the Word of God. This country is an experiment in freedom. Freedom is a "hot potato." It always has been. It always will be. I don't preach too much in my blogs. But I always embrace the connection between the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and freedom. I can promise you this: When the preaching of the Word of God disappears, then..............freedom will disappear. "Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. 3:17)
There are many unkind words, name-calling and hatred in these comments. The bottom line is this: We all need Jesus. None of us need religion, candle lighting, parades with wagons carrying statues, etc. We need the Word of God inside of us. Are you so naive to actually think that this great nation evolved by acccident? Jesus is 100% God. He became a man and dwelt among us. He is the Word made flesh. The USA is an imperfect nation because it is full of human beings. But listen: HUMAN BEINGS THAT HAVE THE WORD OF GOD INSIDE OF THEM CONDUCT THEMSELVES DIFFERENTLY THAN THOSE WHO JUST PRACTICE RELIGION, RELIGIOSITY AND RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Nobody on this planet is righteous. "There is none righteous, no, not one." The only righteousness that exists is derived from the Word of God, not from the hearts of men. Please read II Chronicles 7:14. Check it out for yourself. If you have a better idea, I sure would like to hear it. Give your life to Jesus. He is God. The founders of this country surely believed it. We have reaped the benefits of it, even though the country is not perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect country, and there won't be, at least not here, through human political activity. But we have a perfect Jesus. His name is above every name. "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) Give Him your life.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Firemen Of 9/11
Sometimes I think about the firemen who saved the lives of many people on 9/11/01 and the days that followed. 343 firefighters lost their lives rescuing people at the Twin Towers of New York City. Among that number were paramedics. In addition, 72 police officers also lost their lives. An interesting part to consider is this: many, perhaps all, knew that that there was a good chance that they would lose their lives as they entered the burning buildings. Some who saw the faces of those firefighters as they entered read some serious messages on those faces. The faces declared: "you may never see me alive again." Some of those men were right. This is what you call courage. This is dedication to a responsibility. Their dedication is remembered and very much appreciated.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tebow Is Misunderstood
How many quarterbacks in the NFL do you know who play on special teams? To me playing on special teams in the NFL can be one of the highest compliments that can be given to a football player. Special teams win football games. Special teams play can also be responsible for ending careers. Kickoffs and kick returns can be very dangerous. Field goals and extra points can be game changing. Punts are necessary to gain good defensive field position. Tebow Had an important play on special teams as a member of the "hands team." Buffalo had reduced the lead to 41-28. The Bills tried an onsides kick during the fourth-quarter. Tebow recovered. Tebow is versatile. On Sunday he also lined up as a wide receiver, and punt protector. He played some wildcat quarterback and ran 5 times for 11 yards. Just having Tebow on the team is a boost for the Jets. Why do I say Tebow is misunderstood? Let me explain. He loves football. He is not an egomaniac. He loves to play football. It appears to me that he does not really care where they put him. I don't think this is common in the NFL. Tebow is a football player. I know that he is a man of faith.......his faith in Jesus Christ is his greatest gift. Nevertheless, the greatest compliment I can give him regarding his chosen field of endeavor is this: He is a football player.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
What Rights Do I Have?
Sometimes I think that there is a constant battle between personal rights and public good. The problem is that there are no clear demarcations in this battle. Yes, there are laws. But laws are always changing to favor one side or another. The battle goes on. It is an interesting fight. The political arena is one of the battlegrounds. Especially this year. Especially in November. There are liberals, conservatives, independents, non-voters, activists, extremists, zealots, the unaware and the uconcerned. But what rights do we have, or not have? Those are the big questions. A former Presidential candidate of this year's campaign attempts to answer the two part question. At least he made the effort. At least he thought about it. At least he studied and researched it. At least he is not ignorant about it. Do I agree with him.? Yes. But only philisophically. Why? Because change comes in increments. And I don't think Dr. Paul wants Incremental change.
