Saturday, December 7, 2019

My "Cure" For Old Age

As I see it: There is only one way to not grow old.......die young.  As far as I am concerned; dying young is not a reasonable option.  Reality is reality.  Growing old is a reality.  As I see it; growing old is cool.  No pressure.  Enjoy your old age.  Yes indeed.  Do things.  Read, travel, visit local places, visit friends. Whenever you can: advise the young.  Observe high school, college and professional sports.  Enjoy your meals at home, restaurants, parties, and wherever you are invited.  Go for enjoyable walks.  Enjoy conversations.  Try to stay away from angry and bitter people.  (unless you are trying to help them)  My "cure" for old age........enjoy your life.   The best is yet to come.