Thursday, December 30, 2010

If You Want To Go Into Politics

If you want to involve yourself in the political arena; perhaps be a school board member, a city councilperson, mayor of a city, county supervisor, state or federal legislator, or even aspire to a higher office, I suggest you do the following 10 things, 1) Evaluate your motives. Simply stated: Why do you want to do such a thing? 2) Do not allow yourself to be a chronic liar. You need moral parameters. You need a sense of right and wrong. 3) Get a higher education. 4) Develop a genuine love for human beings. 5) Develop excellent communication skills, be a people person.
6) Be knowledgeable and up to date on current events. 7) Volunteer. If you really want to be a public servant, prove it. 8) Write letters to your local newspapers, stay in touch with decision makers. Make yourself known. 9) Regarding money: This is a touchy one. I know it has been said: "Money is the mother's milk of politics." Nevertheless, if the political arena is corrupt: it is corrupt because of money, and favors owed because of vast amounts donated for the wrong reasons. So what is the solution? Owe nobody anything. Have your own fund. Do not spend large amounts of money. Prove it can be done. 10) There is no substitute for hard work. Work hard. Knock on every door of your city. Organize your team. Cause them to believe in what you are trying to accomplish. State your goals clearly. Rally support. A grass roots campaign is best. If someone wants to donate to your campaign, fine, but do not make money your main focus. Be neither lavish nor ghetto. Be simple. Be sincere. Feel it. Do not practice a phony sincerity. Genuinely love people. Be alert. Run a clean campaign. The way I see it: If you win by being dirty: you did not win. Want to win, BUT NOT AT ANY PRICE, absolutely not. Have a good time. Give me a call if you need some help.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It Is The Christmas Holiday, Not A Winter Festival

I know, every year we hear about it: "The true meaning of Christmas." I would like to discuss it from a different perspective. Think of a party crasher. First of all, the Christmas celebration is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. That is it's essence. The commercial aspects of the Christmas season in America have essentially crashed Jesus' Birthday Party. There is nothing wrong with businesses making a profit. Profits go way up during the months of November and December and Christmas sales are a blessing for many who do not even believe in Jesus. Business is business. However, there is something very, very special about the Christmas season. It is not snow. It is not Christmas trees, Santa Claus, presents, parties, sleigh rides, egg nog or silver bells. Jesus Christ is what makes it special. The so called "Christmas spirit" is the Holy Spirit. Jesus embodies that Spirit. Christmas represents the hope for the human race because Jesus is the hope for the human race. Now personal peace can be had. Now miracles represent something other than just fantasy. Now love can actually be realized. This realization causes real joy and bright hopes for the future. The birth of Jesus is purposeful. "December nights," "Winter Festivals," "Celebrations of Snow," and other such buzz words that attempt to highlight the season do not and cannot capture the true meaning of Christmas. What is there to celebrate? Nothing. Jesus is the cause for celebration. Jesus represents something powerful. He has arrived. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father the prince of peace." (Isa. 9:6)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Arrogance Is A Poor Substitute

Arrogance is a poor substitute for unfulfilled aspirations. It is a poor substitute for one's failure to achieve, acquire, or attain. Something inside that person tells him/her that he/she was capable. The missing ingredient will be acquired through arrogance. It will fuel what did not happen. It will attempt to satisfy and justify. It will not work. It never works. "I will act like I did it, conquered it, have it" via arrogance will never work. Glory is like clean and pure water. It is the result of outstanding achievement. Arrogance is like dirty, putrid, muddy, poisoned water. A person can submerge himself in it. It will harm that person one way or another. The person might even drown in it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Think About It

If thinking about it makes you sad: don't think about it. If thinking about it makes you mad: don't think about it. If thinking about it makes you worry: don't think about it. If thinking about it might cause you to do something that can get you arrested and possibly go to jail or prison for a long time: don't think about it. There is much more. The ability to think is a gift to the human race. Human thinking, in turn has been instrumental in providing many great and good things for humanity via technology, invention, innovation, the arts, science, academics and more. Of course, thinking helped humanity to reach these ends. Nevertheless, certain ways of thinking have brought a great deal of grief, destruction and suffering to mankind. Consider this, and choose the former. Kind thinking versus hateful thinking. Human thinking versus animalistic thinking. Wise thinking versus foolish thinking. Loving thoughts versus hateful thoughts. Forgiving thoughts versus revengeful thoughts. Thoughts of giving versus thoughts of taking, (remember the great teacher who said it is "more blessed to give than to receive.") Thoughts of helping versus thoughts of hurting. Thoughts of beauty versus thoughts of ugliness. Thoughts of joy versus thoughts of depression. There is much more.

Please do not misunderstand. I am aware of the fact that we must think about our commitments and responsibilities. I know we can be burdened by many things. We need not make those burdens worse by complicating them with unnecessary thoughts. Good thoughts do not complicate things. They uncomplicate. They solve. They resolve.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hatred And Homosexuality

God, in His teachings, prohibits me from hating anyone. Therefore I refuse to hate anyone. I will not hate anyone. I will not carry that burden. I do not care if it sounds milquetoast, corny, phony or unrealistic. Life is serious business, and my life is serious business to me. It has purpose. It has meaning. It has divine guidelines. I did not create the guidelines. I am not divine. Nevertheless, I am not a lower animal. Albeit, lower animals practice species specific behavior. This means that even lower animals have their parameters. "Anything Goes" is a song title from an earlier decade. Maybe it sounds cute and enticing; but if you live that way, expect to go to prison, or maybe even a worse fate. In His Word; God speaks of the sanctity of marriage. It is between a man and a woman. Sexual intercourse between two men is not any of my business. I do not want to hear about it. It is private. It is shameful. God declares it to be a sin. Do I declare it to be sinful and shameful? Yes. Why? Because God said it first. But let me make one thing perfectly clear: I refuse to sputter hatred regarding this matter. It is a moral principle. Hatred does not, should not, and will not enter into the equation. Not in my view, but even more important, not in God's view. Hatred is a sin. So is homosexuality.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I Am Grateful

I am grateful for so many things that I actually do not know where to start. Two days ago I turned 68 years of age. My birthday is during the Thanksgiving holiday, November 24th to be exact. I am thankful to be alive. I am thankful to be healthy. I am thankful for my dear wife who loves me. I love her too. I am thankful for my 3 grown children, two daughters and a son. They are all good looking, healthy and intelligent. They are all married. I have 2 awesome sons in law and one awesome daughter in law. I have 3 beautiful granddaughters; ages 1, 3 and 5. Wow! What princesses! I am thankful to be a retired teacher. I am thankful to be a minister and co- pastor of an evangelical Church. I am thankful that I am not in need. I am thankful to live in this great country. I am thankful for the five F's, which are family, friends, favor, future, and function. The first two are self-explanatory. The other 3 I will discuss. Favor means God's favor. He loves me. He has been good to me. He has favored me. Future refers to a bright future. The future is bright as long as God is included in it. With Him: it is a win, win situation. Function means I am able to function. I can think, speak, walk, help, work and just do many things. My 5 senses operate. They operate well. I pray that I refrain from taking things for granted. I am blessed. I know I am blessed. I just do not want to think that I necessarily "have it coming to me." God has been good to me. I am convinced that He will continue to be good to me. Why will He continue to be good to me? Because He is a good God. Being good to us is what He does, and does best. I acknowledge His goodness toward me and us. I will love Him, worship Him, obey Him, and serve Him. I cannot repay Him for what He has done for me. But I can remember where He brought me from. I have no plans to go back. I thank Him. I am grateful.

Friday, November 19, 2010

An Honest Politician?

Is the term "An honest politician" an oxymoron? Probably, but not necessarily. Many things are possible, therefore, I think it is possible for there to be an honest politician. It is possible. It is possible. At least for a little while, and probably not at the higher levels. I have 2 reasons to believe that it is possible to be an honest politician. Those two reasons are Joseph and Daniel. Check it out.

Monday, November 15, 2010

He Apologized For Me, What An Apology!

