Friday, April 5, 2013

I Was Called A "Religithug"

Some time ago, I was called some unkind names by a gay activist.  This was my response to him.

What is a "religithug"?  I have heard of no such thing. Why don't you stop the name-calling, and rudeness. You/we live in a free country. Nobody is stopping you from being gay if that is what you choose to do. What you want is not just for people to be tolerant, you want validation. You want legitimacy. How can you get it when the Word of God prohibits it and calls it an abomination? So if I disagree with the GLBT lifestyle, this makes me a "religithug"? If you expect to live in a world where everybody agrees with what you do, you are not embracing reality. And all the name-calling you emit will not change your expectations.

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