Sunday, March 31, 2013

Jenna Wolfe And Stephanie Gosk

I know that the letter I just sent to Yahoo may not be well received by many.  It is my point of view.  God predicted in His Word that such things would come to pass.  I judge no person.  No person is righteous, including me.  But the Word of God says what it says. The Word of God judges. I refuse to hate another human being.  Jenna Wolfe and Stephanie Gosk are two lesbians married to each other.  Jenna is expecting a child.  She was artificially inseminated.  It is my view (based on the Word of God.......not my opinion) that these two selfish women are willfully denying their daughter to be, a relationship with her father.  This is wrong.  Same sex marriage is wrong.  It is wrong before God.  I judge no person.  Below is the letter.
The truth is a woman cannot impregnate another woman. A third party is required. That third party must be a man. Why is a lesbian using the reproductive nature/ability of a man if she does not believe in marriage to, or intimate relations with a man? The probable answer will be: "Because she wants to, it is a free country, leave her alone." Good, since it is a free country, I will use my freedom of speech and practice my faith in the Word of God. Lesbianism is a sin against God. Lesbians and gays need to repent. They can get counseling that can assist them in their quest for a relationship with our Creator. God loves them. I love them too. I am praying for them. Please refer to Jn. 3:16, Rom. 1: 18-31, and Jude 18. There is much more. The Word of God is superior to the opinions, trends, and ideas of humans. It is God's greatest gift to humanity. Please do not mock it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What The Country Needs: A Firm Foundation

The need to do what is right before God confronts us.  We should ask ourselves:  What does God want, regarding this issue?  His ways are superior to our opinions.  His Word is superior to our view regarding justice.   We need His guidance.  We need His counsel.  The government of this nation is not a theocracy, but shall we not be guided by the best advice available to the human race?  Do we not believe that lying is wrong?  Do we not believe that stealing is wrong?  Do we not believe that murdering is wrong?  Do we not believe that mistreating others is wrong?    Just remember something very important:  God said it first.  He said it first because He knows what is best for us.   And there is so much more that God says.  All of the Presidents that this great nation has ever had, have had some knowledge of right and wrong.  Righteousness is the gift from God that He has revealed to us  through His Word.  "His Word is forever settled in heaven."  Calvin Coolidge was a man who was heavily influenced by his knowledge of the Word of God.  In his quote below, although I agree with what he said, I do not particularly like the term "religion."  Instead of using that term, I would replace the sentence completely and say: "We need Jesus," instead of saying: "We need more religion."  No.  Religion can never replace the power and the wisdom of Jesus Christ.  Jesus is God.  Please refer to I Corinthians 1: 24.

"We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen.... If the foundation is firm, the superstructure will stand."

Calvin Coolidge   30th US President

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Right To Life Comes First

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase from the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.  Are not governments created for the purpose of protecting  the "unalienable rights" of all human beings?
 "The right to life" is not some "folksy" platitude.  It is a concept that directed the creation of the Constitution of this great nation.  The bill of rights talks about our "posterity," which means future generations.  Pro-abortionists refer to future generations as if they are not trying to destroy them.  "Future generations" refer to human beings that are to be born.  In a very real sense, they are still considered future generations while they are still young.  Abortionists prohibit anyone from being born, let alone be young.  Pro-abortion environmentalists often refer to the importance of protecting the environment for the "rights" of future generations.  To me this smacks of  "phony righteousness" and hypocrisy.  What future generations?  There won't be any if they are being eliminated because they are "inconveniencing" someone.  If unborn future generations don't even have the right to be born, how can they enjoy any other rights?  Chronologically, logically and realistically, The right to life comes before any other right.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Socialism........Two Points Of View

Abraham Lincoln stated that "government exists for the purpose of doing for the people, those things which the people  cannot do for themselves."  Of course, now, we are no longer living in the middle of the 19th Century.  However, some realities/concepts of government and society stay with us.  They do not change.  Nevertheless, governments change.  Societies change.  Do needs change?  The basic ones do not.  Below, I have from the Bing Dictionary, three definitions for socialism.  Below the definitions are two quotes from 2 famous political leaders from the annals of history.  Though they were diametrically opposed in political philosophy, both are still influencing millions.