He is still working. He is still struggling. He is still making important decisions. He is mighty, mighty powerful. Some people cannot apologize. I was one of them, so He apologized for me. I made some serious mistakes. Mistakes that demanded an apology to a high authority. I did not recognize that authority, so I meddled with a lower authority. That lower authority made some offers I could not refuse. The offers were titillating, pleasurable and enticing. However, in their pursuit, I cancelled opportunities to take my life to a higher, more meaningful level. The one who apologized for me, also taught me to apologize for myself. When He apologized for me, He taught me the importance of recognizing my faulty actions and the importance of correcting them. He apologized for me when He said: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." What I did was substitute some words. I substituted the name Bobby where the word "them" is, he for "they," knows for "know" and does for "do." Since He substituted for me, I also did a little bit of substituting. His was action. Mine is belief. His death. My devotion. He apologized for me. What an apology! What an apology!

Monday, November 8, 2010


If we do not form good habits on purpose, we will form bad habits accidently. I am a firm believer that habits can either be our masters or they can be our slaves. Good habits produce good results. They produce success. On the wall of a boxing gym, I once read: "The harder you work, the luckier you get." I agree. Hard work is a good habit. It produces success. Bad habits produce addiction, frustration, hopelessness, and failure. Which do you choose?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When a person mixes a lie with the truth he gets a lie. I refer to the blending/mixing of beliefs and practices into a single faith. This is called syncretism. In Christianity there is no room for this. Truth produces truth. Truth produces faith. Truth produces power. There is only one Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit agrees with the Word of God. It has never, ever disagreed with the Word of God. The Word of God is holy. One example of syncretism is produced as a result of an erroneous practice of the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of devotion to the saints. This is not allowed by the Word of God; yet it is practiced by the Catholic Church. For example: some Catholic believers in Latin America, especially Native Americans worship at Roman Catholic Churches on Sunday but pray to nature deities during the week. Among the descendants of enslaved Africans, belief in West African deities is combined with Roman Catholic devotion to the Saints. Called condomble in Brazil, Santeria in Cuba, and Voodoo in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. These African based religions have thousands of followers in Latin American and among Latin American immigrants to the United States. Every nation that practices these religions is a third world nation. Is it a problem? Yes, it is a problem. Why? Because such beliefs have no moral parameters, no authority, and very little spiritual power. The only solution to the problem is exposure to the truth. "The truth shall make you free." The syncretic practices cause enslavement. Only the truth can free them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Muslims, Christians and Freedom

I consider freedom to be a sacred right. I also believe in the importance of law and laws. I believe in the freedom of expression. I believe in the freedom of religion. I also believe in the importance of law and laws. The United States of America allows a great deal of freedom. Ironically, freedom can be the culprit that can possibly cause the demise of this great nation. Because moral parameters are so important in any society, the Islamic faith teaches them and has provision for the punishment of their violators within their faith. "Within their faith" is a key concept. As we all know: the nature of American freedom declares that in this country one can practice his/her religion, or not practice any religion. One can believe in God or not believe in God. This is freedom. As I have mentioned: I believe in freedom of expression. I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in freedom of the press. If I do not believe in the teachings of Islam; do I have the right to criticize them? If I do not believe in the teachings of Christianity; do I have the right to criticize them? both questions. At least if you live in America. By His critics: Jesus has been portrayed as a fraud, a drunk, a glutton,
a womanizer, a homosexual and much more. He has been discredited and denounced. No person has been arrested, murdered, persecuted, or caused to be a fugitive for doing such things. Is one free to discredit Mohammed? Is one free to portray him as an evil person? both questions. Why? Because you live in America, and America is about freedom. Just be aware of this: Human nature is such that the words we speak may cause us some unpleasant consequences (even in your own house). We need to be wise with our freedoms. But that is a whole other story.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Remember Ezzard Charles

He may not be as famous as other boxers, but he is one of the greatest to ever step into the ring. He defeated Joe Louis. He is the only boxer to have lasted 15 rounds with Rocky Marciano. He is remembered as the "Cincinnati Cobra." He was born in 1921 and died in 1975 at the age of 53. He held the heavyweight title from 1949 to 1951. He fought 108 times, 93 wins (52 by K.O.) and 25 losses. Two of his fights are considered classics of the 20th Century, when he fought Marciano, and when he fought Jersey Joe Walcott. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame at Canastota New York in 1990. He may not be the greatest, but he is definitely among the greatest. I saw him fight. I remember Ezzard Charles.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It

Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody, at one time or another has failed to plan. It is a human weakness. Overplanning can also be a fault. Recently I heard this quote: "We make choices, and then those choices turn around and make us." I agree. It is nothing but common sense. Common sense does not sit too well with some people. "Common sense is a sign of weakness, and a betrayal to my adventurous spirit." Maybe they do not say it that way, but they think it. I am not an insurance salesman or a college recruitment officer. I am a person who has seen the bitterness and frustration of people who did not prepare themselves for some of the harsh realities of life that come our way as time goes on. Maybe love got in the way. Maybe friends and peer pressure got in the way. Maybe sickness or some circumstances beyond our control got in the way. Maybe the pursuit of pleasure got in the way. Maybe lack of self control got in the way. Maybe some bad habits got in the way. Everyone has his/her story. But time waits for nobody. We are all victims of wasted time, whether we wasted it ourselves or someone else. All I can really say at this point is prepare for the future. Study. Find something you like to do and become an expert at it. Learn to get out of bed and go to work. Take care of your responsibilities. Discipline yourself. Know that there are consequences for our actions/inactions, both good and bad. Prepare for better days. Stay sober. Work hard. Study hard. What about friends? Remember this: there are friends and there are "friends." Some of those so-called friends can destroy your future. Do not let them. The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tyler Clementi Killed Himself

Life is precious. There are so many things to do. There is so much to experience. There is so much life to live. Tyler Clementi was 18 years old at the time of his death. He took his own life. Two of his acquaintances secretly filmed him as he was engaged in homosexual conduct. They then showed his private sexual activity on line. Tyler killed himself because he was devastated due to the fact that he was seen doing what he was doing. No doubt he was ashamed. No doubt he was disappointed in his so-called "friends" who filmed him. I believe homosexuality is morally wrong, but I refuse to hate, mock, discredit or in any way mistreat those who participate in that type of conduct. I cannot stop them. One thing I am convinced of: The majority of reasonable people agree that sexual activity among human beings is private activity. In this case; the privacy of two men was invaded. This, of course is wrong. I hear people clamoring for "sensitivity training" for understanding the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. I say no. I respond with the importance of teaching all children the importance of respect. Teaching tolerance is not enough. "Tolerance" is a buzz word. It may be considered a goal or an end, but I am persuaded that it is only a part of a bigger picture. The bigger picture being respect for others. An even bigger picture is to teach kindness. But then you enter dangerous territory. You might need to mention religion. What if someone were to teach: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" in a public school setting. There would be trouble. Why? Because those are the words of the greatest teacher who ever lived. His name is Jesus. If one taught this gem of truth in his/her classroom great results would take place. It can be done. It can be done if wisdom is used. Society is in trouble. The time has come to drown the devil in his own craftiness. There is hope. Especially in the greatest country in the history of humankind.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chargers: Fix Your Special Teams

Rule # 1) for the kickoff team: STAY IN YOUR LANE. Do not get behind a player who has the same color jersey as yours. Rule # 2) When a kickoff returner returns a kickoff for a 101 yards and a touchdown; do not kick it to him again so that he can return it 98 yards for a touchdown. Squib kicks are usually successful. They are not handled by the best runners. They usually leave the defense with pretty good field position. Special teams execution is divided into two general parts: 1) Inspiration, motivation, intensity, and focus. 2) Strategy, skill, preparation, and execution. With these two parts working together at their highest level: success is imminent. Also, when the opposing team runs back a touchdown for 100 yards, It is a cheap touchdown. It is also a nightmare. When your team runs it back for 100 yards; it is a masterpiece, a thing of beauty, a dream come true.

Let it go!

