Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Heresy?

What is a heresy?  There are around 4 definitions for this term.  I will select one that does not have anything in particular to do with the Roman Catholic Church or it's history.
Heresy...."An unorthodox or controversial opinion or doctrine, as in philosophy, science or politics."
(Websters II University Dictionary)
The key word  here,  is "opinion."  Unless a person is determined to break the laws of the land with his opinion, unless a person destroys lives and property, as a result of his opinion:  then he/she is entitled to hold that opinion. If a person is arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for his opinion, he may continue to hold his opinion while in confinement, because "no chains or prisons can fetter the mind."  I am not an attorney, but I am aware of certain rights. I have opinions.  Some of them are controversial.   Here is my stance:  I want people to believe the way I do.  I want people to hear the Word of God, believe it, and practice it.  I  want to have the freedom to  disagree with the views of others, and I want them to have the freedom to disagree with me.  If someone says to me: "I hate God!" or "I don't believe in God."  I must first get that person to listen to me.  This is critical, but obviously I cannot force that person to agree with me.  He/she has an opinion.  However, opinions can change.  I preach the Gospel.  I preach it in different places.  Tomorrow night, if God permits, I will be preaching in the street, in Downtown San Diego. (Union and B) It will be a good time, in Jesus' name.  I will try to "change opinions" and introduce new ones.  I will be preaching Jesus.  (please read Acts 8: 27-38)  Verse 35 says that Phillip preached Jesus. (is there anything else to preach?)  No, unless one can find another Saviour or another name that is above every other name.  I was called a heretic once.  I will talk about it in a future blog.  Speaking of opinions, please read below.

"They that approve a private opinion, call it an opinion; but they that mislike it, heresy: and yet heresy signifies no more than private opinion."     Thomas Hobbes  

(1588-1679) English philosopher, political theorist

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