Friday, April 26, 2013

Immigrants That Can Help

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,  I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus  (from the plaque on The Statue of Liberty)

Every human being that is born, has in him/her the potential to be a contributing member of society if given an opportunity.  When people immigrate from one country to another, they do so with a purpose.  I suspect that it is usually to improve their quality of life.  Of course, one person's idea of "quality" may be quite different than that of someone else.  Does it improve the nation if an immigrant succeeds in America?  Does it harm the nation if the immigrant becomes a criminal in the nation?  Is it costly?  Overall, I perceive immigration to be a positive phenomenon.  We live in a "nation of immigrants."  Has it not always been that way?  What if the sole purpose of an immigrant is to take advantage of it's welfare system?  What if the sole purpose of an immigrant is to commit crime.  What if an immigrant is poor, and has no desire to work?  What if an immigrant has a serious disease?  Is it wrong to prefer that an immigrant come to this country for the purpose of improving it, contributing to it, and being a benefit to it's existence rather than just taking advantage of it, taking what it has to offer, and giving nothing in return?  I would want every immigrant who comes to this country to succeed.  But does not success come from hard work and obedience to the law?  Perhaps some would say that my words are too idealistic.  I agree to this point:  You cannot get action without waste.  You cannot offer services and expect no  fraud to ever take place.  Millions and millions of people anywhere, any time and under any circumstances cannot be expected to conduct themselves without fault.  But government must do everything it can to protect the hard working, tax- paying, law-abiding citizenry. What if they were taxed less and allowed to have more liquidity?  What if they were allowed to have more in reserve for themselves? They keep the nation afloat.  This great nation did not happen by accident.  Where are the guarantees that it will continue to be a great nation?  There are not any.  We just need to continue to make it happen. Let us not forget that this nation was started by immigrants. Do you think that they came here to build a better life?  How?

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