Please do not submit, subject, or saddle yourself with an obsession that will prevent you from arriving at a peaceful relationship or a purposeful solution or successful and meaningful communication. If someone has wronged you, let it go. If someone has insulted you, let it go. If someone owes you money that you will never collect, let it go. If you have been humiliated or offended, the event that occurred can never be reversed. It is history. Move on. Let it go. Do not hold on to a grudge because you feel comfortable with it. Do not refuse to forgive. Do not refuse to forget. Obviously there are some people who cannot be your best friends. Obviously you will not be wise by continuing to submit yourself to abuse or mistreatment. Nevertheless, what has happened, has happened. Now you have a responsibility. You have a responsibility to yourself. You have a responsibility to not build barriers that will prevent you from moving on and doing great things. If those unpleasant memories can serve to help you make better decisions then so be it. If those unpleasant memories can be like ladders and stairs of advancement, then make it happen. Let it go. Don't stop, move on. You have no idea what the levels of achievements that await you are. You have no idea of the possibilities. Use your experiences to help you succeed. Never ever wallow in self pity. Let it go. There is a life to live and there are beautiful experiences waiting to happen. Therefore, let it go.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Assimilation Is Not The Problem

I have known people who have lived in this country over 40 years and they do not speak English. They only speak Spanish. That does not mean they cannot speak it, or understand it. They were too busy raising children and grandchildren. THEY WERE NOT MOTIVATED BY POLITICAL ACTIVISM regarding this situation. They were motivated by priorities and time constraints. I think the first thing we need to do regarding this matter is define our terms. The dictionary has 6 definitions. In this discourse, I will deal only with one: "Assimilation: To absorb into the cultural population or group." (Webster) Most of the men that I know who shout: "No assimilation for Mexicans." Have not obeyed their rallying cry. They just offer the rhetoric. They have married White women. They do not speak much Spanish. Most of their kids don't speak Spanish. They can contact government officials who speak only English. They didn't need bilingual education.....far from it. Do I fault them for that? No way! I worked at San Diego High School almost 4 years. At that time, it was like a "war zone." I was working in the ESL department. I was not a teacher; I was an aid. Their teacher could not deal with them so he left me in charge. My safety was compromised many times. Some of the loud-mouthed enrollees (sorry, I can't call them students) Would say in Spanish: "Im a Mexican, I don't eat sandwiches, I eat tacos and burritos! He was lying. He took full advantage of the free lunch program. We know: "boys will be boys." It took two students; both females and both 16 years of age to influence my thinking regarding these things. One of them told me: "Mr. Dominguez, I cannot stay in this school. It is not preparing me for my future, my mom really wants me to learn to speak excellent English, and I hardly ever even hear it." That particular student spoke to me in very broken English. I responded to her in English. She liked that. She transferred to a school that had very few Mexicans. I never saw her again. The other student spoke no English. She complained to me in Spanish: "They put all the Mexicans together in all of our classes, and we are not learning anything." She sounded like she didn't care, but I think she did. I concluded that ESL was designed to keep Mexican young people from assimilating. I thought the anti-assimilation plan was a racist plan. If they assimilated; they might succeed. It may be a far-fetched idea, but it is something to think about.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tomorrow; Angie Gets Married.

I love you Angie. In approximately 19 hours you will be a married woman. I wish you the best. I pray that you will be very happy. It will not be the same around here without you. Your Mom and I will definitely miss you. Please be positive that we love you very much. Congratulations to you and Jerry. You make a great couple. Tonight at the rehearsal, it was a beautiful time. Great food, friends and family. Tomorrow will be even better. Congratulations Angie. Have a great future. I love you so much. Love, Dad

ps........I remember when you were around 3 years old, you used to like to ride with me to church in my old blue Ford Ranger. You really enjoyed sitting on the bed of the truck because it had a camper shell. You are/were so special. ILY, Dad

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thank you Welles, You Are A Hero

He could have easily exited the building after United Airlines Flight 175; hijacked by Islamic terrorists; hit one of the twin towers. If he had just gotten himself to a safe place, to escape death, who would have faulted him? He could have easily done it. No, this courageous young man chose a different route. He chose to save lives. He exited and entered the building at least 3 help evacuate trapped victims. He died when he entered the building one last time before it collapsed taking the lives of firefighters....and Welles. Welles Crowther was not a firefighter or a police officer. He was an investment banker. Nine years ago today; he helped save 18 lives. Somehow; at this moment; I am not very interested in hearing the political rhetoric surrounding this tragic event. I prefer to just take a few moments and think about the unselfishness of this young man. Does he not deserve our thoughts and rememberances?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Bureaucrat (Part 2)

His first rule is "I must keep my job." Actually, how can I blame him for that? Nevertheless, his motivation is not service, necessarily, it is what I just mentioned, and his actions allude to that. "I must please my supervisor" is his motto. Honesty is not something that plays an essential role. It is only important if it can make him look good or possibly get him a promotion. Transparency is not a concept that he embraces. He loves his privacy. He loves his job. He is a bureaucrat. What do the guidelines say? What is the standard operational procedure?
What do the regulations say? He knows what they say. He is aware that some are being violated. But he says nothing. Why? The violations are advantageous to several of his supervisors. He "knows nothing about it." He is a "by the book guy," with some exceptions. He may be aware that some of the regulations do not apply for certain circumstances, therefore some of the violations will not be noticed or discussed. Nevertheless, he will do everything to keep himself in the clear, in case something "comes down." Certain things must just be ignored. They must not be presented. They must not be discussed. To him; honesty is just sometimes the best policy. He can defend his position. He is a bureaucrat.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bato Loco

He was a true "Bato Loco" therefore he didn't live very long. Sometimes they call him an O G. Sure, he may look the part, dress the part, and even talk the part; but image is not that important to him. He is a world apart. He is not afraid of the police. He is crazy. He is angry. He is bitter. Since self-preservation is not necessarily a high priority, he is at times considered a man of courage. He is armed. He is dangerous. He has killed men before. He is willing to do it again. He is an ex-convict. He quit school when he was in junior high. He has never set foot on a college campus. To him it would represent a betrayal to his "commitment." Commitment to what? To embrace something that has nearly killed him, but that he feels comfortable with. Yes, it is a life of confusion. It is a life of solitude. But it is the life he has chosen. He could not even be in a gang, in or out of prison, "I do my own time," he said. "He is weird, but don't mess with him," some convicts would say. He does not like authority, and that includes gang authority. As a convict He had spent months in the "hole." Life in society did not agree with him. He had been released from prison for about two weeks, when one night he robbed a 7-11, he shot and killed a clerk. The police saw him in the parking lot. He hid behind a car and started shooting at them. He had two pistols but he soon ran out of ammo. The police told him to surrender. He actually threw his guns at them. All the shots fired at him had missed him. He selected one police officer and charged him with a knife. There were 3 squad cars and 6 officers at the scene. This is odd. Although he was shot multiple times, He managed to throw his knife at one of the officers. It penetrated the officer's bullet proof vest, but it did not harm the officer. The bato loco obviously died at the scene. A great teacher once said: "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword."

Gangsters Are Not Tough

Most gangsters are self-centered, ignorant, confused and pathetic individuals. If they were tough, they would not seek out other losers like them. The gang image gives them a form of security. It does not work too well when they are alone. They are not tough when they are by themselves. If they are so tough, why do they carry guns? Are they tough without their guns? Sometimes they are not even tough when they are with their gang. They are cowards by themselves and they are cowards with the gang. They hide. They run away. Too many of them are confused. They think disrespect is valor. They do things in secret because they are cowards. "I'll die for my homies," is a lie. Afraid to look for a job. Afraid to talk to people. Sometimes it is just a youthful indiscretion. They change. They must change. The gangster life is not the life to live. It is for losers and the fearful. Who wants that? Gangsters are not tough. Most just don't have any people skills and/or moral parameters. They can change........if they want to.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Charles Albert Tindley

Charles Albert Tindley was born a slave in the state of Maryland in 1851. At the age of 5 he witnessed his mother receive a severe whipping by their owner. She died while being held in his small arms. His father was sold and he never saw his father again. Tindley had never learned to read. It was forbidden for a slave to know how to read. Around the age of 14 he was emancipated. When asked what he would like to do, he answered; "I would like to go to Church." Someone then asked him: "Of all the places you can go; you want to go to Church"? Someone gave him a Bible. He thanked them, but told them he could not read. Some say he taught himself how to read. Others say some Church ladies taught him how to read. As time went on; Tindley had a life changing experience with God. By the age of 17, he knew how to read and write. He was a driven young man. He worked as a janitor while attending night school in order to earn his divinity degree through a correspondence course. In 1902, he became Pastor of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Penn., the Church where he had earlier been the janitor. At the time of Tindley's death, that Church had 12,500 members. It was the largest Church on the East Coast. During his lifetime, Tindley wrote over 70 hymns. "I'll Overcome Some Day" is the basis for the American Civil rights Anthem: "We Shall Overcome," that was popular during the decade of the 60s. I am of the opinion that this former slave and child of slaves became a great man. His biography should be on the list as one of the options of required reading for every secondary school student in the United States. Look at his life. Look at what he had to overcome.