"You don't have a right to the fruits of somebody else's labor. You don't have a right to a house, you don't have a right to a job, you don't have a right to medical care. You have a right to your life, you have your right to your liberty, you have a right to keep what you earn. And that's what produces prosperity. So you want equal justice. And this is not hard for me to argue, because if you really are compassionate and you care about people, the freer the society the more prosperous it is, and more likely that you are going to have medical care... When you turn it over to central economic planning, they're bound to make mistakes. The bureaucrats and the special interests and the Halliburtons are going to make the money. Whether it's war, or Katrina, these noncompetitive contracts, the bureaucrats make a lot of money and you end up with inefficiency."
Dr. Ron Paul
"You don't have a right to the fruits of somebody else's labor. You don't have a right to a house, you don't have a right to a job, you don't have a right to medical care. You have a right to your life, you have your right to your liberty, you have a right to keep what you earn. And that's what produces prosperity. So you want equal justice. And this is not hard for me to argue, because if you really are compassionate and you care about people, the freer the society the more prosperous it is, and more likely that you are going to have medical care... When you turn it over to central economic planning, they're bound to make mistakes. The bureaucrats and the special interests and the Halliburtons are going to make the money. Whether it's war, or Katrina, these noncompetitive contracts, the bureaucrats make a lot of money and you end up with inefficiency."
Dr. Ron Paul
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the great world leaders of our day. He is courageous, educated, charismatic, strong and determined. The call him "Bibi." He is up for the challenges that Israel faces. He does not flinch from them. He has devoted his life to serving Israel. He has many accomplishments. He has made it known that Iran is a threat to Israel, America and to other parts of the world. He is a political leader and former Israeli soldier who has made great economic improvements for the nation he loves. He is an example for national leaders.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Atheist
I wrote the following letter as a response to some nonsense some individual wrote in defense of his atheism. He responded by telling me I was "off my rocker." It certainly is not a very good defense of one's creed.
"The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." (Ps. 14: 1) I didn't say it, God did. "There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Prov. 14: 12) Do you want to read about a great scientist? Read about the life of George Washington Carver. He gave God the glory for all of his success. That man was born a slave. Also, in his later years: Sir Isaac Newton devoted his life to the study of the Bible. Newton believed that the Bible was the inspired Word of God. Belief in God is a choice. Proof that He exists is all around us. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork." (Ps. 19:1) History shows us, unfortunately so, that religion, at times, has been a detriment to the dissemination of the truth. Gifted, educated and scholarly men and women would do well to thank God for what they have, and what they have accomplished. Why? Because they would have accomplished nothing without Him. Albert Einstein also knew it, and he was not ashamed to say so. There is very, very much to say about this subject and about all of the great accomplishments made by men and women who gave God the glory for their discoveries, inventions, innovations and accomplishments in all fields of legitimate endeavor. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
Life Is What You Make It
I don't remember his name. He was shining my shoes. It was a shoe shine stand by Fourth and Broadway, just south of a night club called The King's Club, in Downtown San Diego. Man, was he ever a bright man. He was the "philosopher of the street." He was a black man with a tremendous sense of humor. Actually, I had no business having my shoes shined by someone who probably was earning more money than I was at the time. Nevertheless, I guess I was paying to hear some lessons given by the philosopher. One time we were talking and he said something that has been ringing true for the 51 years since I heard it. To me it was like gold. It was truly inspirational and motivational. It was like everything else made little sense. I can truly say I think about it practically every day. He simply said: "Life is what you make it."
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Courtesy is important to me, even though I am not always courteous, I respect the practice of it. It is a challenge and a responsibility. It should be taught in schools, churches and families. It should be a part of training programs for salespersons. I know of nobody who does things "right" all of the time. Nevertheless, courtesy is something we should all strive for. I know of people who talk of world peace as if it were something easily attainable. Some of those same people cannot get along with neighbors and relatives. A long time ago somebody told me: "Some people say they love the world, but in reality, they hate their neighbor." Well, are they doing their part to achieve world peace? Are they doing their part to make this world a better place in which to live? My advice: Be courteous. I have stated this before in other blogs, and I will probably state it again sometime: "If you want to make a better world, make yourself a better person. By doing this, you have automatically made a better world." Recently, I read a quote made by John Walter Wayland. Wayland was a professor, writer and chairman of the history department at James Madison University in Virginia until 1931. It tends to sum up what a good attitude is. It tends to sum up those things that would contribute toward respect for others and being courteous toward them.
