Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Army Of Bureaucrats Thrives

I understand the point. But I do not think you can get the necessary result, albeit benefit from government, without experiencing some adverse consequences. Yes, government is expensive. Yes, government can be nosy. Yes, government can limit one's freedom. What can we do about it? We need to vote. We need to stay in contact with those who represent us. It is work. It may be inconvenient and time-consuming. Who can do it? Most of us don't. And that is part of the problem. RD............... "Under the constitution, there was never meant to be a federal police force. Even an FBI limited only to investigations was not accepted until this century. Yet today, fueled by the federal government’s misdirected war on drugs, radical environmentalism, and the aggressive behavior of the nanny state, we have witnessed the massive buildup of a virtual army of armed regulators prowling the States where they have no legal authority. The sacrifice of individual responsibility and the concept of local government by the majority of American citizens has permitted the army of bureaucrats to thrive." Dr. Ron Paul (1935-) American physician, US Congressman (R-TX), US Presidential candidate

Friday, December 19, 2014

Another Letter to Yahoo

The following letter is a letter I wrote to Yahoo several weeks ago in response to a writer's comments regarding the "enemies" of the Word of God............. "Michael, you are correct. Please remember, those that hate the Word of God do not have any plans of being reasonable with, or tolerant of those who believe it. They can change, and many have. But this is where evangelism comes in. The preaching of the great commission is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, many people want the benefits of being the children of God, without making a commitment to God and His Word. This is when the name-calling and hatred-spewing accusations begin toward those who are trying to obey the Word of God. The Word of God says what it says. Political correctness and constant cultural change not withstanding. At any rate, the Word of God has enemies. It always has. 'There is nothing new under the sun.'"

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Blood Ban

According to the Family Research Council, in 2010, gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of estimated new HIV infections in the United States and 78% of infections among all newly infected men. The United States Food and Drug Administration has a policy of holding a ban on blood donations from those who engage in risky sexual behavior. This is an important ban. The FDA created this policy, not out of hatred or prejudice but for reasons of safe medical practice, the health of many and common sense. If politically active homosexual groups continue to attempt to overturn the ban......and succeed, they will put millions of Americans at a greater risk of infection. How insane is this? This has nothing to do with "tolerance," it has to do with saving lives.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"You Can Never Get Enough"

"Don't really need" is the key portion of the following quote. We know what we need. But there are those out there who want to sell us things. They want to "give" us things. They want to rent and "lend" us things. There appears to be no end to it. They are attempting to create a need where there is no need. Why? For monetary gain. I guess that is okay. That is one of the ways economics works. Just remember to be wise about such things. Here is the quote by Eric Hoffer............"You can never get enough of what you don't really need."

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mr. Cop: Kill Them With Kindness!

"Would you please not walk in the middle of the street." "How are you tonight?" "May I please see some ID?" "Kind of chilly tonight, aren't you glad we have some good jackets?" "Are you looking forward to the holidays?" "Are you on your way home? Would you like a ride?" "I do hope you are not upset about something." "Please be courteous to me. I'm courteous to you. I just want to ask you a few questions. I don't want to take up too much of your time." There is much more. I am of the persuasion that a COP is a "Counselor On Patrol."

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

(Above All) Real Children

The human race is still civilized. I realize that there are those who do not agree with that statement. But I truly believe that we do not conduct ourselves as lower animals. All of us are ignorant of many things. But often times, children do not realize that they are ignorant. In their innocence, they evaluate things with the honesty that they have at their disposal, and it is a great deal of honesty. Children learn things in public schools that do not necessarily benefit them. For many years, I have believed that the family, government, public schools and religion should be in agreement regarding values. I do not believe that way any more because government and public schools are beginning to embrace a value system that is contrary to the best interests of the family. "Real mothers," will teach their children what is really important. Nurses do not necessarily have the same role that they had 100 years ago. Perhaps the role of a "real nanny" or a "real grandma" is applicable here. Yes, I am aware that children can be deceived. Nevertheless, there is something within an innocent child that protects him/her, and declares to that child: "Something is not right here, I don't like this. I would like something that is better for me." This old quote by C. S. Lewis touches the matter.

"Hitherto the plans of the educationalists have achieved very little of what they attempted, and indeed we may well thank the beneficent obstinacy of real mothers, real nurses, and (above all) real children for preserving the human race in such sanity as it still possesses."

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ended Friendships

It does not need to be ugly. It just needs to be done. Certain friendships are boring or a waste of time. Sometimes "friends" like to be with you because you are fun to be with. But there is no respect. And because you are fun to be with, this makes your "friend" insanely jealous, because your so-called "friend" is not fun to be with. Some friends think that they are superior to you, therefore, they like to continue the friendship in order to feel good about themselves. Sometimes a "friend" is intelligent but has been unable to cash in on his/her intelligence due to the lack of people skills. Therefore, your "friend's" intelligence turns into wit and then starts degrading into sarcasm and finally into verbal abuse. That is when it is time to bail from that so-called "friendship."

"Sometimes you have to give up on a friendship, not because you do not care about the person, but because the person just does not care about you." (anon.)

The Main Religion Of Brazil

The reason I did some research on this topic is because Brazil is well known for the "Carnaval" celebration. There is a great deal of debauchery going on during this celebration, and it is a religious celebration. Syncretic or "blended" religions are a contradiction to me. Either we serve the God of the Bible or we don't. The best "blend" known to the human race is Jesus Christ. He is 100% God and 100% human. He did this for a purpose. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. God is love, therefore His plans are motivated by love. God is perfect, and everything He does is perfect. We are neither love nor perfect. However, He invites us to participate of His nature. And this does not include dancing nearly naked in the street. RD

"There is no official religion, but since about three fourths of Brazilians describe themselves as Roman Catholic and Christian, Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world. It is estimated, however, that only about two in three rural Brazilian Catholics practice their religion, and in cities only 10 to 15 percent do. As in other parts of the world, some Brazilians are agnostic (uncertain of religious beliefs), and more than 7 percent describe themselves as nonreligious or as atheist (not believing in any gods or spirits). Protestantism, notably Pentecostalism, has grown to include more than 15 percent of the people. Many Brazilians embrace Umbanda (0.2%), Candomblé, and other syncretic (blended) religions that seem to combine elements of Catholicism, West African religions, and even Amerindian religions."
(The Student Encyclopedia)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Letter To The Washington Post

Last Friday, for the first time in the history of the United States, Muslims held a religious service in the Washington National Cathedral. Supposedly, it was to show respect to both Islam and Christianity. The nature of worship does not work this way. This was my response to the Washington Post who posted the article that discussed the event.

"This was not a Christian religious service, nor a Muslim one. It was a political event with the emphasis being political correctness. Christians find themselves in an awkward position. If they are not careful, and if they get too hasty, they may find themselves locked out of the Washington National Cathedral. Muslims and Christians cannot worship together. If Jesus Christ is not honored, if He is not worshiped as the almighty God manifest in the flesh, if the Word of God is not presented, then why bother to have a worship service? I am perfectly aware of freedom of religion in our great nation. However, Christians everywhere teach and believe that Jesus Christ is God. This is in direct contradistinction to any faith that excludes this truth. Please be informed: The whole issue is about Jesus Christ, His Word and His teachings. And yes, I include the Old Testament. Remember, Jesus Christ is God. He is the eternal God. His name was secret. It was revealed in Bethlehem, just as the Prophet Micah said it would be. The Koran is not the Word of God. This issue is much too important to be tainted by political correctness. There is much more."

Monday, November 10, 2014

10 Favorite Quotes

1. “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.” Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
2. “Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.” Henry Ford (1863-1947)
3. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
4. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
5. “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013)
6. “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal which is worthwhile.” Vince Lombardi (1913-1970)
7. “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” George Washington (1732-1799)
8. “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…we must do that which we think we cannot.” Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
9. “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
10. “The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

ss lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) 12. “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) 13. “I believe the unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) 14. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.” Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brittany Maynard

When I learned that 29 year old Brittany Maynard, who was dying from brain cancer, legally took her own life, I commented to the news outlet that posted the article. The following is the letter I wrote. "These are definitely tough decisions to make. I was/am not in her shoes. I do/will not judge her. Life and death issues are so serious that we truly need to take a somber look at what we are doing. Death is a reality and there is no escaping it. A combat soldier, police officer, firefighter or anyone else who willingly enters a situation that is clearly dangerous to life and limb may be considered a true hero. Was this young woman a hero? I doubt that she considered herself one. She was a seriously ill, determined person who made a decision and carried it out. The big question, then, for us is: Would we do the same thing if we were in that situation? I know, most would say: “I’ll make that decision when I am confronted with that situation.” What will motivate the decision? Just sickness? Well……yes. But there is more to it than that."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Real Gentry