A Mosque At Ground Zero?

I visited New York City in 2007. I think it is a beautiful place. Much culture, much art, much history, much population and many businesses, skyscrapers and an excellent public transportation system. We visited Ground Zero in Manhattan. I was impressed as well as depressed when I saw where the great Twin Towers once stood. I might be wrong, but I concluded that the people responsible for this travesty/tragedy involving the destruction of lives and property were people who do not come from places that have skyscrapers, subways, opportunity and freedom. The Twin Towers were destroyed because of jealousy. The jealousy of the destroyer. Will a Mosque really be built there? I have 6 questions. Is Islam a threat to America's freedom? Does Islam tolerate other religions? Does Islam tolerate the evangelization of non-Christians by Christians? Does Islam tolerate freedom of speech and the press? Would it be as easy to have the construction of an evangelical Christian Church be accepted by local civic authorities as it was for the Mosque? Is the construction of a Christian Church back to back with a Mosque a viable idea? Incidently; there are over 100 Mosques in New York City.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Bureaucrat

His job means more to him than anything on this earth. What is his job, anyway? His job has a title and a classification. But his real job title is " I keep my job." I can't blame a guy for wanting to keep his job. Especially if the job has good benefits, ie, good salary with periodic raises, health, dental, and optometric benefits, overtime, vacations, holidays and a very attractive retirement plan. Who can blame him? Nobody, really. Unless you are the type of person that believes in a "day's pay for a day's work." He works for the government. Ask him a question. He will quickly respond by saying: "Thats' not my department, the guy who knows is on vacation, sorry." He is the bureaucrat. He is afraid of getting in trouble so he can't help you. He is afraid of violating policy so he will do nothing to help you. You mean nothing to him. There is no room to help you. His interest lies only in keeping his beloved job and possibly advancing to a higher position. He can't take chances because he operates with the mentality of "worse case scenario." WCS may never happen but he is sure to make his decisions based on WCS. Things can't get done because of WCS. The public will not be served. But that is okay as long as his job is safe and he takes no chances. The bureaucrat has acquaintances, possibly even some friends.........other bureaucrats. That is his world. He is afraid to wander far from it. Service is not his motto. "I must keep my job is his motto." "I must adhere to policy," is his motto. It is hard to fire him. He has seniority. He is a hard-core bureaucrat. He is thinking of his next vacation.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gender Identification?

I believe in freedom. Freedom is precious to me. Nevertheless, I am firmly convinced that a person's gender is determined at the moment of conception. It is not determined at any other time. It is not determined by a person's "desire to be a man or a woman." Transgender should be considered illegal because it is a blatant lie. Either a person is a man or a person is a woman. He/she cannot be both. I am aware that we do not live in a perfect world. Shocking things have happened and will continue to happen. Please do not misunderstand me. I have stated that I believe in freedom. I believe that a person can dress any way he/she wants to dress. There are laws against nudity in public places. There are laws regarding indecent exposure. If a man is out in public dressed like a woman and attempting to deceive people, He is deviant, and he better stay out of public women's restrooms.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

But He Saved Some Money

He didn't use the radio of his car. He never used the AC. Often times he did not turn on the lights of his car at night. He was trying to extend the life of his car battery. One night he had his car lights off while he drove on a dimly lit road. He hit a man who was walking his dog. He seriously injured the pedestrian. He also damaged his headlight (which of course was not on) and a fender. That night he may have saved 6 cents from not using his battery. The damage to his car was over $800.00. But he saved some money. Maybe 6 cents. Speaking of vehicles: a certain man was the manager of a large gift, jewelry and tool store. He had a very dependable delivery truck he used to pick up and deliver goods. He did not like to have the truck maintained and serviced. He wanted to save money, so he only spent money on gasoline for the truck. After many months; the engine had absolutely no oil. The engine became inoperable. It was ruined. By not changing the oil and filter; he was able to save around $80 per year. To fix the damage done to the truck through neglect; would cost $3,000.00. The corporation fired the manager and bought a new truck. But he had saved them some money.
The young man had snuck into the high school footbal game many times by jumping over the fence. He did not want to spend $5.00 for a ticket. Tonight he was sporting his brand new $45.00 jeans. He was at the game waiting for his chance to climb over the chain link fence. He saw his chance. He moved quickly. But he was not careful enough. He ripped his brand new jeans on the fence. He got into the stadium. He ripped a brand new pair of $45.00 jeans. But he saved some money. Five bucks.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

But She Saved Some Money

She kept her house dark. She didn't want to spend too much money on electricity. It was late at night, she left her bedroom to go to the kitchen. She could not see that the hall door was closed. She walked fast. She hit the door with her face. She broke her nose, but she saved some money. She went shopping for some small rugs to cover certain parts of her home that had hardwood floors. She saw some rugs that she liked. They cost $2.49. The back had a non-skid surface. She started to buy 4 of them. Then she saw some others that were $.99 each. She thought of the savings. She noticed that they were smooth on the back side. They were not non-skid. She bought them anyway to save some money. A few days later, she was in a hurry to answer the phone, she slipped on one of the rugs. She fell and injured her back. But she saved some money. She forgot about some beans that were in the refrigerator. The problem is that they had been there too long. She did not want to waste them. So she ate them. She got food poisoning and almost died. But she saved some money.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Prayer For The Inmate

I am one of the Chaplains in the San Diego County Jail system. Sometimes I will visit an inmate in an area of the jail called the sallyport. When I pray for him the prayer usually goes like this: "Almighty God, we come before you today recognizing that we owe our lives to You. We thank You for your love and for your kindness toward us. We know that we can do nothing without You. You are omnipotent, omniscient, eternal and omnipresent. With You; absolutely nothing is impossible. Your name is Jesus. It is the name above every name. This young man has a need. You know what he has done, You know what he has not done. You know all about him. You know all about me. You know all about everybody. Nothing is hidden from You. Bless him, Lord. Help him in all areas of his life. Bless his loved ones. Bless his mind, heart, soul, spirit and body. Protect him from harm. Deliver him from accidents, injuries, violence and temptation. Deliver him from bad habits and vices. Deliver him from drug and/or alcohol addiction. Deliver him from habits that are injurious to himself and/or others. Anoint any decision that will be made in a court of law; or by any authority, that will affect his destiny. Bless his life. Bless his future. The future is bright.......on one condition. That You are included in it. Give him that joy, peace and satisfaction that only You can give. Give him a hunger for the things of God. Help him to memorize scripture, such as Philippians 4:13. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Let him surrender his life to You and serve You all the days of his life. Nothing is more important than that. Nothing. We thank You. We give You all the honor and praise forever. In Jesus' name, Amen."

The Discreditor

Maybe he can't help himself. I don't really know. Every discussion, every conversation is a battleground. He must win. He must discredit your point of view. He is the discreditor. He may not even be aware of it. He just does it. Conversation is hard core competition and it appears his life depends on winning the competition. He must out do you because he worries that you are gaining on him. He digs deep into his arsenal of sophistic weaponry. He raises his voice. You are not
entitled to an opinion. Your opinion is his call to battle. He is the discreditor.

Friday, June 18, 2010


It all starts with an idea. Ideas can be very dangerous......until they succeed when put into action. Don't be afraid to throw that idea out there. Don't sit around and stare in silence because you are afraid your idea may not be well received. Take the chance. Every new idea is obscure at first. It is or it wouldn't be a new idea. I do not recall the person who first said: "Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come." The beauty of ideas is that ideas tend to reproduce new and better ideas. There are good ideas and there are bad ideas. It may be that an idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it, nevertheless, people are responsible for the ideas that they may embrace. I have two questions regarding the aforementioned: What inspired the idea? Who stands to gain from the idea?

