Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The "Needs" Of Certain Students

I wrote the following letter to a news outlet several months ago.  It is a response to an article written about LGBT students and their "needs."
So……… “Addressing the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students” is necessary. I can simplify their needs. What is it they “need.”? They need to get an education. They need to quit bothering people. They need to quit being so selfish and getting caught up with these destructive trends. They need to decide that their personal problems are not the problems of everybody else. They need to realize that the four stated groups are not new to society, and that they need no special recognition or attention. They need to know that they were not “born that way.” They need to know that they have been lied to. They need to know that the average person has, at times, felt a same-sex attraction, but most have decided to not make it their lifestyle. They need to know that the four groups can do damage to society and the family. There is more, but I will finish with this……They need to change.  Is it possible?  Of course it is. They just need to want to change.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Being Told To Lie

Sometimes, in a court of law, we may be asked to avoid the pursuit of justice when we are instructed by a lawyer to basically  lie and to deny ourselves the right to draw conclusions based on what we perceive.  This all amounts to certain lawyers who lack scruples, seek some lucrative paydays based on ridiculousness, self-centeredness, big profits at any cost, and  a betrayal of reality fueled by an absence of moral parameters.

Don't Normalize The Abnormal

Here is the problem: A guy has a personal problem that he needs to keep personal. He does not need to involve the government or society. His problem is his. He needs to seek help. He does not need to attempt to legitimize a personal problem, thereby attempting to normalize the abnormal. If his wishes were granted, crime and sexual perversion would probably double within one year throughout society.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Fans: Get Over It

Political enthusiasts: Please do not get too zealous  for a political candidate.  No need to cry.  She lost.  No need to cry.  We move on. It is not the end of our nation, society, culture or future.  Make changes in your own life.  You.....yes the best you can be. Do not try to live your life through someone else.  Do not expect that some political leader is a panacea for society's ills, or your personal frustrations and shortcomings.  Move on.  Support your new President.  Yes, Trump is YOUR new President.  The people have spoken.  The system still works. It is not broken. Improve the World.  "Improve the World"?  How, you ask?  I'll tell you.  If you want to make a better world, make yourself a better person. Because if you make yourself a better person, the World is automatically better.

Friday, November 4, 2016

New Ideas? Not So Fast

It may be new to a particular individual, but it is not new to the human race.  Are there any new ideas?  Yes and no.  It was thought of before. We just did not know about it. is new to us.
Please remember:  "There is nothing new under the sun."  (Ecc. 1:9)