Now.......let me take it to the highest level: Humility, coupled with faith in God, due to knowledge of His Word, taken to Him in prayer will guide us to levels that we have not even imagined. God answers prayer. In fact every soccer game, regardless of where it is played.....should begin with prayer. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Him....He? Yes. His name is Jesus. He is the King of kings. He is the Lord of Lords. (there is only one Lord) He is the Almighty. He is the only one you need to pray to. Pray to Him and your covered. "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." (Col. 2:9) "Complete in Him?" "Head of all principality and power?" Is that for real? Yes. And it has worked for me. I am not going back to the "non-gentry." My Father is a King. And not only a King, He is the "King of kings." When the time comes I will be moving to a very special neighborhood. I will be with my King in glory. It is not time yet. There is much work to do. My King's name is Jesus, and there is no higher name. "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of the things in heaven and the things in earth and the things under the earth, and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." Check it out for yourself: no need to lie. (Philippians 2:10 and 11) There is much more. Jesus is Lord. He is the greatest gift to the human race, and yes...."every knee SHOULD bow" to Him. He is Worthy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just Gentrifying

Do I have it right? Did the City of San Francisco allow one of its' public parks in the Mission District to be rented, without letting anyone know about it? It is all about the use of a soccer field in the middle of the Mission District. The field was reserved by some young, upper middle class residents of some new condos that were built to gentrify that part of the city. The field renters did it via app and they caused a disagreement between them and the locals who wanted to share the soccer field. Renting things via app is not unheard of. But renting the soccer field in the middle of the Mission District via app is apparently new and not a common practice. Some consider it to be something weird, and insensitive due to the possibility of the so-called "techies" hogging the field and keeping those of less means out. I will not take sides on this issue because I need more details. The way I view the whole scenario is this way: Courtesy goes a long way. But let me take it to the next level of greatness. Humility goes a long way. More on that on my next blog.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A response to Thuggery

I wrote the following letter to a New York newspaper after reading about a Jewish merchant who had his store vandalized and robbed during business hours. Gun enthusiasts claimed that the store owner should have been able to protect himself and his property with a gun, and that he "should have shot as many as possible." I am not pleased with what the invaders did. However, I am not in agreement with the merchant killing anyone. Here is the letter: "Does New York state not allow store owners to have a gun handy to protect themselves and their property? It does not appear that one gun would have done the job. There were too many invaders. Also, some merchants are not interested in killing people on their property. Corpses, blood and a bullet riddled store do not appear to be an option for them. There is no excuse for this kind of mistreatment of a merchant. It is definitely an example of ignorance in action. Is racism demonstrated by the perpetrators? Maybe. How about hatred, anger and jealousy? As the saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Many problems can be prevented, and every problem has a solution. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Prov.22:6) So….who is doing the training?"

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Juan Williams Quote

I suppose the idea is to attack and verbally abuse anyone who does not agree with you. This is the mantra of many liberals. I say hatred is not reason. Freedom is good. Hatred is not. Hatred leads to actions that defy freedom. RD. Here is a Juan Williams quote..........."I am not a conservative but I have spoken out for years against the staggering amount of blind hatred directed at black conservatives by liberals. Liberals are shockingly quick to demean and dismiss brilliant black people like Rice, Carson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), Professor Walter E. Williams and economist Thomas Sowell because they don’t fit into the role they have carved out for a black person in America. Black Americans must be obedient liberals on all things or risk being called a race traitor or an Uncle Tom." Juan Williams..... (1954-) Panamanian-born American journalist, political analyst, author Source: Rutgers rage against Rice.....why do liberals have so much hate for black conservatives?, March 6, 2014

William Tyndale.....A True Hero

The following information about the life of William Tyndale was excerpted from James E Kiefer's writings in "Biographical Sketches of Memorable Christians of the Past." In my view......nothing can stop the Word of God. Not even religious organizations whose goals were to keep the believers ignorant in order to maintain power over them.........RD. "William Tyndale was born about 1495 at Slymbridge near the Welsh border. He received his degrees from Magdalene College, Oxford, and also studied at Cambridge. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1521, and soon began to speak of his desire, which eventually became his life's obsession, to translate the Scriptures into English. It is reported that, in the course of a dispute with a prominent clergyman who disparaged this proposal, he said, "If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost." The remainder of his life was devoted to keeping that vow, or boast. Finding that the King, Henry VIII, was firmly set against any English version of the Scriptures, he fled to Germany (visiting Martin Luther in 1525), and there traveled from city to city, in exile, poverty, persecution, and constant danger. Tyndale understood the commonly received doctrine -- the popular theology -- of his time to imply that men earn their salvation by good behavior and by penance. He wrote eloquently in favor of the view that salvation is a gift of God, freely bestowed, and not a response to any good act on the part of the receiver. His views are expressed in numerous pamphlets, and in the introductions to and commentaries on various books of the Bible that accompanied his translations. He completed his translation of the New Testament in 1525, and it was printed at Worms and smuggled into England. Of 18,000 copies, only two survive. In 1534, he produced a revised version, and began work on the Old Testament. In the next two years he completed and published the Pentateuch and Jonah, and translated the books from Joshua through Second Chronicles, but then he was captured (betrayed by one he had befriended), tried for heresy, and put to death. He was burned at the stake, but, as was often done, the officer strangled him before lighting the fire. His last words were, 'Lord, open the King of England's eyes.' "

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A School Kicks Chic-Fil-A Out

Last month, Val Wyatt, a Ventura County high school principal barred a football booster club from selling Chic-fil-A sandwiches because of the chain's position on gay marriage. Trudy Tuttle Arriaga, the Ventura Unified School District Superintendent backed Wyatt up. From my point of view, both Wyatt and Arriaga are wrong. They DO NOT practice diversity. They are unfair, inconsiderate, and intolerant. Chik-fil-A’s is a legitimate commercial food establishment. They are not “pushing” any political stance. They want to be helpful to students. They want to see students succeed. Yes, the management claims to be of the Christian faith. So what? Are we still a free country or not? Their places of business are clean. The food is good. The staff pleasant. I will go out of my way to be their customer. They are successful. I hope they continue to be. They are a blessing to our society.

"Rights To Essential Happiness"

"Kings or parliaments could not give the rights essential to happiness... We claim them from a higher source -- from the King of kings, and Lord of all the earth. They are not annexed to us by parchments and seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence, which establish the laws of our nature. They are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power, without taking our lives." John Dickinson (1732-1808) signer of the Constitution and a member of the Continental Congress in 1766

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

After-Birth Abortion?

Planned Parenthood coined a phrase. It is called "After-birth abortion." Would someone please explain to me how an abortion can be had when the baby has already been born? The correct term is "infanticide." It is the slaughter of infants. Is not this the specialty of Planned Parenthood?

Ingersoll Missed The Point

Robert G. Ingersoll was an educated man. He was an orator and American political leader who was born in 1833 and died in 1899. He was also an atheist. He seemed to have something against Christians and Christianity. He was relentless in his attacks against them. His disagreements were passionate. He was a wordsmith. The irony about his point of view is that because of Christianity, he made a great deal of money. He would fill auditoriums with paying customers who were there to hear his rants against the existence of God. I think he missed the point about the truth. Passion does not create the truth, but it (truth) can sure cause it. The following is a quote from one of his speeches............ "All the martyrs in the history of the world are not sufficient to establish the correctness of an opinion. Martyrdom, as a rule, establishes the sincerity of the martyr, — never the correctness of his thought. Things are true or false in themselves. Truth cannot be affected by opinions; it cannot be changed, established, or affected by martyrdom. An error cannot be believed sincerely enough to make it a truth."

Monday, September 29, 2014

I Am Pro-Israel

I am pro-Israel. I have been there. What a beautiful nation! What beautiful people! I hope I can return. I know I will be treated kindly. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. I see three main problems that affect Israel. 1) The nation is not perfect. 2) The nation is hated by many. 3) Many are insanely jealous of Israel. As the old saying goes: "When you got it, you got it." I leave this piece of advice to all of the haters of Israel: Please do not hate them. Pursue your dreams. There is always room for hard working, disciplined, kind, tolerant, educated and respectful people. If, since your childhood, you have been taught to hate a group of people, you are at a severe disadvantage. Why? Because hatred is like a cancer. So...what do you do about it? Quit hating. Quit being jealous. There is something special for you too. "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Gen. 12:2,3) No need to be a hater!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hate A Jew? No Way!

