Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Boy On A Girls' Softball Team

Recently, I read an article about a 17 year old boy who was accepted on an all girls high school softball team in Azusa, California. He was accepted on the team because the district superintendent agreed that he "felt like a girl." I guess this is called "transgender." The reason I cannot accept such a thing is because it is prohibited by the Word of God. Hatred is also prohibited by the Word of God, so I refuse to hate anyone. But am I obligated to agree with every lifestyle a person selects? I wrote the following comment as a response to the decision stated in the article. "This is all unfortunate. There is more than one issue involved here. A boy on a girl's team, or a girl on a boy's team, are not new issues. I coached both baseball and football and was confronted with similar circumstances at times. I will not go into detail about it except to say I handled it. However, there is a distinction here. This boy "feels" like a girl and wants to assume the role. To condone, accept, and settle for this, is to deny this young man a realistic education. In the human world there are only two genders: male and female. Pat needs to "play the cards he was dealt" at birth. The school system is not helping him. It is enabling him. His upbringing? I cannot comment on that. I know nothing about how he was raised. I do know this, however. People in high places are making decisions that are not in line with the Word of God. Is the following verse from Proverbs 22:6 so hard to understand? "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

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