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Am A Summertime Guy

I love the Summer. I always have. I don't care if it is hot. Summer time is harvest time, and I'm not just talking about crops. I mean it is time to harvest good times. Meeting people. Going to the beach, the park, the mall. I know I am not a kid anymore. But something inside me tells me that I will always be young. I am forever young. I am a summertime guy because I am a people person. I plan to talk to people this summer. I plan to talk to many. I plan to talk to people who use drugs. I plan to talk to drunks. I plan to talk to people who do not have joy. I plan to talk to people who do not have peace. I plan to talk to people who are sad, angry and hopeless. I can introduce hope. I have a plan. I will execute my plan. Nothing will stop me. I am a summertime guy.

" Man; Don't Go Back To Jail! "

Recently, I was talking to him. He was locked up. He told me he hated jail. "I know the devil made me do it." He said. "Maybe he did, I don't even doubt it, however, the devil didn't get locked up; you did. Don't you have some choices? Don't you have some options? Are you not free to think and act in a way that will not get you arrested? Is it that difficult to stay out of this place? Can you stay out of this place? You are a young man. You are not in a hospital with a broken back. You are not blind. You are not handicapped. You do not need assistance to go to the bathroom. you can walk, talk and think. Be thankful. You are leaving soon. Don't ever come back. Cages are for birds. You are not a bird. Stay out of this place. Never come back. Let me ask you one more thing young man. Are you stupid?" "No Sir, I am not." "Good. That is really good news. As the saying goes: 'stupid is as stupid does.' That sounds pretty accurate to me. Don't come back here again."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Can Someone like JA Gardner Be Rehabilitated?

Can someone like John Albert Gardner III be rehabilitated? He admitted that he could not control himself. Some child molesters and rapists have committed their repeat crimes HOURS after being released from prison. Yes, the drive, fixation, fantasy, lust, pursuasion of ownership, opportunism and a sexual arousal akin to that of an amoral animal will not allow a man like Gardner to prevent himself from doing what he did. A man with Gardner's problem cannot be rehabilitated. At least not in a conventional sense. Nevertheless, I believe in miracles. But I am positive that miracles will not be accomplished through secular means; secular therapists using secular treatments. Counselors and assorted behavioral diagnosticians who depend solely on pschological treatments and procedures will not succeed with what is necessary to keep a person like Gardner from doing what he did. The counselors, psychologists and therapists have their functions, but miracles are not something that they perform. Gardner served five years in prison for molesting a 13 year old girl. He attempted to attack a woman. She fought him off. He stalked a girl. He was stopped by the Police and released. He raped and murdered two girls; ages 14 and 17. It is thought, although not proven, that he was involved in other crimes of a similar nature, in San Diego County and at least one other county. Yes, Mr. Gardner needs a miracle. Miracles are performed by God. Only by God. Only a miracle can change Gardner.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Would You Stop For That Pedestrian?

I hope none of us ever find ourselves in this situation. Apparently there are some people who think they can cross the street anywhere they want to. Apparently there are some people who think crossing the street at an intersection where they are supposed to cross the street is too inconvenient for them. I might remind them that there are motorists who will not stop for them. What if you are driving on a highway or a busy street, and the flow of traffic is rapid? What if the car behind you is speeding at about 60 miles per hour and several pedestrians decide they want to cross the street in front of you? You can't stop or slow down because you will be rear-ended. You can't change lanes because there is too much traffic. Would you risk your safety and possibly your life to avoid injuring or possibly killing persons who are breaking the law? Would you stop for that pedestrian?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

I know it is a well worn slogan. Nevertheless there is more truth than fiction in the saying: "No pain, no gain." If goals came easy they would not be considered goals. They would just be considered activities easily accomplished. Ask any athlete who wants to "take it to the highest level of performance." Ask him/her if it will require work, self-denial and sacrifice to achieve the desired levels of accomplishment. Pay the price. Be willing to pay the price. Let it cost blood, sweat and tears. It will only hurt for a little while. Go ahead and deny yourself. Work hard. Work harder. Postpone that pleasure to acquire the greater accomplishment of a job well done, a degree earned, a promotion received, a raise attained, a relationship realized, an employment dream fulfilled. Sometimes the only thing stopping a person from realizing his/her dreams is laziness. Laziness will stop you dead in your tracks. Dreaming is okay, but it is not enough. Thinking is good, but it is not enough. Talking and planning are part of the program, but they are not enough. Words are fine, but they are not enough. Get to work. Work, work, work. "Words without deeds are like a garden full of weeds." (anon.) Laziness is a disease. Don't get that disease. Take your medicine. What is the medicine? Hard work. No pain, no gain.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I Remember Tommy

We didn't hang out much when we were kids. He lived in the neighborhood. I lived on 3rd Street, he lived on 2nd. He was two years older than me. He dressed cool with his khakis, blue suede shoes, and Sir Guy shirts. He had a great sense of humor, it seemed as if he was always making somebody laugh. He was a friendly, white "cholo" who started using drugs early in life. He was an Irish Catholic. He quit high school to join the Army. He got married young, divorced young and had two beautiful daughters. He went to prison on drug-related charges. It was the the late sixties and early seventies. He lived with his mom and older brother. He stayed high most of the time. He pretty-much introduced me to drug use. My first drugs were free. Later he charged me. After that, he charged me double. When we were just drinking beer, he was cool. But when it came to selling drugs; he was stern and cold-blooded. We drank way too much. We missed out on a portion of life. One night we were drinking at a bar called "The Round Up," in National City on Highland Avenue. I said to him: "I am getting so tired of this life, I'm sick of it." He asked me: "What are you going to do?" I said: "I don't know, but I gotta do something, maybe even go to church." "Your crazy!" He said. The irony of the story is evident. What actually happened is that I did start visiting Church; and I liked it. Some months passed. I got converted and became a Christian. I quit drinking and using drugs. I quit hanging out with Tommy but he called me once in a while. One day I got a call from his brother. Apparently Tommy had taken too many drugs and had temporarily lost his mind. His brother asked me to visit Tommy at "Four North," the psycho ward of Paradise Valley Hospital in National City. Tommy was the one that had told me I was crazy. There is much more to this story, but I will save it for another time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Don't Live In Arizona

There is a great deal of controversy related to the new immigration law in Arizona. I am not very concerned about it. I live in the San Diego area. I have a great deal of responsibility here. I am very busy here. I have a life here. I am not looking for an issue here (or anywhere else) "Issues" keep me busy. PEOPLE NEED GOD. That is the most important issue on the whole planet. I am already fighting a big battle. It is the battle between the truth and lies. I will take to the streets. Yes, I sure will. I will take to the streets to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will not take to the streets, breaking windows, beating people who do not agree with me, and carrying signs that have absolutely nothing to do with eternal life. Man, PEOPLE NEED GOD! I do not know what the circumstances are that initiated the need to change a law in Arizona. I do not know what people are experiencing there. I don't live there. I've been told that 70% of the residents of the state of Arizona are in favor of the law. I've also been told that 60% of the Hispanic population favors the law. I don't know what actions or circumstances prompted this law. I say let the people that live there handle the problem, whatever it may be. Activists from out of the state need to attend to their families. They need to take their children to Sunday School. Activist from out of the state of Arizona; take your grandkids to the zoo. Go buy them an ice cream. Activist; stay away from liquor and drugs. Please realize that activism does not provide the "rush" you think it provides. Your family needs attention. Provide it. I don't live in Arizona. Neither do you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some Thoughts About Courage

Somebody said that courage is the greatest of all of the virtues because it makes all of the others possible. Although life is not easily explained with slogans and maxims; I tend to agree with that statement. Courage is essential for living. Without it; how can we survive? To take the concept to a higher level; being fearful is considered a sin. Why would God declare that the "fearful shall have their part in the lake of fire"? I will simplify the matter. I will bring it to the easiest and understandable denominator: God does not want us to be fearful, because He loves us so much. Fear and love are remotely connected. "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear." (l Jn 4:18) Don't be afraid of anything or anyone. It is a commandment from God. It is also excellent advice. Please do not misunderstand; I am not advocating living a life of wrecklessness and carelessness, I advocate a life that is devoted to God. By doing that, you will have shown courage, and you will have courage. That is just the way it is.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make It Happen

Think, plan, pray, execute. Make it happen. Go ahead and dream. Go ahead and aspire, but make it happen. Go ahead and research the matter. Do you want it? Then make it happen. You make it happen. You are living your life. You are dreaming your dreams. You are developing your goals. Make it happen. Do not let anything stop you, including your own shortcomings. You know you can do it. Make it happen. Break down the barriers that are stopping you from succeeding. They are your enemies. They might be people or things. They might be abstract or concrete. Break them down, destroy them or go under them, over them, around them or right through them. Whatever the situation calls for. Foolishness, insanity or illegal conduct are not part of the plan. One step at a time. Think, plan, pray, execute. Keep going. Don't stop. Make it happen. YOU make it happen.