Hate a Jew? No way! Jealous of a Jew? No way! Mentored by a Jew? Of course! I do not have time to be jealous or hateful of Jews. I have my own intellectual skills, talents, good health, God-directed spiritual guidelines and motivation. If I am not successful, I have nobody to blame but myself. I will blame nobody, especially Jews. Do you want to be a success? Go for it! Who is stopping you? Certainly not Jews. We do not need to agree with everyone and everything, but hatred should not be chosen as a viable option. It is bad for your health. It is self-destructive.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Teddy Roosevelt And Church Attendance

I am against revisionist history when it purposely excludes events that were particularly important. On November18, 2009, Barry Howard posted "Teddy Roosevelt's 10 Reasons for Going to Church," in "Ethics Daily.com." "Some people go to church regularly, some go occasionally, and others seldom go at all. How important is church participation? Are there good reasons that I should go to church? Actually, the Bible calls on believers to be the church, and not just go to church. But to effectively be the church, believers need to faithfully gather with the other members of the body of Christ for equipping and encouragement. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, believed in attending and participating in church. In 1917, in an interview with Ladies Home Journal, President Roosevelt offered at least 10 reasons for going to church: In the actual world a churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid downgrade. Church work and church attendance mean the cultivation of the habit of feeling some responsibility for others and the sense of braced moral strength, which prevents a relaxation of one's own moral fiber. There are enough holidays for most of us that can quite properly be devoted to pure holiday making. Sundays differ from other holidays, among other ways, in the fact that there are 52 of them every year. On Sunday, go to church. Yes, I know all the excuses. I know that one can worship the Creator and dedicate oneself to good living in a grove of trees, or by a running brook, or in one's own house, just as well as in church. But I also know as a matter of cold fact the average man does not thus worship or thus dedicate himself. If he strays away from church, he does not spend his time in good works or lofty meditation. He looks over the colored supplement of the newspaper."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Propaganda From Goebbels

The war between the truth and lies has been going on since the dawn of time. It is nothing new. We are confronted with lies constantly. Perhaps we do not pay attention to the consequences. Perhaps we are too busy to be bothered by the truth. Perhaps we are only interested in the truth when it influences us directly. Perhaps we are just busy people and we think:"hey, first things first." In spite of all of that, I still have not met anyone who likes to be lied to. In the long run, lying has unpleasant consequences. If you check your history, you will find that Joseph Goebbels was the the Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. He was responsible for controlling the mass media. Did he not make a career out of lying? Or was it just propaganda for the "public enlightenment."? Goebbels clearly stated the following: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Letter From An Ex Jaguar

The following letter was written by a former Southwestern College student. The writer did not sign it, therefore I do not know who it is, but he/she was clearly disgruntled, and very honest.
Here it is:
 "I'm so happy to finally transfer out of this hell hole. It took me several years and a lot of semesters + summer sessions, but I finally transferred out and plan on attending San Diego State University with a 3.86 GPA. There were a lot of cool professors who were always willing to help and fully teach their interpretations of the material, but at the same time, there were some awful professors who have had long lasting careers on campus and that's a shame on SWC's behalf. Obviously, the dean doesn't listen to student's complaints and all the negative feedback about those professors or otherwise they would have replaced them by now. As far as the administration and counseling departments, there are some nice people but then there are some total A-holes who purposely sabotage your progress because they don't really care or lack the knowledge to help you graduate/transfer. Almost every single person who works in the financial aid department has been extremely rude and unhelpful. The same cannot be said about the staff in the cafeteria because the majority of the employees are friendly and I trust them preparing my food. Now, when discussing the atmosphere of this campus only one word comes to mind, and that's the word "Tijuana." This place is basically Tijuana 13th grade with around 80% of the population little social kids who live across the border and prefer to only speak Spanish and have their walkie talkie Nextels always chirping while they goof around all class and practically drop or fail every course they sign up for. I will not miss you Southwestern and your crowded parking lots, ticket happy police, and all of your budget cuts on classes when in reality you guys are spending millions of dollars expanding the campus. What's the point of building so many new facilities and classrooms if every semester they keep cutting classes and staff because they claim they have no money? You obviously have the millions of dollars to build a new cafeteria in the back and new facility on the corner of H Street yet you make all of your pupils suffer trying to crash and enlist up to 50 students on a wait list with no mercy or sense of urgency for your students."

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Freedom.....The Destination

Freedom is the goal. It is not necessarily a means to reach that goal. It is the goal. Life is a series of obstacles and events that create the journey, the journey toward freedom. That is correct. The journey is not freedom. The destination is freedom.

Born Free?

Born free? Sounds good. But I do not think we are born free. We are born to be taught to do things that will help us to survive. We were born to act and react. We need to be taught to be free. That is tough to do. There is no freedom where there is no order. We must be taught to order our lives to permit us to enjoy freedom.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Peter King And Obama's Tan Suit

I am not necessarily a fan of Barack Obama. He is our Commander In Chief and I do not hate him. However, he is unlikely to go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Nevertheless, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) embarrassed himself and his political party for criticizing the President for wearing a tan suit. How petty can you get? Is King losing his mind? King implied that Obama was not properly dressed to discuss the important issues facing the nation. This is ridiculous. Actually, it is beyond ridiculous.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"If I'm A Cop"

The following post is an excerpt from an article written in the Washington Post on August 19, 2014. It was written by a Los Angeles police officer named Sunil Dutta It is the end of a fairly long article. But as he states: it is his "bottom line." In short, he is basically saying:

"I'm a cop. If you don't want to get hurt, don't challenge me." "Even though it might sound harsh and impolitic, here is the bottom line: if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. Don’t argue with me, don’t call me names, don’t tell me that I can’t stop you, don’t say I’m a racist pig, don’t threaten that you’ll sue me and take away my badge. Don’t scream at me that you pay my salary, and don’t even think of aggressively walking towards me. Most field stops are complete in minutes. How difficult is it to cooperate for that long?"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Founding Principles

If something has worked for centuries, why do away with it? If certain laws have kept people safe, why do away with them? Yes, times change. But some things will never change. Human nature must be protected from itself. We are not lower animals without a sense of morality. But we are capable of becoming beast-like if we do not keep ourselves "in check." How do we do that? By supporting principles that keep us civilized. Where do we get those principles? From a source that works. From a source that has demonstrated success. From a source that is perfect. From a source that has not only proven to respect humanity, but a source that loves it. I am a pragmatist. If something works, do not toss it out.

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded." C. L. De Montesquieu (1689-1755)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Apartheid? Israel? No Way

Israel does not practice apartheid. Ignorant people accuse them of it (keep the races, colors, peoples apart) Israel's government is probably the fairest on this planet. (another reason to be insanely jealous of them) To those who have legally obtained citizenship status, Israel gives full, no nonsense, unconditional citizenship, which includes voting and all other rights. Arabs and Palestinians have received great benefits from this policy. Israel respects others. The same cannot be truthfully said about Hamas. What is their view of Israel? "Israel must cease to exist, and all Jews must die." Hatred and ignorance is a deadly combination. It causes people and groups to make things up and render false accusations. Declaring that Israel practices apartheid is a prime example of such an accusation. Israel just wants to continue to exist. Is that an unjust aspiration?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mussolini And Common Core

My thanks to Liberty Tree Quotes for the following quote by Benito Mussolini. He was an Italian Dictator during WWII. It reminds me a little bit of where the educational system in the United States is heading with the "Common Core" program. Just something to think about.

"At every hour of every day, I can tell you on which page of which book each school child in Italy is studying." Benito Mussolini (1883-1945)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Do A Great Job! Get Started!

When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself.” (Isak Dinesen, author, Out of Africa) “One of these days is none of these days.” (Old English Proverb) “If you wait until all the lights are green before you leave home, you’ll never get started on your trip to the top.” (Zig Ziglar) “Reward yourself for a job well done. This is positive reinforcement. The reward is an opportunity to stop and smell the roses that bloom as a result of your hard work.” (K. Jeffrey Miller) “People rarely succeed unless they are having fun in what they are doing.” (Dale Carnegie) Don't always wait "for the right time." The "worst time" is sometimes the best time. (Robert Dominguez)

A Martyr Of The Early Church

A MARTYR OF THE EARLY CHURCH Polycarp is a celebrated figure in the history of Christianity. A direct pupil of the apostle John, Polycarp lived between 70 and 155 A.D., connecting him to both the biblical apostles and the age of the early church fathers. Several ancient sources document the contributions of Polycarp to Christianity, including his letters written to the church at Philippi, in which he encourages the members to remain strong in their faith and to flee from materialism. He also instructs the members in the proper handling of financial dishonesty that was creeping into the church. Polycarp served as the bishop of the church at Smyrna (modern day Izmir), and was recognized as one of the early combatants of Christian heresies. He rejected the teachings of Marcion, an influential heretic who tried to create a "new brand" of Christianity by redefining God and rejecting Old Testament teachings. In his well-known thesis, Polycarp combats Gnostic heresies that were beginning to spread throughout the Christian church. A MARTYR FOR TRUTH Polycarp's greatest contribution to Christianity may be his martyred death. His martyrdom stands as one of the most well documented events of antiquity. The emperors of Rome had unleashed bitter attacks against the Christians during this period, and members of the early church recorded many of the persecutions and deaths. Polycarp was arrested on the charge of being a Christian -- a member of a politically dangerous cult whose rapid growth needed to be stopped. Amidst an angry mob, the Roman proconsul took pity on such a gentle old man and urged Polycarp to proclaim, "Caesar is Lord". If only Polycarp would make this declaration and offer a small pinch of incense to Caesar's statue he would escape torture and death. To this Polycarp responded, "Eighty-six years I have served Christ, and He never did me any wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?" Steadfast in his stand for Christ, Polycarp refused to compromise his beliefs, and thus, was burned alive at the stake. A RELEVANT TESTIMONY FOR OUR LIVES Polycarp's martyrdom is historical reality. He died for one reason - his unyielding faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet Polycarp's well-recorded death is only one of many lives that were given to reveal and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ. In light of the cruel and torturous deaths of the first and second generation Christians, all theories that Christianity is a fabricated myth, created for the personal gain of its followers, must be rejected. Even today, many will die for a belief, but none will die for a lie. God allows the deaths of His saints not because He is a helpless or indifferent Lord, but because their deaths are powerful declarations of the free gift of life that is offered to us through the Person of Jesus Christ. If you have any doubts about the truth of Christ as revealed in the Bible, reexamine the biblical text in light of the willful deaths of nearly all of its writers, men who were eyewitnesses to Christ's life and ministry. Polycarp, like many other Christians to this day, was only able to die for Christ because he lived for Christ. His life was radically transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit -- the desires, worries, pains and fears of this world no longer bound him. Polycarp's life and death provides an inspirational example for all Christians. He gave his earthly life for Christ, and in the midst of his sacrifice, he gained eternal life. (An excerpt from "All About Religion")