"The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions or achievements; who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than his own; and who appears well in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe."
"The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions or achievements; who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than his own; and who appears well in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe."
Monday, August 27, 2012
"Trevor" Is Not A Man
Trevor McDonald is a 27 year old transgender person from Winnipeg. She was born a female. She has given birth to a child. She breast feeds her male infant. So, what is the problem? The problem is that she presents herself as a man. This "man" has a beard. "He" breast feeds. Since "Trevor" was born a female, and has chosen to be a man, she has rejected God's decision for her life. Now everybody pays. "Trevor" is not a man. She is a woman. If she were not a woman, she would not be able to breast feed. I am from America, and I believe in freedom in a very big way. But this has nothing to do with freedom. It has to do with the truth. It is a lie to say something you are not. She is inconsiderate. She is self-centered. She is a dishonest, selfish person who is inconveniencing and confusing others. It is truly unfair of her. Also, she is not a transgendered person. "Transgender" is an oxymoron. Transgender is an act.....not a fact. It is a false claim, a display. A lie, designed to deceive.
Don't we all have our challenges? This does not mean we give in to every inclination we feel. This does not mean we yield to every temptatation. There are boundaries. If there were no boundaries, there would be no civilization. "Trevor" is not a man. She has menstrual periods. How many "men" do you know who have menstrual periods? If she uses men's restrooms, she needs to stay out of them. Do I hate her? No. Do I call her unkind names? No. How can she be helped? She can be helped by seeking the one who created her. She certainly did not create herself. She confused/deceived herself......and others. But there is hope. Yes, there is hope.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Jerry Sandusky
I want to make something very clear. Jerry Sandusky is gay. He is attracted to the same gender. He is a homosexual. When reporting about him, the media needs to address his sexual preference accurately. Obviously, he is in the news for committing serious crimes. He is not accused of raping women. He is accused of raping males. The fact that these males are children, makes it an additionally heinous crime. Yes, he is a pedophile. What if he had sexually abused/raped female children? How would the media have handled it? Sandusky had sex with boys who were as young as 10 years of age. Sandusky is a criminal who has seriously harmed the futures of the boys he has assaulted. How many of those boys will/have become gay as a result of the atrocities perpetrated upon them by a gay man? Will they then say: "I was born this way." Jerry Sandusky is gay. More accurately: He is a homosexual predator. He made those choices. He needs to stay in prison for the rest of his life. The males Sandusky assaulted can go on with their lives, it may be difficult at times. Nevertheless, they can make better choices than the homosexual who assaulted them. I want to make something else very clear. Everybody makes mistakes. Sandusky has made some very serious ones. In spite of that, there is no need to hate him. He can change. He just needs to do it behind bars.
Friday, August 17, 2012
A Letter To Linda Henderson
Two years ago this month, the Sweetwater High School graduating class of 1960 celebrated its' 50 th class reunion. What a time we had renewing old times! One of the key people who helped make this possible was Linda Henderson. Linda is my friend. She is the former Linda Cunningham. One day she contacted many of us and told us she had been in touch with our Senior Civics teacher..........Wadie Deddeh. I thought, "no way, what a blast from the past!" I proceeded to write her the following letter.