Parents: Teach Your Children

Kids do not raise themselves. They need to be raised. They need to be taught, trained and protected. They are not weeds, therefore they need to be nurtured. Since they are not animals; they must be taught the ways of civilization, civility and citizenship. They will not, and they cannot teach themselves those things. You must teach them. Parents: Teach Your Children. Teach them to respect others. GIVE RESPECT, GET RESPECT. Socialize them. Teach them how to play with other children. Read to them. Read to them every day. Teach them good manners. Teach them about "please, thank you, excuse me, and your welcome." Teach them to be fair. Teach them to share. Be patient with them. Love them. Hug them. Teach them about the fruit of the Spirit. There are 9. They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control. Discipline them. Don't they deserve to know what is right and wrong? It does not come natural. It must be taught. So teach them. Teach them the importance of being responsible. Teach them to be good students in school. Ask them about their homework. Be on top of the situation. Look at their homework. Look at their grades. Be courteous to their teachers. Get your children involved in sports and Church. Go to their games. Support their extracurricular activities. They don't stay little very long. But while they are under your care; teach them. PARENTS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN.

Monday, April 19, 2010

NFL Player: Learn How To Party

These words can be directed to anyone who goes out to bars, night clubs, lounges and other places of entertainment where liquor is served. They can be directed to any professional athlete who earns a very high salary for the work that he does. But I would like to direct it mainly to any NFL player who goes out and drinks and then gets a DUI. I have one question for you: With all of those millions you are earning: can't you call a cab? With all of those millions you are earning: why don't you rent a limo? Are you afraid you might be considered a wimp? Are you afraid you might not be able to show off your new Bentley? Wise up, man. Do it for the fans. Do it for your own career, do it for your team. Your career is in jeopardy anyway, considering the line of work you are in. You are one twist, one fall, one block, one tackle, one hit away from a career ending injury. Why increase the possibility of scandal, accidents, injury, heavy fines, scrutiny, embarrassment, and above all.....death? Why? Think, man think. Consider this: What is more costly: The price of a cab or limo; or the loss of a multimillion dollar career? Better yet: Quit using drugs and liquor...learn how to party. Can't do it? Ask God to help you. He will.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A kind and Encouraging Word

I respected him. He was not actually a close friend. He was just a guy I knew. He was 2 years older than I. It was the Summer of 1957. I was 14 years of age. Some guys from OTNC were at Kimball Park in National City. They were sitting on a little hill overlooking the National City Plunge. I knew all of them. One of them had played football at Sweetwater High School. His name was Pino. I started to talk to him because in September I was going to start my sophomore year at Sweetwater High School. I was planning to go out for the JV Football team. I was anxious about it, but I was also nervous. I really wanted to succeed. I approached the group and then started talking to Pino. I asked him about football. We discussed it a bit. I told him that I wanted to have a good season. He looked at me and said two words: "try hard." I have no idea why those two words inspired me and motivated me so much. For years and years I repeated them in my mind. I finally concluded that they were words of kindness and encouragement. I needed to hear them. They "hit the nail on the head," so to speak. It was not so much the literal aspect of the words that affected me. It was the spirit and the attitude with which they were said. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant, and more. It was a kind and encouraging word from a 16 or 17 year old. I never became a great football player, but I never quit. I played football for three years at Sweetwater High, and I have never forgotten Pino's words of encouragement. That was a long time ago.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Water, Bad Water

A good, cold glass of water is sure refreshing when you are thirsty. I like it when it is crystal clear. I like it when it is cold, and when it tastes pure. I like hot water to take a shower. I like warm water as well. Cold showers invigorate. I like them too. I use good, pure water to wash my clothes, make my coffee and tea. I also use it to cook my food. I like water. I like to swim in it.....mostly in a swimming pool. I seem to like water only when it is under control. When it is under control it is very useful for industrial purposes and the transfer and disposal of human waste. Thus, water under control prevents and treats illness. If it is out of control, people drown. If it is out of control it will flood cities, farms, businesses and property. It will destroy the lives of people and animals. It will cause disease, illness and death. It can cause despair and hopelessness. Why? Because it is out of control. Sometimes dog owners who train their dogs say to them: "Good dog!" Sometimes they say to them: "Bad dog!" It just all depends on the outcome of their conduct. The same is applicable for water. Can we control water? History and technology tell us yes. They also tell us no. Consequently there is good water and bad water.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Put Out That Fire, If You Will

Fire can be a very positive force in our lives. It serves to cook our food, warm our liquids, homes and bodies. It is used to manufacture necessary goods. It helps create a peaceful and comfortable setting in a fireplace. Fire is light, therefore it helps us to see things. It sure is beneficial, but only when it is under control. Fire is used to destroy things. When it is used that way, it is usually used under controlled circumstances. When fire is out of control it will destroy things we did not necessarily want destroyed....including property, human, animal and plant life. Fire is destructive.....when it is out of control. It is productive when it is under control. The fire in our hearts is designed to do good. We need to keep it burning. It needs to grow and grow. But wait! Hold on! I see another fire! It is burning too! It also wants to grow! It wants to spread! It is a wild fire! It wants to cause shame and destruction! It wants to satisfy self and deny others! It is full of desire! It does not care about consequences! It only cares about pleasing self! This fire will cause much devastation and trouble! It will cause despair and hopelessness! Put out that fire! Call the fireman! What is his name? His name is Will.

Friday, April 9, 2010

She Is Not A Chair

I know the meanings of certain words change as time goes on. There are reasons for these changes. They are influenced by political climate, culture change and change of values. Some view certain words as racist, sexist, insensitive or intolerant. One example of a word change is the word "gay," it used to mean happy. I guess it still means happy but the new meaning has all but eliminated the old meaning. I grew up hearing the use of the word "actress." No more. Anyone who acts on stage or screen these days is an "actor" regardless of gender. I checked an old dictionary regarding the word "chair." One of the meanings of the word is a chairman or presiding officer. Nevertheless, throughout the years it was not commonly used that way. When I address the "chair," am I addressing the person or the position. Take your pick. Like "actor," chairman does not differentiate between a man and a woman. "She is the chairman" is perfectly fine. It does not violate any structure of official codified meaning. It violates some social norm, even though "actor" doesn't. Incidently, "chairwoman" is an old dictionary term. She may be the chair, but she is not a chair. But wait, what if there is a meeting of all of the "chairs" of all the committees in one room. The one presiding over the meeting is the "chair."
I stand corrected. She is a chair, presiding over chairs.