A Davy Crockett Opinion

I agree with Davy Crockett, however, once the government has its' hand in your wallet, it is next to impossible to get it out of there. "I want people to be able to get what they need to live: enough food, a place to live, and an education for their children. Government does not provide these as well as private charities and businesses." Davy Crockett (1786-1836) American hunter, frontiersman, soldier and politician

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Flag Vandalism In Oceanside

Three Hispanic teenagers vandalized 3 American flags recently in Oceanside, CA. One of the flags was owned by a 91 year old WWII veteran. By one of the flags was a camera. They were filmed doing the damage. One of the flags had "f*ck America" spray painted on it. At this point, all I can say is this: It is not America's fault that you are young, confused and angry. It is not America's fault that you are bored. It is not America's fault that you are poor. It is not America's fault that you have family disruption. It is not America's fault that you were not taught the importance of respect for the property of others. It is not America's fault that you are not performing well at school. It is not America's fault that you are not a talented athlete. It is not America's fault that you know nothing about Biblical guidelines. On the contrary, America provides opportunities. But you need to go look for them. In America, there are many opportunities for sound Bible studies. There are ball parks, grassy areas, libraries, beautiful beaches (especially where you are) and much more. Get yourself a part time job. Volunteer somewhere. Assist someone while they are baby sitting. Do your homework. Get excellent grades. Go out for Oceanside High's football team. They have a glorious tradition. Maybe you have some untapped potential. Get busy doing something constructive. Get some new friends. Are all of these things out of your reach? No. "With God all things are possible." Forget religion......find God.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Democracy, Socialism And Liberty

We live in a nation whose system of government is a republic. We like to say we live in a democracy. We do not. We live in a Republic. Democracy is imperfect, as all systems of government are. Does not democracy represent "majority rule"? Does the majority know absolutely what is most beneficial, fairest, and appropriate? Does democracy necessarily allow for order? Maybe. But democracy, in a pure form can escalate to something that resembles rule by disorder and lawlessness. Socialism attempts to make sure that human needs are met, therefore it is essential that those who cannot provide for themselves must be assisted by the able, as a result, the providing citizenry is under obligation to support a governmental system that is not necessarily in harmony with liberty. Of these three, only liberty approaches greatness. It is a product of the divine. God proclaims we have "been called to liberty." (Ga. 5:13) He is present where liberty is. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (II Cor. 3:17) The nations in this world are not able to provide a system of government that truly offers and provides for genuine liberty. As I have mentioned, it is a product of the divine. However, on an individual basis, if one chooses genuine liberty, there is an important condition, he/she must choose the divine.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Quote From Malcolm X

I am a firm believer in belonging to groups that satisfy your serious needs. I am not very interested in belonging to political groups. Although I do belong to a political party, politics never has been nor ever will be my greatest concern. I have not given my heart to any religious organization or denomination. I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior.....Jesus Christ. He is the best. He is the most powerful. He is eternal. He is full of truth, love, mercy and much more. He is the greatest there is. Why should I play in the dark. I must admit, however, that the quote below gets my serious attention. It really makes sense to me. "You put them first, and they put you last...'cause you're a chump. A political chump! ... Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race." (Malcolm X)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Endowed By Their Creator

Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. He was not an atheist, as some men claim. He believed in the Bible. He believed in God. He believed in Jesus Christ. "Endowed by their creator," means he believed we have a creator. Thomas Jefferson was a gifted man. He was one of the most brilliant persons in the history of this great nation. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Anti- Jewish Protests In Germany

The following is a quote from Angela Merkel, the first female Chancellor of Germany. These are but a few words she spoke after learning of some anti-Jewish protests in Germany. I agree with her. There is absolutely no need to mistreat people. "These outbursts and statements are an attack on freedom and tolerance and an attempt to destabilize our free democratic order. We cannot and will not accept this. . . . The security authorities are taking every attack onto a Jewish institution very seriously. Anti-Semitic acts are being prosecuted consequently and by all legal means.” Angela Merkel

Hamas And Israel

Hamas exists for the express purpose of ending Israel’s existence. Does the nation of Israel desire to kill people? No. However, they must defend themselves. And defend themselves they will. In spite of their small size, I am quite sure that they have the greatest military fighting machine on this planet. They are not bullies. They just want to survive. They have tried to live at peace. But what do you do when you are surrounded by jealous and hateful people, who attack you. I know what you do. You thrive. You develop an outstanding government and military. You build universities. You train and teach the young. You teach them to respect others. You teach them academics. You develop a vigorous economy which includes manufacturing, a tremendous agriculture, banking, finance and commerce. And what about the arts? There is much more. I could go on and on. I will end with this: Israel is the apotheosis regarding how a country should be run. The desire to destroy it is complete insanity.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Response To Neitzsche

"People demand freedom only when they have no power." Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

 Well, maybe he has a point, nevertheless, I say freedom is for everyone. It is not only for the powerful, the rich or highly favored. It is for everyone. And to implement this philosophy and make it a natural part of every aspect of our culture and society is not necessarily easy. It never will be.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

William Penn's Prayer For Philadelphia 1684

"And thou, Philadelphia, the virgin settlement of this province - named before thou were born - what love, what care, what service and what travail there have been to bring thee forth and to preserve thee from such as would abuse and defile thee. Oh that thou mayest be kept from the evil that would overwhelm thee; that faithful to the God of thy mercies, in the life of righteousness, thou mayest be preserved to the end. My soul prays to God for thee that thou mayest stand in the day of trial, that thy children may be blest and thy people saved by his power."

Preface to William Penn's Prayer

I do not consider it irrelevant nor unimportant that the founder of the City of Philadelphia, William Penn, prayed for that city. Philadelphia is considered the "birthplace of America." I had the privilege of reading that prayer which is on a large plaque on the South side of the East pavilion, near the courtyard of City Hall. Market at Juniper. The City of Philadelphia is blessed because God answers prayer. That is just the way it is.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Jaws Of Power

The jaws of a mother lioness can carry her cubs from one place to another to keep her young safe. In a very real sense, strong jaws are important for survival. They are used for capturing, tearing and devouring. This is why the personification of the jaw to describe power can be used in a positive or negative way. Have you ever heard of the jaws of mercy? Jaws are able to save or destroy life. What about the jaws of power? Do they help or hinder? Ask John Adams. "The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing." John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President

Do It For Others

Preserving one's image is not as important as being genuine. Looking "cool" and sophisticated is not as important as being considerate of others. Showing one's cleverness and sophistry (certainly not intellect) by verbally abusing others is not a sign that one is a great thinker and owns a great mind. We can be genuinely interested in others. This is important. If it is not important, then, what is? Appearing a certain way? Being a phony? Being a "private person," yet yearning for the warmth of friendship? This may cause a person to be shallow and keep too much in "reserve," and therefore be an extremely boring person to be with. Do something for others. Don't just think of yourself. "My money, my time, my trips, my vacations, my fun, my pleasures, my experiences, my accomplishments!" "My accomplishments"? Unfortunately, sometimes nobody cares. Why does nobody care? Why should they care if there is no relationship? Relationships are nurtured. Friendships are nurtured. Friendships do not just happen just because we want them to be there. They do not just happen because one is so arrogant that he/she feels "it is an honor to know me because I am so special." I have observed that sometimes people get angry because they do not have the friendship they crave. What do they do about it? They verbally abuse. They get extremely jealous and call certain people hypocrites. Hypocrites? No, they just have friends. They give and get benefits from relationships. On the other hand, the braggart without friends wants to let everyone know what he did. He wants to brag, but he has nobody to brag to. Why? Because he has no friends. He has not taken the time to nurture friendships. Do it for others and benefit yourself. Sound selfish? It is not. That is just the way it is. Does a mother take care of her infant to benefit her baby or to benefit herself? If it is a joy for her, is she being selfish?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Three Quotes About Government

I appreciate the following quotes. They have wisdom. My thanks to their authors and to "Liberty Tree." "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." Plato (429-347 BC) "The inherent vice of capitalism is the uneven division of blessings, while the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal division of misery." Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

George Washington Said It

George Washington, in his farewell address, warned, "Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion... Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." At another time, he said the following: "It is impossible to govern the world without the Bible." We have a problem. If one stands up for Judeo-Christian values, he or she risks being called a hater or an intolerant bigot. Well....I am of the opinion that if this nation ever ceases to be "one nation under God," it will cease to exist as we know it. And please, don't even think that it can seriously be considered to be a free country if or when that happens.