Linda, You are the "bomb." It was so good to see you last week. I do hope that your stay was pleasant. I usually arrive a little late to the Tuesday mtgs. due to a responsibility that I have at the City Council. But not last week. We had fun. We will keep it going. Thanks for your motivation. Regarding Wadie Deddeh, how interesting that you wrote to him and he responded. As odd as it may seem, I think about him often. Our Senior year, he kicked Paul Spitz and I out of his classroom for being so disruptive. At that time I did not care, I had no plans of going to college anyway. But at least I graduated from SUHI. Here goes a little slice of my life: The decade of the sixties was a real nightmare for me. It actually did not end until 1975. I was a pathetic individual......a real hardcore drunk. I was arrested many times, and believe it or not, I was in 13 automobile accidents. I did work, but it was mainly to sustain my bad habit. Liquor was number 1 in my life, and number 1 did not get replaced for a long time. Well, the time came when it was either: Quit drinking or start preparing my funeral arrangements. I tried, but I could not stop. Then something happened, I was in Downtown San Diego by the old Horton Plaza. A preacher was preaching up "a storm." I listened. Hours later I stopped him on the street and asked him to pray for me. I never drank again. I will make a long story short. I went back to school. I got a teaching credential, (so I thought) but the Professor of the Education Dept. refused to sign it after he saw my arrest record. I contacted Sacramento. Guess who my Assemblyman was? You guessed it, Mr. Deddeh himself. Man........did he ever go to bat for me! I received my California State Teaching Credential in two weeks. There is much more to this story. To end my words, I will tell you that I am indebted to Mr. Deddeh. I am indebted to God, (He is # 1) and I am very grateful to you, Linda, for reminding me of Wadie Deddeh. I am so glad that he is still alive. I plan to write him and thank him. Thank you so, so much. God bless you.
Bobby ps.. check out my blog:
Linda, You are the "bomb." It was so good to see you last week. I do hope that your stay was pleasant. I usually arrive a little late to the Tuesday mtgs. due to a responsibility that I have at the City Council. But not last week. We had fun. We will keep it going. Thanks for your motivation. Regarding Wadie Deddeh, how interesting that you wrote to him and he responded. As odd as it may seem, I think about him often. Our Senior year, he kicked Paul Spitz and I out of his classroom for being so disruptive. At that time I did not care, I had no plans of going to college anyway. But at least I graduated from SUHI. Here goes a little slice of my life: The decade of the sixties was a real nightmare for me. It actually did not end until 1975. I was a pathetic individual......a real hardcore drunk. I was arrested many times, and believe it or not, I was in 13 automobile accidents. I did work, but it was mainly to sustain my bad habit. Liquor was number 1 in my life, and number 1 did not get replaced for a long time. Well, the time came when it was either: Quit drinking or start preparing my funeral arrangements. I tried, but I could not stop. Then something happened, I was in Downtown San Diego by the old Horton Plaza. A preacher was preaching up "a storm." I listened. Hours later I stopped him on the street and asked him to pray for me. I never drank again. I will make a long story short. I went back to school. I got a teaching credential, (so I thought) but the Professor of the Education Dept. refused to sign it after he saw my arrest record. I contacted Sacramento. Guess who my Assemblyman was? You guessed it, Mr. Deddeh himself. Man........did he ever go to bat for me! I received my California State Teaching Credential in two weeks. There is much more to this story. To end my words, I will tell you that I am indebted to Mr. Deddeh. I am indebted to God, (He is # 1) and I am very grateful to you, Linda, for reminding me of Wadie Deddeh. I am so glad that he is still alive. I plan to write him and thank him. Thank you so, so much. God bless you.
Bobby ps.. check out my blog:
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Mark Twain And The Jews
For a long time, I have considered Mark Twain one of the greatest of American writers. The man was extremely witty and prolific. He was also an admirer of Jewish people. So am I. History shows us that a great deal of hatred has existed against the Jews. I am persuaded that there exists a variety of reasons for this. However, I truly believe that it is mainly jealousy that has caused the hatred. Those that hate the Jew often feel intimidated by the Jew. There is absolutely no need for it. Jews have made great contributions to the betterment of this world in spite of their small numbers. I only have one thing to say about this. If you want to be a success......go for it. Pay the price. Study. Work hard. Postpone pleasures. Make sacrifices. Pursue your dreams. Be disciplined. Above all: love God.
The following is a quote from Mark Twain.
"If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky way. properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"
Mark Twain
"Concerning The Jews,” Harper’s Magazine, 1899
Friday, August 3, 2012
Child Marriage
A couple of years ago, I was talking to several teenagers about how in some societies throughout the world it is acceptable for very young girls to get maried. They both blurted out: "But thats' their culture!" I thought that may be true, but it does not make it right. I believe in tradition-breaking if a tradition is wrong. Well, what about culture? Some may ask. I say culture is always changing. Some of the changes may be incremental. But culture is always changing. Why should a 12 year old girl be forced to marry a 50 year old man? Because "that is their culture?" I say no. I say it is wrong. I say cultures that practice such things find it necessary to keep people ignorant. They find it necessary for men to disrespect women and children. Since traditions are man-made, they can also be unmade. The big question is: How? A good start is for individuals to start rejecting such things. After rejecting such things, something better must be put in place. I know......easier said than done. But it is not impossible.