Intelligence And Emotions

Everyone has gifts. Some people sing well. Some are talented at music, the arts or sports. Some are big and strong. Some run fast. Many natural gifts are out there. Some men and women are intelligent. Unfortunately, some of those people have never really had the opportunity to see their intelligence grow, flourish, and produce fruit. Why? Because their emotions got in the way. Their anger got in the way. Their bitterness got in the way. Their hatred got in the way. Their jealousy got in the way. Their lust got in the way. Their pride got in the way. Yes, pride is an emotion. Their emotions ruled their lives so much; they were never able to unleash the potential of their intelligence. This caused disrupted lives and suffering. It is possible for an intelligent man to be a fool. How does that happen? By being smart, but not kind. By being clever but not wise. By being knowledgeable but not humble. He used his intelligence to hurt instead of help. A fool is a victim of his own emotions; even if he is intelligent. What is he then? He is an intelligent fool.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Because Politics Is Not My Life

Time is too precious. The hours, days, weeks and months flee. There is no time to waste. I am willing to write a congressman to let him/her know about an issue that might be of interest to me. Nevertheless, I will not waste my time getting involved in "petty politics," it just seems so silly to me. If I do not like a political leader, should I write letters and try to cause others to write letters as well? What is at stake? Will politics cease to be corrupt if I get involved more fully? I understand that there is a need for politics. But please understand: I have a life. If I have personal problems, it is definitely not the fault of government. I will not go to government if someone does not love me. I will not go to politicians if I am unable to have a happy marriage. Government/politicians cannot help me if I have anger issues. If I am bitter about broken relationships or friends that have betrayed me; is it the fault of government? No. Why blame government if I am not happy? Never,never, never will government be perfect as long as it is run by men and women. Political involvement might keep one busy, but it cannot fill the void that is in the heart. When the prodigal son realized that feeding hogs and wanting to eat their "food" was not for him: "he came unto himself." What does that mean? That means he quit blaming anyone else. That means he did not blame his parents, friends, society, government or anyone else for his situation. "He came unto himself," means he took full responsibility for where he was and what he was doing. He said: "I will arise." He did not say to anyone: "You pick me up....its YOUR fault I am here." He did not say that. Why? because "he came unto himself."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Make No Friendship With An Angry Man

There is a whole lot of life to live. There are beautiful experiences awaiting us. It is best to use our time wisely. If a man is extremely angry about something that has happened in the past; if he does not want to let it go because it continues to be an obsession; even if it has nothing to do with you, make no friendship with an angry man. Why? because he can contaminate you with his anger. He will speak in accordance to his anger. He will plan, act and think in accordance to his anger. He will influence you. Anger is his "friend" and "they" want to include you. No way. Why should you get trapped? Why should you take up an offense that has nothing to do with you? Stay away from that person. He is poison. "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul." (Proverbs 22:24,25) Do you think God knows what He is talking about? Do we know more than He does about relationships?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Little Gangster (Part 13) A woman Scorned

Shakespeare has well stated:"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." It took exactly 3 days for Leti to find out that Jet had married someone. She had been trying to contact Jet for several weeks. Jet's mom did not care much for Leti, even though Leti was beautiful.......she was a chola to the core. To say she felt used is an understatement. As was mentioned before, Leti liked to party. She liked to get high. She liked to be with guys. But she had really fallen for Jet. The weeks that they were together, she saw Jet exclusively. There was nobody else. She thought the relationship had automatically evolved to the point that she was his one and only girlfriend. She was mistaken. She was furious. She was a little crazy. On the other hand Tiffany was upper middle class, educated, disciplined, sophisticated and attractive as well. Jet knew what he was doing. Conditions were already ripe for what was to happen next. There was already a feud going on between one of the gangs of City Terrace and a gang from Estrada Courts in Boyle Heights. Leti had lived in Estrada Courts all of her life. For a long time, a gang member from Estrada Courts had been an admirer of Leti. His name was Toe. Leti had never paid much attention to him. One night she asked Toe to take some vatos to City Terrace and "mess up some dudes from Terrace." He gladly obliged. The problem was that he killed somebody. Toe left L.A. He went to Tecate, Mexico to live with his grandmother. Three days later someone drove by the projects and shot and killed a 14 year-old boy who was not a gang member. One week later, a gang member from Pico Rivera who was the 14 year-old boy's cousin shot and killed two gang members from City Terrace. Neither the Los Angeles Police Department or the Los Angeles County Sheriff were successful in finding the killers. The killings caused a stimulation in gang activity. More gangs seized opportunities to get involved. Gangs in Norwalk, Cudahy, Montebello and the greater Boyle Heights area became involved. By late August, eight young men were dead as a result of these feuds. Some arrests were made. One night during early September of 1973, I heard a mother's plea as I listened to the radio. The woman was sobbing as she uttered these words: "Please, please stop this violence, You are hurting people. I will never see my dear son again. He has been killed because of this violence. Stop, stop, stop, please stop." Jet and Tiffany have been married for over 35 years. They have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Jet's mom had also moved to San Jose to be near her son and his family. She passed away about ten years ago. Jet has never returned to East L.A. I don't know what happened to Leti.

(please refer to postings of 2/1,11/30,10/14,9/6 and 8/10 to read all parts related to "Little Gangster" parts 7 to 13)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Gangster (Pt. 12) The Wedding, A Fresh Start

"Look Jet, you and Tiffany have been a couple for almost three years. I'm not sure what is going on. You two can get married in Church or in this house next month. I want you to work for me, Jet, we are opening a branch office in San Jose. I want to put you through a training program so that you can learn the business fast. I know you can do it." Everything happened so fast as the days passed. Jet broke the relationship with Leti, and Leti was not pleased. Jet did not tell Leti about Tiffany, or of his plans to get married. Jet sensed trouble. He quit his job at the community college. He shared his concerns with the Olsons. They suggested he move out of East L.A. They offered him a small, one bedroom house to live in, located in the back yard of the property. He started fixing it up. He started working for Mr. Olson. During the evenings, They all ate together. Tiffany was employed by her dad but she worked at home. Every day, Jet reported to work at Mr. Olson's office, learning from the bottom up; the accounting business. Jet was focused, driven and a hard worker. He was in love. The Olsons and Jet made their plans for the wedding. The circumstances were not normal. Everyone understood. But things could have been a lot worse. The day finally came. June 25, 1973. It was a simple wedding at the house. Albeit, it had an elegant appeal. Close friends and family, mostly classy, educated people helped to create a cordial and accepting atmosphere. The weather was pleasant, and the socializing fun and friendly. Dusk arrived. The bride and groom bid their farewell , and with much gratitude hugged everyone goodbye. Jet and Tiffany had their bags already packed. Tiffany's cousin took them to the airport. They boarded a flight which took them to San Francisco for their honeymoon. After one week they headed to San Jose and began to occupy their three bedroom town house in a gated community of San Jose. They were happy. Things were really looking great.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Their Shame Is Their Glory

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20) Have you not seen people brag about the foolish things they have done? It is a spirit of confusion. It is a spirit of foolishness. Eventually some men grow up and realize that wisdom and common sense dictate that their is no glory in shameful conduct. Most people are not honored for breaking the law or for exercising blatant acts lacking self-control. These people need to be taught a different perspective. They need to take that drive and do something else with it, something that can benefit someone, mainly themselves. Self-destructive conduct benefits nobody. Maybe enough pain will teach them. Sometimes pain is a good teacher.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Instructor Accused of Religious Bias

This morning I read an article in the newspaper about an instuctor at a community college in Fresno who has been accused of presenting his religious views on homosexuality, abortion and global warming as fact to students in an introductory health science class. At least two students have complained about him. The ACLU has gotten involved. The portion of the article that really got my attention was the part that mentioned conception and the beginning of human life. Instructor Bradley Lopez quoted the Bible as proof that human life begins at conception. While I agree with Mr. Lopez and the Bible, the Bible does not need to be quoted to prove that human life begins at conception. Human life begins at conception. If it did not begin at conception; abortion would not be a controversy. Firstly, If a female human being is pregnant, she is pregnant with a human being dwelling inside of her. I think we can all agree that no woman will ever be pregnant with anything other than a human being inside of her. That is just the way it is. If a pregnancy is terminated via abortion; A HUMAN LIFE HAS ENDED. It does not matter if it is called an embryo or a fetus; it is still alive until someone ends his/her life. We have all been through the stage of development within the womb, otherwise we would not be here. Abortion is morally wrong. Is it murder? Yes, but apparently it is not. Why is the developing human being alive? Because it adheres to the scientific laws of all living things. 1) It eats. 2) It moves. 3) It reacts to stimuli. 4) It receives oxygen. 5)It grows. (and with the help of the abortionist) 6) It dies. Abortion is harming this great nation of ours. The excuses given to defend abortions are just that. They are excuses. "The fetus will not defeat us," was the rallying cry for the pro-abortion movement at one time. How absurd. How unmerciful. How inhumane. Is the fetus "at war" with us? No. We are at war with ourselves. The war between right and wrong, good and evil, and sin and righteousness. So, who is winning? You be the judge.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Little Gangster (Part 11) The Surprise

