Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Some Washington Post Letters

The following three short letters are comments I wrote in response to some articles and comments that were written in the Washington Post that I did not agree with. 

"Bobbarnes, let us be reasonable, men having sex with men causes serious diseases and a host of psychological problems. It is simply not God's will. The precious, eternal Word of God states: " A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." Can we get an amen for the eternal truth?"

"What is a "religithug," I have heard of no such thing. Why don't you stop the name-calling, and rudeness. You/we live in a free country. Nobody is stopping you from being gay if that is what you choose to do. What you want is not just for people to be tolerant, you want validation. You want legitimacy. How can you get it when the Word of God prohibits homosexuality,  and calls it an abomination? So if I disagree with the GLBT lifestyle, this makes me a "religithug"? If you expect to live in a world where everybody agrees with what you do, you are not embracing reality. And all the name-calling you emit will not change your expectations."

"Because crime exists, and will continue to exist, it does not mean that we must legalize a criminal, horrendous, and barbaric act in order to "sanitize" the scenario. This is what we have done. It is tragic. Killing babies is not a solution. This is not China. This is the United States of America, the "land of the free and the home of the brave." A person must be free to be born and not be murdered in the womb by selfish and cowardly persons."

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