Democracy And Freedom

Are democracy and freedom the same? Maybe that is the goal. Maybe they try to be. But they belong in two different worlds. One is the world of politics. The other has to do with personal and individual choices, thoughts beliefs and actions. Yes, perhaps democracy and freedom have a connection. However, freedom's origin has a divine source. Democracy's origin is earthly. Perhaps democracy is an idea inspired by freedom. However democracy has to do with many. Freedom is a very, very individual concept. Nevertheless, when we hear declarations like "land of the free," or "where freedom reigns," we know that the person generally refers to a society or nation. I see nothing wrong with that, because freedom is a goal on this earth, and it is a constant battle to achieve it and keep it. Both in a secular and spiritual sense. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) The "truth" that Jesus refers to is the Word of God. It is eternal. It produces freedom. Not only that. It produces eternal freedom, because the Word of God is eternal. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. 3:17) The Spirit and the Word agree. They are one. We benefit from the liberty/freedom that they give.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Harvard From A Coffee Cup

The following historical information about Harvard University was taken from a coffee cup I purchased there during my second trip to Massachusetts. "The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, Harvard College was established in 1636 by the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and named for its first benefactor, John Harvard, a young minister. Harvard was founded to educate the new colony's religious and secular leadership. The Charter of 1650, granted by the General Court, dedicated the College to "the advancement of all good literature, artes and science." By 1780, the state constitution had recognized Harvard as a university. Throughout the early years, the College produced or attracted a long list of famous scholars including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russel Lowell, William James, the elder Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Louis Agassiz."

Happy Birthday, America!

I am patriotic. That is just the way it is. There are no perfect countries anywhere, and there won't be in the future. I do not blame any person, young or old, male or female, for wanting to immigrate to this great nation. There are two main reasons: opportunity and freedom. I want to wish America a happy birthday! I will celebrate freedom every day. Freedom did not come from America, it has allowed it to be practiced. I do not deviate from my persuasion. I know better. Freedom comes from the Word of God. I know, I know. If I am called a "religious nut," it won't be the first time, nor the last. Please remember: All of the Presidents this nation has ever had; from Washington to Obama, have respected the Word of God. Obviously, some more than others. Here are some quotes about the Bible made by three former Presidents. "It is impossible to govern the world without the Bible." G. Washington. "In regard to the Great Book, (The Bible), I have only to say that it is the best gift God has ever given to man... But for this Book we could not know right from wrong." A. Lincoln. "In this book will be found the solution of all the problems of the world." C. Coolidge. There is much, much more regarding this theme. Where would we be without the Word of God to guide us? "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jesus

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Response To GOP USA

We embrace the Word of God. We “endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” As Jesus said: We will “love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us.” If we do it God’s way we cannot lose. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal,” and we are “more than conquerers.” We have faith in God. We have His Word. We have the power of prayer. We cannot lose! Yes, sin abounds. “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” This is serious business. And this is exactly why we need the “heavy artillery” of God’s methods for war. Do you have any idea how powerful our prayers are? “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Are we righteous then? No, but the righteousness of His Word in us is! His Holy Spirit in us is! We have this “treasure” in us, lets’ use it! And please remember: “The joy of the Lord is our strength!"

After Rick Perry's Interview

Rick Perry recently made some comments in San Francisco about same sex marriage. He is a conservative Republican. As a result, he was later interviewed by CNBC. Some say he looked bad, I say he handled himself well. I wrote a letter to a news outlet about it. Here it is. "Rick Perry handled the questions well. Do all interviews need to discuss same sex marriage? Are there other items of interest in the political arena? The media is attempting a "forced legitimacy" of same sex marriage. It may happen, but battles lie ahead. The issue has absolutely nothing to do with hatred or intolerance. It has to do with a group of people trying to force an opinion down the throats of those who do not agree with them. Does freedom have anything to do with the equation? The term "tyranny of the majority" is applicable to any side, depending on your point of view. Of course there are those who seek to annihilate an opposing point of view. This looks like war. A great general once said: "In any war, the first casualty is the truth." Another serious casualty is freedom. Please do not compare the civil rights movement with the same sex marriage political movement. It is a political ploy to do so. I am not required to agree with everything that goes on in society. Neither is anyone else. At least not in America."

Friday, June 13, 2014

Morality Lost

He lies to himself because the truth is too difficult to bear. He lies to himself because He has mistreated people.......including children. He lies to himself because he finds it necessary to justify himself for the lifestyle he has selected. He has failed to live up to expectations. He has failed to live up to his responsibilities. He likes money, but he does not like to work. He loves pleasure, but he refuses to be patient. He loves women but he does not know how to treat them. He is frustrated with his life, so he proceeds to blame others. He has a big mouth. He is a failure. He is unkind. He is selfish. He is extremely jealous of people who are successful. Pleasure is his therapy. It helps him to temporarily forget the realities of his life. On top of all of this he is poor and he is proud. Proud? Proud of what? Yes, he has done nothing to be proud of. In his case, that is the main reason to be proud. It is his defense mechanism. "I'm proud because I'm me," he said. Lying is a way of life with him. it has allowed him to get benefits from the government. He ought to be ashamed. Ashamed? He has no shame. "I want what I want, and I will do what I need to do to get it." Yes, everything but work and be responsible. The following is a quote from Dostoyevsky I agree with him. It sounds like he had the man I am talking about pegged. RD "A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal in satisfying his vices. And it all comes from lying to others and to yourself." Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Carnage In Las Vegas

It is possible to get along, if we try. Is there not a better way to deal with your personal problems than to kill two cops, a shopper, your husband then yourself? Why? Because "the revolution has started"? No. This is insanity and complete confusion. I am not an MD, psychologist or psychiatrist. I observe and report. Someone might ask: "Well, how much have you observed?" I have observed that 4 people have been murdered and one has committed suicide in a scenario that lasted several minutes. One of the two murderers murdered one of the murderers and then killed herself. Some may say : "Good, two Nazi losers are gone.....good riddance!" No! Five people are dead and some children are without their dads. "The thief has come to steal, kill and destroy." The "thief" will not win. He cannot win.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Eisenhower's Other Letter

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. With a great deal of concern, care and caution, he organized the D Day invasion that took place on June 6th 1944. He wrote a letter that was designed to motivate the troops. But he also wrote another letter that was an explanation in case of failure. It was a short letter. But the end of it grabs my attention. He simply said: "In case of failure, I take full responsibility."

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Elliot Rodger, Too Bad

Too bad it had to happen this way. Too bad that I cannot personally talk to the young man who massacred 6 people and then killed himself in Santa Barbara. It is too late. He is dead. He is in God's hands. What a shame to end things this way. Such a young man. Such a troubled young man. If he were still alive and I knew him, and knew what he was going through: this is what I would tell him. "The spirit of lusting is a common spirit. It is particularly common to men. You are being overcome by it. The devil is using it to destroy you. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Have all the girls really rejected you? What were your motives with them? Bad motives need to die. Good motives need to live. What is all of the rush to get involved sexually? Find a substitute until you get married. Or do you want to be a "player"? Don't we all have desires in our hearts? Why don't you pray about it? Ask God to lead you down the right path. Enjoy God's presence. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Ps. 37:4) Does it sound crazy to you? It is not crazy. It is wise. I can think of many other things to do that are much "crazier." But at this time I won't discuss them because they are too unpleasant. Pray with me. Let us talk to Jesus. He will bless your life. He is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Follow Him. He will give you real joy. You will never be sorry. He is the best there is."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I have talked about it before.....freedom that is. It is touchy. It is risky. It demands attention, care and nurturing. It is not easy. But we believe it is necessary. We believe it is enjoyed. We believe it brings out the best in people. It helps create invention and innovation. But it can cause problems. This is why some countries do not allow it. Can you imagine allowing it only for the intelligent and gifted? No way. We have laws that are designed to protect property and people. I agree with Mr. Macaulay. "Many politicians... are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool... who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim." Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859)

A Libertarian Manifesto

Matt Kibbe is an American economist, author, Freedomworks President and CEO. The following 6-part set of rules is an excerpt from "Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff": A Libertarian Manifesto. I like what he says. It makes sense. 1) Don’t hurt people: Free people just want to be left alone, not hassled or harmed by someone else with an agenda or designs over their life and property. 2) Don’t take people’s stuff: America’s founders fought to ensure property rights and our individual right to the fruits of our labors. 3) Take responsibility: Liberty takes responsibility. Don’t sit around waiting for someone else to solve your problems. 4) Work for it: For every action there is an equal reaction. Work hard and you’ll be rewarded. 5) Mind your own business: Free people live and let live. 6) Fight the power: Thanks to the Internet and the decentralization of knowledge, there are more opportunities than ever to take a stand against corrupt authority."