1. Socialism is a political system of communal ownership: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.
2.  A political movement based on principles of socialism, typically advocating an end to private property and to the exploitation of workers
3.  A stage between capitalism and communism: in Marxist theory, the stage after the proletarian revolution when a society is changing from capitalism to communism, marked by pay distributed according to work done rather than need.

"Government is instituted to protect property of every sort. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government,which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own."
    James Madison        (1751-1836)
 Father of the Constitution for the USA,  4th US President

"We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it's unfair salaries, with it's unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."   
    Adolf Hitler             (1889-1945)  German Nazi Dictator      

Gender Neutral?

Where is the gender neutrality? Gender neutrality applies only to certain things like food, money, air, water, earth, certain careers, and some other things.   I will present some terms and then ask:  Where is the gender neutrality? ( WITGN?) 1)  penis,  WITGN?  2) vagina, WITGN  3) breasts that give milk, WITGN?  4) clitoris, WITGN?   5) childbirth, WITGN?  6) soprano, WITGN? 7)   bass, WITGN?    8) defensive tackle NFL,  WITGN?    9) menstrual cycle,  WITGN?   10)  testicles,  WITGN?   11)   mother,    WITGN?
12) father,  WITGN?

Those are but a few. Some things cannot be changed, but they can be denied or hidden. Defiance, anger, rebellion and self-centeredness are definite realities. To pursue the destruction of moral parameters is not the same as the pursuit of truth. Truth is eternal. Trends are temporary, yet they leave their damage and their scars. They can produce confusion. Sure, it depends on the trend. Some trends bring benefit. Some trends, after a while, became standard operating procedure in society. However, some trends have brought destruction, desperation, disease and death. That which permeates this whole discussion is the importance, need, desire, hunger and the constant pursuit of freedom. Freedom, freedom, freedom. I love it. I want it. But freedom is too delicate to be messing with. Mess with the truth, mess with freedom. Deny the truth, deny freedom. Hide the truth, hide freedom. You are not neutral. You are a man, or you are a woman. And that is the truth.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some More Thoughts About Leadership And Loyalty

In my view, leadership and loyalty cannot be separated.  Loyalty is the result of having a sense of integrity.  I realize that one can be loyal to the wrong persons or things.  But when it comes to leadership, the leader is loyal to those for whom he is accountable.  He is loyal to an ideal.  He is loyal to the goals and objectives he deems to be proper.  He is loyal to those above him as well as his subordinates.  He is loyal.  That is why he is a leader.  A true leader is not afraid to have the attitude of a servant, because he realizes that he is providing a service to many.  Although he often has one, a true leader does not need a title.  He is not necessarily a "manager," he is a leader.  The following quote sums up this view.

"Management is doing things right.  Leadership is doing the right things."    Peter Drucker

Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

 Nobody will match Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural address. If the liberal media could eliminate it from the chronicles of would. There are references to the Word of God in it. "Charity" is another word for love. "Malice" means hatred. In other words: "Hate nobody. Love everyone. Let us proceed with our work after this war. Let us take care of our veterans."  There is much more. This speech is unequaled.

Same Sex Marriage

I have written about this before.  I will do it again. All my life I have been taught that a husband is a man and a wife is a woman. I still adhere to that persuasion. I do not call people unkind names because they do not agree with me, and I am not going to start. I hate nobody. I refuse to hate anyone. However, I am not obligated to agree with lifestyles that are against what I have been taught since my childhood. I taught all of my children to hate nobody. But I also taught them the importance of respect for marriage and the family as is initiated by a bride and a groom. I will always consider marriage to be honorable, and to be between a man and a woman. Marriage between two men or two women will always be an oxymoron for me. It is not marriage, it is simply a sexual relationship between two persons of the same gender. By calling it marriage, the couple is attempting to acquire the same legitimacy that marriage has. That will not happen.........ever.  Incidently, the same sex marriage issue is not a civil rights issue.  It is not on par with racial discrimination.  It is an issue regarding the morals and values of this society.  It is an issue that deals with what God has to say about the oldest institution known to humankind.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The "Forgotten Man"?