Rick Gorka In Poland
"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Those are the words of Jesus. Politics is a tough business. It tests the patience of those involved in it. Romney and any other politician needs to seek out aides who do not insult people. They need to be people with a sense of kindness and a sense of humor. Reporters are reporters. They are not paid to be courteous. But politicians and their aides need to be watchful of what they say. Recently, Mitt Romney visited the tomb of the unknown soldier in Poland. Reporters kept badgering Romney, trying to get him to answer some questions. He answered none. Finally, Rick Gorka, a Romney spokesman, told a journalist: "Kiss my ass." Some time later, Gorka told another journalist to "shove it." Gorka needs to learn some people skills. He needs to realize that he should refrain from lowering himself to the level of rude reporters. Some reporters are like rats scurrying around a garbage can. He needs patience. There is absolutely no need to talk to people this way. It is wrong. Show some class, Gorka. And Mr. Romney: have a talk with Rick Gorka. Be sure to mention that there are plenty of other people who are qualified for his job.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
We Are Going To Oregon
It is going to be great. Early tomorrow morning, Sandy and I will be taking the Amtrak to Salem, Oregon. We will be joined in LA by Laura, Leo, Sophie, Dolly, Mia and Lincoln. It will take us 27 hours to get to our destination by train. We plan to rent a van in Salem and drive South to Lincoln City where we will be visiting my sister Yoly and her husband, Dan. About 7 cousins will be there too. We plan to stay around 8 days. It will be fun.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Ronald Reagan And Antonio Jaramillo
He was the son of an alcoholic shoe salesman. His name is Ronald Reagan. He grew up poor. Ronald did pretty well for himself. Actor, Governor of California, and President of the United States. We live in a great country....a free country. What about Antonio Jaramillo? Ask him if he loves America. He grew up in an orphanage in Tijuana. "When I was young, I was just looking for my next meal," he said. He kept that survivor mentality. He worked in restaurants. He cleaned toilets at San Diego State. He had two things going in his favor. First, he did not have an "I'm a victim mentality," secondly, (which is probably the most important) he was not afraid or embarrassed to work. He worked hard. He studied hard. He is now a rising star, an actor with an important role in the movie "Savages." Why not? He saw opportunities. He seized them. Hard work and determination did it for him. Not bad for a poor orphan from TJ.
Oscar Pistorious
I congratulate Oscar Pistorious. He is the first double amputee to ever be selected to participate in the Olympic Games. Good for him. Great for him. He is a champ regardless of the outcome of his competition. He is known as the Blade Runner. He is a 25 year old South African. The "blades" are artificial legs used mainly for competitive running, He will be competing for South Africa in the 1600- meter relay. Although his favorite event is the 400 meters, he failed to qualify for it by less than a quarter of a second.
Yes, I congratulate Oscar Pistorious. I like his name. It is catchy. It is rythmic. But aside from that, he is an inspiration to those who struggle in sports or other endeavors. I say go for it. Work hard, and expect the best. I know it can be difficult. Do it anyway. Think of Oscar Pistorious.
Yes, I congratulate Oscar Pistorious. I like his name. It is catchy. It is rythmic. But aside from that, he is an inspiration to those who struggle in sports or other endeavors. I say go for it. Work hard, and expect the best. I know it can be difficult. Do it anyway. Think of Oscar Pistorious.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Michael Johnson's Take On Black Sprinters
Michael Johnson Is an Olympic Games legend. Recently he stated that black people, who are descendants of West African slaves, have a "superior athletic gene." His conclusion declares that black American and Caribbean sprinters will "command the sport" at the London Games. I appreciate Johnson's honesty and his willingness to discuss the subject. I am not an expert on genetics. However, all of us have observed who has a history of winning gold in the sprinting events.