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sexual Identity? No Confusion

Actually there is no confusion about sexual identity. If a person is born with a penis and testicles, he is a male. If a person is born with a vagina, she is a female. Socialization is one of the purposes of public school. Gender is not a choice. In the history of the world it has never been a choice. You just “play the cards you were dealt” on the day you were born. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6) We need to seriously ask ourselves: What does freedom really mean? Do we really need lawyers to answer every single question regarding these matters? What is their motivation?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cinco De Mayo? Not For Me

I Know "Cinco de Mayo is over for this year. Even though I am Hispanic I do not care for that holiday. I am an American citizen and a veteran. I do not celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It is a drinking day, and I don't drink. There is nothing for me to celebrate. It is foolish to “force pride” young people into celebrating a holiday that they are not connected to. They are more connected to the 4th of July, Veterans Day and Memorial Day. If we truly purport to be a “color blind” society, let us embrace the American holidays. The 5th of May is nothing to celebrate unless it is your birthday, wedding anniversary, or some other meaningful event. I do not care about the “Battle of Puebla.” It is a poor attempt to give a certain group of people pride. What a waste of time. What a shame. It is not a waste of time for the liquor industry, however. Even President Obama acknowledged this fact. He spoke of the great “margaritas.” Liquor outlets should publish their sales for that weekend and compare it to other weekends. Police departments should publish the number of DUI arrests, and other liquor related crimes for the past week as well. One last thing. Teaching young people to be proud is not a good thing. Teaching them to be kind, considerate, forgiving, respectful, responsible, hard working and grateful is much better.

Monday, May 19, 2014

$300,000 For Bibles

America was founded on Christian principles. The Continental Congress of the newly formed nation, in 1777 voted to spend $300,000 to buy Bibles so that they could be used by all of the 13 colonies. By 1782, the Congress of the United States recommended and approved the use of the Holy Bible in all schools.

Tara, The Family Cat

I must admit, I have never seen anything like this. A cat who is a hero? I saw a startling video, a news clip of a cat who challenged a fierce dog who was attacking a young boy. I have never seen anything like this before. Yes, dogs are known to defend their masters......but not cats. Tara, the family cat chased the dog away when it attacked a four-year-old boy named Jeremy, who was riding his bike. This happened in Bakersfield CA, last week. Yes, a cat who is a hero.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Person Who Disagreed

I wrote the following short letter as a response to a hate-filled letter I received recently because I wrote about my disagreement of same-sex marriage. "You are one angry person. Do you realize what you are saying when you declare "he unfortunately made you."? I am not full of hate, as you say. As a matter of fact I am full of love. "Those who are sane and not full of hate." "Your ignorant bigotry." "Your stupid religious views.""You hate filled cancer." Is that the way you talk to people? Is that what Jesus teaches? Is this the way you will convince those who disagree with you? I refuse to call you unkind names. However, I suggest that you study the Bible. It is the Word of God. It is truth. Seek truth. You are unable to stop me from praying for you.

Friday, May 9, 2014

What A Brave Boy!

What a brave 8 year old boy he was. He loved his sister. He payed the ultimate price to protect her. I do not have all of the details, I just know that it happened in the northern part of the Midwest of the US, in an area where there were train tracks. A 16 year old boy was attempting to rape the 12 year old sister of the heroic 8 year old child. The child tried to stop the rapist. The rapist hit the boy over the head with a brick, killing him. He lost his life trying to protect his sister. The girl was injured, but she survived. Her little brother did not survive. He paid the ultimate price to save someone. What a brave boy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Johnny Manziel's Wrist Band

Yes, maybe Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel wears a yellow wrist band to help many remember that a 5 year old boy has cancer. However, news outlets fail to mention that the wrist band has a Biblical verse. And if they do mention that the wrist band has a verse, they do not say what the verse says. They do not want to because they figure it is not their job to be quoting Bible. Well, what is their job? I can guarantee you if the wrist band had a vulgarity, it would be "their job" to report it. I realize that this blog does not get the exposure that large media outlets do, but I will tell you what the wrist band says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ben Carson's Views

Here are 12 of Ben Carson's views. Ben Carson is being asked to run for President. I am not sure I agree with the idea because I consider him to be a man of integrity, honesty and principle. That would quickly end if he became President. I think I would like to be wrong. Here are 12 points of view he has. 1)National Debt. Cut government spending by 10% each year, across the board, until the budget is balanced! That’s what you and I do when things are tight, and it’s what the government must do. 2)Obamacare. Repeal it! Replace it with a free market health savings account program that begins at birth and that is owned by each citizen. 3)Taxes. Follow the Biblical example and make it flat and make sure that everyone has skin in the game. Everyone pays. 4)Abortion. End it now! It is barbaric, and it is not protected by the Constitution. It contributes to a growing culture of death in our society. 5)Illegal Immigration. Listen to the American people, secure our borders. End it. 6)Redistribution of Income. Stop it. It’s un-American and it causes universal misery as socialism always does. 7)Welfare. Reform it with a truly compassionate, approach that works through churches and other nonprofit groups, enabling those on welfare to share in the American dream. 8)Judges. Appoint judges committed to the U.S. Constitution. 9)Political Correctness. It is dangerous. It hinders progress and divides our nation. It keeps us from solving problems and healing America. 10)Right to Keep & Bear Arms. It’s a vital part of our Bill of Rights! End of story! We will not stop criminals by disarming Americans. 11)Democrats and Republicans. Both have been part of the problem. They see themselves as masters instead of public servants. America first! 12)Freedom of Religion. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. As the Founders repeatedly said, without public virtue, freedom cannot survive.

Christians---The New "Queers?"

A writer recently called Christians the "new queers." I guess he is angry. He is angry because the Bible calls his lifestyle an abomination. I see nothing queer about believing in a holy God who has moral parameters. Jesus offers eternal life. Jesus is God. There is no philosophy, creed, political movement, medicine, diet, technology, culture, lifestyle, literature, exercise, or any program of any type that guarantees eternal life. Only Jesus guarantees eternal life. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither have entered into the hearts of men, the things that God has prepared for them that love Him." (I Cor. 2: 9) "The new queer?" Jesus called His followers the "light of the World and the salt of the earth." Jesus taught his followers to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves." He taught the importance of not hating, not judging, honesty, integrity, humility, kindness, obedience to authority, and much more. Believers accept the teachings of the Bible. It is about faith. It is based on faith in the Word of God. Not all people have faith. Some who do not have faith resort to name-calling toward those who do have faith. It is not as brutal as tossing them to the lions as was done in ancient Rome. Nevertheless it is still hateful. I am a Christian. I am just as human as anybody else. However, I am certain of one thing: I refuse to hate anyone. I just do not agree with everyone. Do you?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

If That Weapon Is Prohibited

It is still a free country, and there is no way it will remain free if the citizenry is not allowed to be armed. I do not own a gun, "the weapons of my warfare are not carnal." I own several Bibles. The Word of God is the greatest weapon a person can own. If the right to own that "sword" is taken away, You may as well close down all of the colleges and universities, because freedom of speech and the press is denied, therefore, prepare to be a slave. The Word of God is truth. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." There is a direct correlation between slavery and the prohibition of the Word of God. It is happening in this world right now. Could it happen here? It HAS happened here. The main reason we do not have slavery in this country any more is because some slaves got a hold of the Word of God. The slaves learned the Word. They learned to pray. They learned to praise. They developed their faith. Who stopped them? Nothing. Not even a terrible Civil War.

The "Hurricane" Is Gone

I only saw him box two or three times. It was sometime in the middle sixties. I never forgot his aggressiveness, menacing appearance, athleticism and boxing skills. He was born on May 6, 1937, in Clifton, New Jersey. He passed away on April 20, 2014, in Toronto, Canada. What a boxer he was! Yes, he had a troubled childhood and his problems with the law. Nevertheless, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was at one time, the most feared middleweight contender in professional boxing. He served almost 30 years in prison for a crime that he did not commit. He was released. He will not soon be forgotten.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Jesus And Lazarus (Part 2)

Lazarus had been dead for four days. Martha told Jesus: "By this time he stinks." The response Jesus gives to Martha rings loud and clear throughout eternity: "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believed?" "God's glory?" Didn't He say in Isaiah 42:8 and 48:11, "My glory I will not give to another?" Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Is Jesus stealing the glory of God? The question is reasonable and ridiculous at the same time, and the answer is an emphatic no. Are we able to agree that there is only one Lord? Can we agree that this one Lord is also the Lord of glory? Yes, we can agree, and I Corinthians 2:8 can help us reach that end. "Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life." Is not the truth eternal? Yes, Jesus was crucified, but He arose from the dead. Incidently, (maybe not so incidently) the chief priests wanted to kill Lazarus, because of his resurrection, many Jews became followers of Jesus. The chief priests just did not believe that Jesus was the Lord of glory, and they felt threatened by Him. That same attitude is still around today. It is an attitude that is made up of ignorance, pride, jealousy, and stubbornness. One last thing.(see Jn. 2:14-25) Shortly after Jesus cleansed the temple, His authority was challenged. (like it often is today) To be brief, He just said: "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." The Bible clearly says He was talking about His body. Only God raises the dead. Jesus is God. He told Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life," which means He is eternal. He offers eternal life. He reigns forever. He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Jesus And Lazarus (Part 1)

It is the Easter season, and yes, I know that it is commercialized...Easter bunny, etc. And, maybe the resurrection of Jesus Christ did not take place in the Spring. That is beside the point. Believers of the Word of God are not celebrating a particular day. We are celebrating an event. Our focus here is on the story of Lazarus. It is told to us in the eleventh chapter of John's Gospel. Any resurrection that ever took, or will take place, is the result of the work and the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus said: "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." (John 11:25) Jesus is the Son of God. He is also the Son of Man. This means he is 100% God, and 100% man. Lazarus had been dead four days. The Bible says Jesus loved Lazarus, and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. The shortest verse in the Bible is: "Jesus wept." It is powerful and is found in the Gospel of John 11:35. Why did Jesus weep? Because He loved His friend, and also because He was moved by those around Him who were grieving. I will keep my words short. Jesus grieved for His friend. He grieved as a man, but He was not just any man. He is the perfect man. There is no other like Him. But that is not all. He also loved and loves like God, because He is God. There is only one Lord. Before His incarnation, and when His saving name was still secret, He declared in Isaiah 42:8....."I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." There was doubt in the house of Lazarus.