Does the suffering, hard work and sacrifice one makes provide freedom for someone else?  Does it provide good times for someone else?  Does it provide necessities for someone else?  Does hard work still provide avenues for success?   Does hard work and sacrifice provide opportunities and freedom for the one who is experiencing them?  Regarding the quote below...Does A represent the super rich and B the rich?  Does D represent the poor or privileged poor?  Does C represent the hard working middle class?  Does C possibly represent the forgotten "working lower class"?  Are  the interests of the middle and lower classes  entirely overlooked?   Probably not in America.   However, people do get concerned about trends.  Here is the quote from from Professor Sumner:

"The type and formula of most schemes of philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a sociological point of view, is that C is not allowed a voice in the matter, and his position, character, and interests, as well as the ultimate effects on society through C's interests, are entirely overlooked. I call C the Forgotten Man."          William Graham Sumner

(1840-1910) American academic and professor at Yale College

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Santa Muerte?

Ten days ago, Yahoo news carried a news article about the veneration of a particular saint that some people in the US and Latin America are praying to.  The title of the article read:  "Underworld saint becoming more popular in the US."  And what is the name of the "saint"?  Santa Muerte.   You mean "Holy Death," or "St. Death"?   Death is the result of sin.  The "wages of sin is death."  To what depths  is the  ignorance of God's word sinking in the 21st Century?  Although my response to the article could have been ten thousand words long, I kept it short.  Here it is:

"Jesus said: "In my name you shall cast out demons." I refuse to pray to virgins, statues, idols, crosses, candles, and dead people. I pray to Jesus. He is God. He is Lord. He is the everlasting Father and the prince of peace. He is the way the truth and the life. Without Him we can do nothing. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. He is the light of the world. Please, folks. Quit playing in the dark. " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4: 13) Give Jesus your life. You will never be sorry."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Canada vs Mexico

Mexico's baseball team was clearly wrong.  They were getting beat 10 to 3.  In the 9th inning, a Canadian batter bunts down the 3rd base line,  he gets a base hit.  The 3rd baseman, who failed to make a play, was obviousl frustrated.  He told his pitcher to start throwing at the next batter.  Two close pitches that nearly hit the batter.  The umpire warned the pitcher.  The pitcher then hit the batter with the third pitch.  The benches of both teams emptied.  A brawl ensued.  It was not pretty.  It was ugly.  Alright, maybe the Canadian batter should not have bunted.  It is, however, not in any way against the rules of baseball to bunt at that particular time.  Is it poor sportsmanship to bunt?  Not in my mind.  The batter has that option according to the rules.  The Mexican team was just a bunch of sensitive and proud poor sports.  The next time they play baseball, they need to score more runs than the opposing team, and not act like a bunch of cry babies.

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Love America (by Sophia Acosta)

I Love America

I live in California.  California is part of the greatest country in the world, America.  America was started so people could have freedom to worship God.  America stands for liberty and justice for all.  Some things I can do to keep America great are to be helpful, honest, and kind.  Some beautiful things I have seen are the trees in Oregon and the beaches in California.  My favorite American holiday is Thanksgiving.  The president's name is Obama.  Our flag is red, white, and blue.  I love America.

(Sophia is my granddaughter who is 7 years old.  She is learning to write essays.  I am very proud of her work.)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rachel Scott.......Columbine

What a girl she was.  Her memory lives on.  She somehow knew she was not going to live very long.  She prayed to God, asking Him to allow her to do some good before she went home to be with her Maker.  Her friends heard her say: "I will not live long enough to get married."  On April 20, 1999, Rachel Scott was the first student killed during the Columbine shooting. She was a kind person, always willing to help someone out.  Apparently, she knew that she was going to die young, and that she was going to be murdered....soon.  She had written this information in her diary, that her dad had received from the police.  However, this did not stop her from being enthusiastic, cheerful and an inspiration to others.  No doubt, her faith in God had a great deal to do with this.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Never, Ever Give Up

Never, ever give up.  Keep on going, no matter the circumstances.  Learn to deal with pain.  Endure the difficult and challenging times.  They are opportunities.  They are temporary.  Be stubbornly opposed to failure.  Triumph is a reality.  Incorporate it as a way of life.  You do not know all things, therefore study, learn, ask for help.  Have a belief system that has been tried, tested and shown to be powerful.  A wise person learns from his/her mistakes.  A WISER person learns from the mistakes of others.  Be consistent.  Have a good time!  Enjoy your victories!  Even the little ones!