Is it about genes? Maybe, maybe not. Slavery was and is harsh. Only the strong survive. The strong have descendants. Many are also strong.
"Only the strong survive." It makes sense to me. However, any subject related to slavery is usually touchy. It is best to be led of the Spirit when speaking of such things. Otherwise one will need to settle for political correctness. When one does that, 4 things will generally occur: 1) One will remain silent or just say "hmm." 2) One will speak patronizingly or condescendingly. 3) One will attempt to be scholarly while deftly changing the subject. 4) One will speak from the heart.....but his heart will have no love or kindness in it.... and it will show.
Love is where the power is. "Love never fails." Please refer to the 4th sentence of the above paragraph.
Why do I bring love into the discussion? Because winning gold represents glory. One cannot separate glory from love. I shall explain in another blog.
Is it about genes? Maybe, maybe not. Slavery was and is harsh. Only the strong survive. The strong have descendants. Many are also strong.
"Only the strong survive." It makes sense to me. However, any subject related to slavery is usually touchy. It is best to be led of the Spirit when speaking of such things. Otherwise one will need to settle for political correctness. When one does that, 4 things will generally occur: 1) One will remain silent or just say "hmm." 2) One will speak patronizingly or condescendingly. 3) One will attempt to be scholarly while deftly changing the subject. 4) One will speak from the heart.....but his heart will have no love or kindness in it.... and it will show.
Love is where the power is. "Love never fails." Please refer to the 4th sentence of the above paragraph.
Why do I bring love into the discussion? Because winning gold represents glory. One cannot separate glory from love. I shall explain in another blog.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Prop 29 Lost
"VOTERS NARROWLY REJECT TOBACCO TAX" read the heading on page 4 of the Union Tribune. I am not a smoker. I used to be. It is a dangerous, filthy and expensive habit. I prefer not to be around people who are smoking. Second-hand smoke is not healthy. I also think that tobacco companies tend to be interested only in their bottom line.......profit. So, what else is new? Proposition 29 was a California initiative to increase the tax on tobacco products to pay for cancer research. It lost. I did not feel very strongly about it either way. However, I am one of those who voted against it. I voted against it because I do not want to see an increase of taxes on anything. Please forgive me, but sometimes I view the government as a big, big leech. Government wastes and wastes. It misallocates and then finds itself in trouble. "Sin tax" tends to be an appropriate term. However, I believe in freedom. Although I do not agree with smoking, I agree with freedom. Relevant to liquor, Prohibition did not work in this country. But reality tells me that its' repeal has not worked very well either, considering all of the deaths liquor has caused. But then again, were the deaths caused by the product or by the poor choices of people? Products are manufactured. They are out there. They are neutral. Choices, on the other hand, can be very deadly. Some are not deadly. Therefore, I choose freedom. That freedom can permit me to learn about the greatest choices available. I know it is necessary to obey laws. However, I do not want the government to be telling me how to live my life. When the government taxes something excessively, it is then telling me that I cannot have or use that something. I would rather make that decision myself. I believe in freedom.
Chimps Are Not People, They are Animals
You can dress them in a tuxedo, give them human names and call them part of the family. Maybe you can teach them to do tricks and clap their hands and even smile. But chimps are not people. They are animals. They are strong....8 times stronger than the average man. Many people have been mauled by chimps. A few years ago, a woman was blinded and her face disfigured by a chimp. She had brought a birthday cake for him. A birthday cake? Are you kidding me? Man, chimps are not people. They are animals. True, some people have a knack, a gift, an ability to be able to deal with animals in a very special way, like Jane Goodall, but not everyone is Jane Goodall, and even she is careful. A little bit of common sense goes a long way. Why do you think gorillas and other primates are in enclosures at the zoo? What I think happens sometimes, is that people misconstrue the belief that humans are superior to all animals. I definitely believe that humans are superior. However, do I then proceed to be careless? Do I then proceed to be cavalier? Do I then proceed to "act in faith" without having faith and only arrogance? No. We must not do that. I have aleady mentioned common sense. Chimps are not people, they are animals.