When Government Is Wrong

Government is necessary. Albeit it is run by human beings. They have faults. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on them whenever and as much as possible. We know that the citizenry is busy. They are busy with their daily tasks. They are busy making a living and attending to their families and their prioritized pursuits. Keeping an eye on government is not usually a high priority for most people. Nevertheless, as free people, we not only have the right, we have the responsibility. Here are three quotes by men with whom I agree. Basically, it all boils down to freedom. "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." Voltaire (1694-1778) "Men in authority will always think that criticism of their policies is dangerous. They will always equate their policies with patriotism, and find criticism subversive." Henry Steele Commager (1902-1998) "I should, indeed, prefer twenty men to escape death through mercy, than one innocent to be condemned unjustly." Sir John Fortescue (1394-1476) English Jurist

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Constant Kindness

I have believed it for a long time. Kindness is what we, as human beings should practice. Should it not be a constant ingredient in our lifestyle? What great benefits it produces! I was reminded of it when I read the following quote by Albert Schweitzer. He certainly practiced what he preached. "Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate." Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

Cornelius (Part 2)

It was common for Roman troops to oppress and disrespect the people they conquered and ruled. But what about Cornelius? He was an officer in the army of a pagan empire. He was not an arrogant man. He was a kind man. Obviously, he did not consider himself superior to the Jewish people. On the contrary, he showed them courtesy and respect. Basically, what he did, was adopt the God of the people Rome had conquered. How must have this gone over with his fellow Romans who believed in pleasing multiple deities? To honor the Roman gods was paramount in Roman military culture. The Roman Army's religious rituals were many. They were important to them. They believed victory depended upon their devotion to the deities. Cornelius, on the other hand, rejected paganism. It is obvious he did not worship Roman deities. Since Cornelius was a Gentile, he had no "official" place of worship. He was a "devout" man, the Bible says. The word "devout" is of Greek origin. It means reverence demonstrated in active deeds. The emphasis is on "deeds." In the book of Acts 10:2, the Amplified version of the Bible states: "A devout man who venerated God and treated Him with reverential obedience, as did all his household, and he gave much alms to the people, and prayed continually to God." Cornelius was a devout Gentile. The following quote is found in Acts 10:1,2 from the "Good News For Modern Man" version of the New Testament. "There was a man in Caesarea named Cornelius, a captain in the Roman army regiment called 'The Italian Regiment.' He was a religious man; and his whole family worshiped God. He did much to help the Jewish poor people, and was constantly praying to God." What a volunteer he was!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Cornelius, What A Volunteer!

Volunteerism and community involvement is highly regarded in our communities throughout our nation. Many among us do good deeds. We use our vehicles to take people places. Perhaps we volunteer at a school, hospital or jail. Maybe some offer to take care of children, clean someone's house and/or yard or help feed the homeless. There are some who will paint or do repairs on a house or car for free or at a very low fee. Some give gifts of money and clothing to those in need. The Bible tells us about a devout man. He was a serious man of prayer. He is known for helping others. Would I call him a volunteer? Yes I would. He volunteered to share his time and money with others. He is an example for every Christian. The ironic aspect of his life is that he was an example for Christians everywhere, before he was ever a Christian. he was not a Jew, either. He was a Gentile. His name was Cornelius. Most of us are familiar with the story of the first Gentile convert to the Christian Church. It is related to us in the 10th chapter of the Book of Acts. What a gentleman he was, this respected officer of the Roman Army. And, depending on which version of the Bible one is reading, a centurion of the Italian band, regiment or cohort. It is believed he was in charge of 100 men, but perhaps more. Rome had conquered Judea, Galilee and Samaria 60 years before the birth of Jesus. From that time, Jews had ceased to be free. The Jews had never fully believed that they were a part of the Roman Empire, therefore, from time to time, they would resist Roman authority. For this reason, Rome had to constantly keep military troops in and around the Jewish nation to keep them from outright rebellion. Most Roman soldiers and their officers felt superior to the people they had conquered. They viewed most other people, and their ways of life as being inferior. Romans thought they were the superior civilization and they were extremely arrogant.

One of The Greatest Delusions

Government is not "everything" to me. I am well aware that I am not alone. I do not hate government, but I do not expect government to be my problem solver. Yes, there are situations that government needs to deal with. And yes, laws exist (supposedly) for the purpose of protecting people. I am of the opinion that one of the best things government can do is butt out. Perhaps it sounds crude. Nevertheless, we are aware that government does not know everything. Maybe it would like to know everything......but it cannot. Therefore it cannot cure everything. RD "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation." Thomas B. Reed 1886 (1839-1902) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Fight The Good Fight"

Recently, there was an accident in a street in Detroit. A child was hit by a car. The driver stopped and got off the car. He was beaten by a group of men. A letter was written to a news outlet.regarding the incident. I was in agreement with the letter because the writer spoke of the need for God's intervention in these matters. Here is part of my response. "You are correct. Prayer has been taken out of schools. Ungodly conduct is rapidly making an effort to become the norm. The people of God have a big fight on their hands. They have a great responsibility. We must “fight the good fight.” It is detailed in Ephesians 6:10-18. Yes, thuggery can seriously be curtailed, but it will take seriously devoted men and women of God who are willing to make the effort. With God anything is possible. We have the goods. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. For now, we can pray for those young folks who attacked that man, as well as their victim. Also, I commend those Pastors and others who are making efforts to address these problems. The underlying problem is sin. John 3:16 is a good start."

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Greatest Lawyer

I am not an expert on law. Far from it. In the quote below, a very famous man calls a lawyer a "peacemaker." How interesting. Perhaps the statement he made does not qualify him to be the greatest lawyer. I understand. Nevertheless, because of the quote below, I am calling Abraham Lincoln the greatest lawyer. Since I already consider him the greatest President, I might as well add the other title as well. I just get the impression that he wanted to help people. He certainly did that. "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser - in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th US President Source: The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, "Notes for a Law Lecture" (July 1, 1850?), p. 81.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Favorite Quote about Government

I learned it a long, long time ago. I memorized it the instant I saw it. It just clicked. I have never forgotten it. I have tried to find it online. I have had difficulty. It is nothing but common sense, therefore others may have quoted something similar. When I taught school, I lectured on it. I based lesson plans on it. It can be secular. It can be religious. In my view, it is powerful. Here it is: "Justice without power is inefficient. Power without justice is tyranny. Justice without power is opposed because there are always wicked men. Justice and power must therefore be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful and whatever is powerful may be just." Blaise Pascal

Friday, March 14, 2014

Transgenders In The Military?

The following comment is a letter I wrote in response to some comments written about an article entitled "Transgenders in the Military." I did not agree with the article, and my comments confirm it. "Absolutely! Some of the decisions in life have already been made for us. I am a firm believer in freedom. However, gender selection is not under our purview......at least not in a serious manner. Does it really make sense to make a decision of this magnitude based on "how somebody feels"? Why is this happening? Is this not absurd? Is this truly done in the name of "liberty and justice for all"? It appears that truth, reality and decorum are being replaced by a "debauchery allowed" mentality. This must not happen. In addition, is it necessary for the United States military to do what other countries do in their respective militaries? Is the military a universal culture? The answer is yes and no. It is necessary to consider the main goals of the military. Is it combat ready? Can it defend the nation against invaders? Is it ready to move where it needs to be? However, the next question is critical. Is the military in line with the eccentricities and unreasonable demands of political leaders? No doubt, this has probably haunted every general or admiral (who was a true warrior) for centuries."

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Polite Society?