Some Serious Disabilities

Maybe they won't have the privilege of having a handicapped parking place.  Maybe they won't be allowed to go to the front of the line, or get special seating at athletic events.  Maybe they will not be stared at or pitied.  Nevertheless, they may still have disabilities.  They might be unable to have close friends.  They might be unable to hug, greet, smile or love someone.  They might be unable to accept people for who they are, without judging them severely.  They might have some serious image problems because they don't like themselves.  Because of their chincy ways, they might be unable to spend a little money, even though they have it.  They might be unable to be happy for the success of someone else, due to the fact that they are insanely jealous.  They might be extremely bitter, lonesome and depressed.  They might have so much pride that they are unable to deal with their shortcomings because they deny they have them.   Man.........these are some serious disabilities.

No Blaming Others

  He was a young man from a wealthy family.  At home, he had everything he needed.  Including love from his father.  Although he lacked nothing, something within him wanted to experience the pleasures this world has to offer.  The pleasures he was thinking about were not free of cost.  Therefore, he asked his father for the share of his inheritance.  I suppose you know the story already.  It is well known.  However, I just want to focus on one main thing.  This young man went to a distant land.  Apparently, he had a "ball."  When he had a lot of money, he had a lot of friends.  Soon, he ran out of money.  Times were tough.  There were hard economic times in the land.  The young man suffered.  He had no money.  He had no job.  He had no friends.  He got a job feeding hogs.  How low can you go?  He went even lower.  He wanted to eat some of the food the hogs were eating, but he was forbidden to do so.  Pretty sad.  Yes, it is a portion of the parable of the Prodigal Son.  Here is my focus:  The parable in the 15th chapter of the Gospel of Luke says: "He came unto himself."  Very important.  What does it mean?  It means he humbled himself.  It means there was no room, reason, or justification to blame anyone else.  He came unto himself!  This means he didn't blame his friends,  government, society, the economy, his family, teachers, neighbors, the "system,"  tough breaks, God or anyone else.  He came unto HIMSELF.  The buck stopped there.  Forget about blame.  To me, this is the most important part of this story.  Before he decided  where to go, he had to have asked himself: "Where do I go from here?"  He then answered his own question: "I will arise and go to my father."  It worked out for him.  It worked out for him because........"He came unto himself."  No blaming others, man.  No blaming others.

If you Cannot Convince Them........

Some people have the "correct answers."  They have the truth, goods, best idea, best directions and more.  However, they are unable to convince someone else.  Sometimes those who have the aforementioned also have a bad attitude, arrogance, an inability to win people over, or are poor communicators.  The man who said, "If you can't convince them, confuse them," was in politics.  I consider politics necessary.  But it can also be a brutal and dirty business.  Politics is a struggle for power.  It can be war.  Like some say: "All is fair in love and war."  Often times it is a war of egoes.  Apparently it is a competitive situation when if you are unable to convince, you must confuse.  It sounds vindictive.  Maybe it is just a political  strategy.  The man who made that quote was the 33rd President of the United States......... Harry S. Truman.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Power Transferred From Society To The State

I have never said in any of my writings that government is unnecessary.  Government is a necessity.  Who does government rule?  It rules people.  It rules groups of people.  In a broader sense,  it rules a group, the largest group........society.  Yes, government rules society.  Society is larger than government.  How can government be larger than society?  Is government more powerful than society?  I know these are philosophical questions.  However, they are relevant questions in light of the current roles of government in the United States.  Sometimes the working person thinks: "I would like to pay less taxes.  I would like to keep a larger portion of my paycheck."  However, the government helps the needy.  Is this wrong?  No.  But there was a time in this country when the government did not help the needy, charities did.  Did that work well?  Maybe, maybe not.  It works today to some extent.  Does tax and spend work well?  Not that well.  There is room for improvement. How? By not spending unnecessarily.   "Needs of society's members" and "redistribution " are two key words in this discussion.  Some years ago, two scholars discussed the situation that is of concern today.  Here are two short, thought-provoking quotes regarding this issue.

