Thursday, January 31, 2013

Planned Parenthood And Abortions

The killing of innocent children is being subsidized by the American taxpayer via abortion, whether we want to or not. .  Abortion is big business for PP.  Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the United States.  They plan to gain from expanded abortions.  334,000 abortions were performed by Planned Parenthood in 2011, an increase of about 5000 from the year before.  Numbers for the year 2012 are complete, but PP is not in any hurry to disseminate the information due to the fact that they know that they are in a ghoulish, grisly, perverted, gruesome, repugnant, hideous, horrific  and ghastly, blood-stained business.  But it is also big business for Planned Parenthood.  Pregnant women need to stay away from Planned Parenthood offices.  They will be encouraged to get abortions.

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