Thursday, April 4, 2013

There Is Hope For This Man

A man by the name of Abdulla Badr claims to be an Egyptian Muslim  scholar.  He, along with many other Islamic terrorists, who spent 10 years in prison during the administration of Mubarak, have recently been released.  He claims "Muslims should hate all Christians."  He is disgusted by Christians.  He is "grossed out" by Christians.  These are his words:  "It's not a matter of piety, but disgust.  I get grossed out.  I cannot stand their smell, their look, everything. I feel disgusted, disgusted.  I get disgusted not only by that, but by many things."

These are not the words of a man who is tolerant of others.   "What is the great commandment in the law"?
Jesus was asked.  He responded thusly:  "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it.  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
(Matt.22: 37-40)  These are the teachings of Jesus.  They have nothing to do with denominations, corporations, organized religions, companies and much more.  It is the unadulterated Word of God, and it is powerful.  Much more powerful than the cultures of the world.   The Word of God is alive.  "It is the spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.  The words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life."  These are the words of my precious Lord and Saviour.........Jesus Christ.  He is the center of my life.  Although I belong to one,  no religious organization is the center of my life.  Why?  Because all religious organizations have faults.  We should all agree with the words of Pontius Pilate when he said: "I find no fault in Him."  Well, how can we find fault in Him?  He is perfect.  He is holy.  He is God.  I suppose He, during his earthly ministry, did not always smell like expensive cologne, and, the sight of Him hanging on a cross, like a common criminal,  is not necessarily a "pretty sight,"  nevertheless, I love Him.  He means more to me than anything.  And there is no way I am embarrassed to say so.  One more thing, if someone does not agree with me regarding these things, I will neither lambast them or kill them.  I will teach them and pray for them, only God can "create a clean heart."  All the water, expensive soaps, perfumes, sprays and so forth cannot do that.

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