Saturday, April 20, 2013

One Einstein Quote

I consider myself a patriotic person.  I am a veteran, and I have no regrets about it.  Nevertheless, I believe that it is possible to justify disobedience to government if it involves  a request or command from them that, to me, is obviously immoral.  I am not a rebellious, in your face, type of person either obviously or indiscreetly. I am glad I never went to war.  I would have gone, had I been sent.  I have no doubt about it.  At this stage in my life, however,  I am unable to say what I would have done, had I been told to commit an atrocity. At this point, it is purely academic.  Nevertheless, there are some things a person should not do, even if it means his/her life.  There is no need for me to speak self-righteously, and I am aware that decisions are made at times to "achieve a greater good."  And I am also aware that if I commit a serious wrong, I can be forgiven.  But this does not mean that I disagree with Albert Einstein, who once said, “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.” 

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