"And I'm Not Even Jewish, I Just Copy"
I am willing to learn from the Jews. First of all: I will believe that there is an almighty, eternal God who loves me and thinks I am special. Next I will respect the importance of education, and acquire one. I will learn a foreign language (maybe two or more). I will travel. I won't be too young when I marry. I will graduate from medical school. I will not be jealous of successful people. I will compete against them. I will inquire, investigate and research. I will work hard. I will make some good investments. I will be successful. People will be jealous of me, and say unkind things about me. No matter. It is one of the prices of success. If I have followed a stereotype, good for me. It paid off. I have done all of the aforementioned except one. Incidently, I'm not a drunk or a druggie, and I'm not even Jewish. I just copy. I keep what is worth keeping....."and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
Happy Birthday, America!
On the 4th of July, 1776, the greatest nation on the planet was born. A document was signed by 57 men that helped to create what is now known as the United States of America. Although, at that time, only 13 colonies were represented, around 3 and a quarter million people, today there are many more. They come from all over the world. Here, freedom and opportunity reigns for those who are willing to continue the sacrifice. The fathers of this nation were accused of sedition and treason. The British military forces were the greatest military power on earth. They faced a people who had an idea....a dream ....a notion. This new government had a vision of greatness. This greatness translated into liberty and opportunity. It is still here. One just has to look for it. Happy birthday, America!
Happy Fourth of July everyone. Happy 236th birthday, America.
Today I would like to share with you a story about a hero of WW II that very few people know about. His name was Guy Louis Gabaldon. He was one of seven children in a Mexican-American family in East Los Angeles. As a pre-teen, he shined shoes to contribute to the family's income. He was a member of a gang that was multi-ethnic. At the age of 12, he moved out of his house and was "adopted" by a Japanese family. When Guy was 17, the family he lived with was taken to an internment camp at the start of WW II. Guy joined the Marine Corps at the age of 17. He was fluent in Japanese.
As a Marine, he was in fierce combat in Saipan. His exploits will probably never be equaled. To make a long story short, he captured over 1500 Japanese prisoners......and I know this is hard to believe. But he used his fluency in the Japanese language to convince Japanese soldiers that they would be fed well, get medical attention, and have favorable accommodations. Gabaldon was wounded in combat. He was known as a "lone wolf" operator. Guy Louis Gabaldon was awarded the Silver Star and the Navy Cross for his feats in battle. Many claim he should have been awarded the CMH, considering he captured more than 10 times the number of prisoners that Sgt. Alvin York captured in WW I. For his exploits, he was known as the "Pied Piper of Saipan." He passed away in 2006, at the age of 80. I consider him a hero for what he did. I also consider him a hero for capturing more than he killed. Rest in peace, Guy.
Friday, June 22, 2012
"America is Great Because America Is Good"
French writer Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in 1831. He was fascinated by it. He was intrigued by it. He could not understand why there was so much order and so much respect for the law. He wrote much about the greatness of America, but the following paragraph condenses his attitude toward America.
"I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning--and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution--and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!"
I just have two questions: Who is the greatest teacher of "good"? If America is great because it is good, does it not stand to reason that somehow, America had to be taught how to be "good."?
"I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests--and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning--and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution--and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!"
I just have two questions: Who is the greatest teacher of "good"? If America is great because it is good, does it not stand to reason that somehow, America had to be taught how to be "good."?
Monday, June 18, 2012
"To Spare Servetus............"
Why did John Calvin have Michael Servetus martyred......burned at the stake? Because Servetus did not believe in the trinity, and he spoke against it. Calvin had written a booklet in defense of the trinity. Because Servetus spoke against it, Calvin argued "that to spare Servetus would endanger the souls of many." A Christian scholar by the name of Sebastian Castelio wrote an essay entitled "Contra Libellum Calvini," (Against Calvin's booklet). Here is part of what he wrote, and I agree one-hundred per-cent: "To kill a man is not to protect a doctrine; but to kill a man. When the Genevans killed Servetus, they did not defend a doctrine; they but killed a man. If Servetus had wished to kill Calvin, the Magistrate would have properly defended Calvin. But when Servetus fought with reasons and writings, he should have been repulsed by reasons and writings."
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