"The great non sequitur committed by defenders of the State,including classical Aristotelian and Thomist philosophers, is to leap from the necessity of society to the necessity of the State."
Murray N. Rothbard     (1926-1995)    Dean of the Austrian School of Economics

"The more one considers the matter, the clearer it becomes that redistributionis in effect far less a redistribution of free income from the richer to the poorer, as we imagined, than a redistribution of power from the individual to the State."

Bertrand de Jouvenel   (1903-1987)Source: The Ethics of Redistribution [1952] (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1990)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Word Cleanses, The Government Can't

God is not a respector of persons.  To Him, everyone is important.  But is He important to you?  I will not allow the government to form my opinion unless that opinion is in line with the Word of God.  Does that mean I hate the government?  No.  The problem with government is the same problem that exists in families, religious organizations, police departments and any type of organized group or is full of human beings.  Once that fact is established, we then realize that there will be weakness, hypocrisy, falsehood, hidden agendas, greed, ignorance and much more.  But, when it comes to God........well, He is just perfect.  His ways are perfect.  However, any human organization that supports His greatness, holiness, power and truth is faulty.  That is just the way it is.  The redeeming factor is that they are preaching a perfect and flawless God.  They are not preaching the greatness of themselves.  At least they are not supposed to be doing that.  If they teach, preach and live the truth of God's Word, they will be blessed, even in spite of the weaknesses of  its members and attendees.  Someone once said:  "You are brainwashed, man!"   My response is actually a no.  Our minds need to be "washed."  Our hearts need to be "washed."  How does that happen?  Through the Word.  Ephesians 5:26 tells us that.  King David, in Psalms 51,  asks God to "Create in me a clean heart."  The Word cleanses the heart also.  Of course the heart needs to be willing.  Jesus Christ is the Word.  He is the Word made flesh.  His Word says:  "My son give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways."  (Prov. 23:26)  God's ways are the best.  They are the purest.  The opinions of men are poor and inadequate substitutes for the ways of God.  One of the most well known "brainwashers" in the history of the world was one of Adolf Hitler's Army officers.  His name was Joseph Paul Goebbels.  He was in charge of propaganda.  Here is one of the things he said about it.

"It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion."     

(1897-1945) Nazi Propaganda Minister

Well, I want my opinion formed by the Word of God, not by an insane megalomaniac.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Coy Is A Boy

Coy Mathis was born male.  He is from Fountain, Colorado. He likes to dress up as a girl.  He is six years old.  He made the transition from boy to girl at the age of four.  His parents should not have allowed it. He is in the First grade.  He wants to use the girls'  restroom.  Some of the parents of the school have complained because they do not want this boy using the girls' restroom.  I do not blame them.  Boys are boys, and girls are girls.  The school districts' decision to allow this child to use only the boys' restroom, gender-neutral faculty bathrooms or the nurse's bathroom, I think is fair and reasonable.  The parents of Coy do not agree and are taking legal action.  They want their son to be able to use the girls' restroom.  To me, the parents of Coy are inconsiderate, unreasonable, unrealistic, and selfish.  This is a public school, not a private home. Since Coy was surrounded by sisters, maybe he wanted to be a girl as well.  I do not place the blame on Coy.  He needs the proper guidance.  It appears the parents have succumbed to the pressures of some of the societal trends.  They truly need to do some child-rearing, but it appears that they need to develop for themselves a value system that considers the importance of reality.  They have been fooled into thinking that gender is a choice.  Gender is not a choice.  It was determined at the moment of conception.  That boy needs a proper upbringing.  Of course there will be challenges.  When has raising children not been  challenging?   Taking this situation to court will be time-consuming, expensive and totally unnecessary.  So, the boy wants to be a girl.  Too bad.  Too late.  "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."  (Prov. 22: 6)  Incidently, I met an ex Principal of an elementary school about two years ago.  He chose to retire early  because he was faced with the same issue.  People tell me that he was an outstanding Principal.  These are the words he shared with me:  "I never dreamed I would need to deal with a problem like this......'I'm done, I'm outta here,' I told them."