I do not necessarily believe the quote below with a great deal of enthusiasm, nevertheless, I think it can be true at times. A weapon displayed? Concealed carry? I do not own a gun, and I do not intend to acquire one. However, I do not want weapons taken away from citizens who have a right to own them. I am not an advocate for children to own or carry guns. I do not support the idea that mentally ill people own or carry guns. Like I implied before, I am not a zealot for gun ownership. I am a proponent of the 2nd Amendment. Does gun ownership settle problems? No. But at times, I think it can prevent them. "An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer

Friday, February 28, 2014

Freedom, Being And Doing

What is wrong? What is right? I think it is safe to assume that there are certain things we do not like done to us. We do not like to be robbed. We do not like to be lied to. We do not want to be tortured, threatened or verbally abused. Most of us do not like being hated. But where do the guidelines come from? Which ones are the best? And of course, we all love our freedom. And that has its' problems too. "Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong." John G. Diefenbaker (1895-1979) Prime Minister of Canada

Real Patriotism

Perhaps it is idealistic on my part, to think this way, but I do. I believe that people in government are public servants. I really do. When government officials truly mess up and do damage to the country, either they straighten up or they must leave. It actually does take place..............sometimes. "Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong." Ron Paul 2012

Much Rain: The Result Of Prayer

It is Friday, February 28. It is the last day of this month. There has been a drought in San Diego County. But as I look out of my window, it is raining really, really hard. For the last 3 days, it has rained considerably. Is the drought over? Probably not. Nevertheless, God is answering prayer. "Mother earth" does not send rain. "She" does not exist. "Mother nature" does not exist either, therefore it is impossible for "her" to send rain. However, I must say that God is so good, (and powerful) that He sends rain to those who do not revere Him. "And He sends rain on the just and the unjust." (Matt. 5:45) Absolutely nothing is impossible for God. Nothing. In addition, I wish meteorologists would quit referring to "mother nature/earth" as if they were actual persons.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"The Welfare Of Humanity"

The leader said: "We want no more hungry people in this nation. We must take care of basic needs. We want no homelessness. We must see that health care is taken care of. We will do away with poverty. We must. It is our duty. We must increase taxes on all people who have jobs in order to improve the welfare of our fellow citizens." Who made the above quote? Take your pick. It has been said by many political leaders who think government is entitled to a good portion of the working person's earnings. Many writers, and political theorists have made observations and have come to agree with Albert Camus. "The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants." Albert Camus (1913-1960) French Algerian author

Monday, February 24, 2014

An Open Letter To Alec Baldwin

The best to you you Alec. So you have decided to lie low, and stay out of the public eye. Well, time will tell. You are talented. You have opinions. This is okay...........as long as they are in line with the media and the entertainment industry. You had the "gall" to speak your mind, but you did not "toe the party line." Good for you. Most of your colleagues in the entertainment industry think they have a "mind of their own." I do not think so. Not when so many of them band together in support of perverted lifestyles and legislation. Go for it. Keep it up. But I suggest that you work on controlling your temper. Don't be afraid to be courteous. Thank you for quoting the Boy Scout Code. It is a good code to guide us all. It takes courage to do so. I sense that you truly want to be a good person. See if you can find these two quotes: "A soft answer turns away wrath." "He who can control his temper is greater than he who controls a city." Hint: It is found in the Book of Proverbs. Suggestion: Read all 31 chapters. They are not long but they are powerful. Much more powerful than human opinion.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Another Letter To Washington Post

The civil rights movement for ethnic minorities has absolutely nothing to do with LGBT issues. It is a falsehood to declare a person is born gay. It has to do with the upbringing of a person. It has nothing to do with genes or color of skin. Human rights are for everybody. This includes the right to disagree with information that is being broadcast by the news media that is false. I will take my chances with the Word of God. It matters little to me what the so called "experts" say about it. If God said that homosexuality/lesbianism is a sin, then that is what it is. Please be advised that there is nothing new about this issue. In addition, Black people in this country have a long tradition of being evangelical Christians who believe what the Bible says. Not all of them, of course, but most of them. I refuse to hate anyone. I am not a bigot or a hater. I do not believe in same-sex "marriage." It is an oxymoron. Marriage is between a man and a woman. I am seeing that in order for a group of activists to get what they want, they find it necessary to change the meaning of a word. Marriage? It is what it is, and all of the activism employed against it does not change what it is. God determined what it is a long time ago. The Word of God is eternal. "Gay is okay." Gay is okay? Why don't you ask God if He thinks it is okay?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jesus And War

"You shall know them by their fruits." Jesus commanded His followers to preach the gospel. He never commanded anyone to kill others. "But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good unto them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you." He also definitely said that His "kingdom is not of this world." Kingdoms of this world send people to war. Maybe some kingdoms did it (and are doing it) in the name of religion, but Jesus has never commanded it. This does not mean that people who go to war do not believe in Jesus. It means they were sent to war by their secular government. They obeyed. The Bible teaches us to obey our leaders. Jesus said: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." He also performed a miracle so that He could pay His taxes. He sent Peter fishing and money was found in the mouth of the fish. He also rebuked Peter for using his sword and cutting off a man's ear. Jesus told Peter: "Put your sword away Peter, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." There is much more.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Peace And Freedom

I agree with the statement below, but only up to a point. I am fully aware of the fact that we do not live in paradise, Nevertheless, we need to strive to have both. When I say both, I mean peace and freedom. But when I say both: I also mean peace within and peace among. When I say freedom, I mean freedom within and freedom among. I say it can be accomplished, but only on a personal level. Societal and world level? I do not think that it has ever happened. "You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once." Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American Writer

A Boy On A Girls' Softball Team

Recently, I read an article about a 17 year old boy who was accepted on an all girls high school softball team in Azusa, California. He was accepted on the team because the district superintendent agreed that he "felt like a girl." I guess this is called "transgender." The reason I cannot accept such a thing is because it is prohibited by the Word of God. Hatred is also prohibited by the Word of God, so I refuse to hate anyone. But am I obligated to agree with every lifestyle a person selects? I wrote the following comment as a response to the decision stated in the article. "This is all unfortunate. There is more than one issue involved here. A boy on a girl's team, or a girl on a boy's team, are not new issues. I coached both baseball and football and was confronted with similar circumstances at times. I will not go into detail about it except to say I handled it. However, there is a distinction here. This boy "feels" like a girl and wants to assume the role. To condone, accept, and settle for this, is to deny this young man a realistic education. In the human world there are only two genders: male and female. Pat needs to "play the cards he was dealt" at birth. The school system is not helping him. It is enabling him. His upbringing? I cannot comment on that. I know nothing about how he was raised. I do know this, however. People in high places are making decisions that are not in line with the Word of God. Is the following verse from Proverbs 22:6 so hard to understand? "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Another Letter To Yahoo News

About a month ago, I defended the point of view of a famous athlete who declared his belief regarding homosexuality. He said it was a sin. He said God is against it. I agree, and I made it known. I was lambasted for it. I was called many unkind names. The following letter contains just a few of some of the things I have said in defense of the Word of God. I must also say that many people agreed with me as well. Most of those who disagreed with me were very rude. They were truly unable to use reason. Most were just angry. Here is a portion of the letter: "If I claim the truth is not the truth, this makes me not responsible for the truth. What I have done, in my own selfish way, is convert the truth into a "lie." But if I stand up for truth, I am then called a hater, religious bigot, a cancer, intolerant, pathetic, stupid and much more. Standing up for the truth has a price. Standing up for a lie also has a price.............but it is much, much greater."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Freeman

Lies and lying truly harm people. And yes, lies are freedom thieves. They are because they subject people to false notions and inexistent information. I am not stretching a point. Jesus made it perfectly clear in the Gospel of John chapter 8 and verse 32: "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Do you like people to lie to you? This is an eternal truth. "He is the freeman whom the truth makes free." William Cowper (1731-1800) English poet,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Coming to Terms

It is not in the best interest of some people to get along and/or agree with those with whom one might be in competition. It really does not matter to some if their opponents are absolutely correct. What really matters is that one get paid, one not lose face, be humbled or not appear to be knowledgeable. I think Upton Sinclair understood the concept. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Majority Of Enslaved People

There are approximately 30 million enslaved people in the world. The majority of enslaved people dwell in India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh. These ten countries account for 76% of the total of enslaved people.

Comedy That Measures Freedom

The last phrase of the quote by Eric Idle is what really grabs my attention. In a free society, talent, cleverness and humor should not be restricted. It should be protected by law. Obviously, accusations, safety, and total defamation of character need to be considered. However, freedom is freedom, and in the marketplace of ideas, much should be allowed. Comedy has a special place in our society, and yes, one of its functions is to "measure freedom." The following is a quote by Eric Idle, regarding this subject. "At least one way of measuring the freedom of any society is the amount of comedy that is permitted, and clearly a healthy society permits more satirical comment than a repressive, so that if comedy is to function in some way as a safety release then it must obviously deal with these taboo areas. This is part of the responsibility we accord our licensed jesters, that nothing be excused the searching light of comedy. If anything can survive the probe of humour it is clearly of value, and conversely all groups who claim immunity from laughter are claiming special privileges which should not be granted." Eric Idle (1943- ) British Comedian

Another Jefferson quote

Shall man be allowed to govern himself? Apparently this has been a question for a long time. Thomas Jefferson thought that it was an issue throughout all history. "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President