Jet turned to Tiffany's parents and said to them: "I can't live without your daughter. I promise to make this right. Mr. Olson, I promise to make this right." Jet was never so sincere in his life. He meant what he said. He continued, "I am not going to waste time getting to my point. At this time, I am not exactly sure how I can accomplish this, but I want you to really know that I mean business. I want to marry Tiffany. I know this whole situation is really awkward, but I am in a 'do or die' spot. At least that is how I feel. I would have preferred to propose in a fancy restaurant with a beautiful setting. Maybe its' too late for that, maybe not. They say anything is possible. If thats' the case, then its' possible that Tiffany will marry me and with your blessing." Jet showed a tremendous amount of courage and determination. He was driven. Driven by a goal. Driven by a dream. Driven by love.
Driven by a desire to be forgiven. Jet felt kind of crazy. He had seen much and been around much craziness all of his life. Violence, crime, gangs, drugs, and pride all around his neighborhood. But somehow, with the help of his mom, and the help of his coaches, he had been able to overcome the clutches of such things. He felt he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He had developed a certain amount of confidence that had brought him to this moment. The setting was odd but beautiful and touching as Tiffany blurted out: "I would marry you today, Jet." Mrs. Olson suddenly asked: "Are you serious, Tiffany"? "Yes I am, Mom, I'm as serious as Jet is." "Can we do it as soon as possible?" Jet asked. Suddenly everyone in the house started laughing. It was a laughter mixed with joy as well as shock.

Hello February

Hello February. You are a cool month, in more ways than one. Every single month during which I am alive is my favorite month. And you, February are no exception. I am a southern California kid all the way, and some of the cold, freezing, biting, bitter winter experiences that poets write about are only a very small part of my lifetime of experiences. They only happened to me when I was visiting somewhere away from beautiful San Diego. Yes, the mountainous areas around here get cold, even snowy sometimes, but February is still beautiful. And it sure is today on its debut of 2010. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president. George Washington is my second favorite. I opine that love is the most important single thing in the world. Those who don't agree with me in principle, usually agree with me according to their lifestyle, considering how they conduct themselves spending their time searching for something very special. Love is beautiful. February has a day dedicated to it. Hello February. You are special. I don't care about Mardi Gras. It is a time dedicated to what? Voyeurism? Celebration? Celebration of what? There are traditions, I know. But I will say this: I believe in freedom. Let freedom ring. If you break some laws and hurt people; let the jail keys clang as you go back to your cell. Hello February. Hello African-American History month. African-Americans, look what you have done. I won't name your heroes, there are many from all fields that include government, sports, entertainment, agriculture, industry, education, business, military and law. God has blessed you. Why? Because you have blessed Him. Hello February. Who is going to win the Super Bowl? We will soon find out. This time I will make no predictions. Think about this. Is there a monster on that field? Does he know how to throw a football? Read between the lines. I don't care for monsters. Nevertheless, let them continue to ply their trade. Send in the "dogs" after that monster. Which "dogs"? The underdogs. The underdogs who will play their "A" game. Hello February. Here is a poem for you by Eric Lies entitled: "28 Word Poem For February"

"Freezing cold winds, biting chills, and white snow fluffed hills, Valentines day, oh how gay! president's day is coming our way. February, sweet and small, greatest month of all."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's All About The People

Some of the beauty and attractiveness of our surroundings is natural. Some of it is man-made. Beautiful parks, beautiful lawns, beautiful streets, beautiful houses and buildings, beautiful businesses, and the list goes on. Sometimes we see the renewal of structure and infrastructure in our cities. It remains attractive for a period of time; and then it is abused. Who abuses it? It is abused by people. Maybe not all of the people, but it is abused by some of the people. Because it's all about the people. All of the people who use stores, streets, parks, schools, homes, businesses, and other public and private places are not abusing them, but they suffer the consequences from those who do. The abusers are pretty powerful. Their abuse runs into the billions of dollars nation wide. What a waste. What a waste of time, talent and money. The irony of "pretty powerful" is that the abuser is usually young. He/she doesn't really wield power, but wants to do something, make a statement, have some fun, impress, get rid of some anger, contribute to the decision-making process, and so on. My point is this: People created the problem; people can solve it. Do not expect government to do it all. Let me give you an example of what I mean: The men's bathroom inside of the Walmart store that is situated on South Highland Avenue, between National City and Chula Vista has had its mirror grafittied to the point that it had to be removed. I don't think it will be replaced. I don't think it should be replaced. I think the absence of the mirror should stand as a monument. I don't think that anything like that has ever happened to any of the high end stores on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. It's still all about the people, any place, any time. The absence of the mirror, a monument? Yes, a monument to stupidity.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Martin

Martin; you are a champ. You always will be. I never said you were perfect; I said you are a champ. Speaking of perfect; He is the one you preached about for so many years. The one who was, is and will always be perfect. He placed His Spirit inside of you. My brother; you payed the price for what you believed. You were mistreated, insulted, accused of this and that, your privacy was invaded, you were arrested, and eventually you were assassinated. You knew it was going to happen. You had said that "longevity has it's place, but that you do not measure a man's life by the number of years that he lives but by the quality of his contribution to improve the lives of others." You contributed the ultimate gift. Because of your continued efforts, you helped to change a major, hurtful dynamic of our society. You helped to improve the United States. You helped in this Country's continued efforts to live up to it's creed "That all men are created equal." You helped to improve the world. The cost was high, but you believed that you were called to do it; so you did.
Martin, You made many quotes; but there is one I will never forget, as long as I live: "If you hate me so much that you kill me and chop up my body into one million pieces, each one of those pieces will still say I love you." Happy birthday Brother Martin; I'll see you when I get to the other side. It is not time yet; there is still much to do. But when it is time; I too will be with the one who inspired your love for others and your pursuit of justice.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't Waste Time, Make a difference

Time is valuable. Don't waste it. Do your best to make every day a masterpiece. If we spend our days lazing off and not getting things accomplished; there is a very good chance we will live to regret it. Do something constructive. Do something for someone else. Help a child out. Improve your attitude. Improve your appearance. Coach a team. Read to an elderly person. Please do not spend your time walking around malls, just window shopping, wasting time, staring at people, judging people. You might start feeling guilty. You might get depressed. One of the causes of depression is boredom. Do you have a job? Are you retired? If you are retired: do your days consist of just indulging yourself, every day? Go out and see where you can help. How you spend your time is your business. But if you do something constructive, you are making a difference. Just think about this: If you had one million dollars and you lost it; it is possible to get another million. Why? Because it is out there. But if you have five minutes and you waste it. It is not out there any more. It is gone forever. Somebody recently said: "Making money is good, but making a difference is better. Don't waste time. Make a difference. And when I say "difference," I mean a difference that represents improvement. If you have made a difference; you have created a masterpiece.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Make 2010 Your Best Year

Attitudes can steal. Yes, attitudes can steal your hopes, joys, and dreams. They attack your aspirations and your plans. One example is: "I am what I am, why try to improve?" That is an attitude. Some think that if they try to change their attitude they are denying their "true self" or their "culture." I submit to you that the term "culture" is simply a word that means way of life, and that life is what you make it. Yes, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. If you want to dwell on past injustices and exist in constant anger and bitterness; I cannot stop you. But be advised; there are consequences. There will be consequences. In most cases, it is much easier to control our attitudes, words and actions; than to control the CONSEQUENCES of those attitudes, words and actions. Take proper care of your spiritual life. Did you know that one of the reasons people get involved with alcohol and drug abuse is because it is an attempt to "feed" their attitudes, feelings and spirits. Stay sober, Get
physically healthy, get enough rest, work hard, (hard work is good for you) don't be a lazy person, eat well, have friends, (just remember: in order to have a friend, you need to be a friend) don't be a lazy person-stay busy, read motivational, inspirational, constructive, and helpful books and literature (you can start with Psalms 1, 23, 27, 51, 91, 103, 121....then move on to John 3, Rom. 8 and finish with the book of Acts....just for starters) Do you know how to have a good time? If you do not know how to have a good time; then learn how to have a good time. Seek your creator. You may not know this: HE CREATED YOU TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. What shall you do then? Enjoy God. Yes, enjoy God. Your dreams will come true. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) Make 2010 your best year. Go for it!