Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Parents: Teach Your Children

Kids do not raise themselves. They need to be raised. They need to be taught, trained and protected. They are not weeds, therefore they need to be nurtured. Since they are not animals; they must be taught the ways of civilization, civility and citizenship. They will not, and they cannot teach themselves those things. You must teach them. Parents: Teach Your Children. Teach them to respect others. GIVE RESPECT, GET RESPECT. Socialize them. Teach them how to play with other children. Read to them. Read to them every day. Teach them good manners. Teach them about "please, thank you, excuse me, and your welcome." Teach them to be fair. Teach them to share. Be patient with them. Love them. Hug them. Teach them about the fruit of the Spirit. There are 9. They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control. Discipline them. Don't they deserve to know what is right and wrong? It does not come natural. It must be taught. So teach them. Teach them the importance of being responsible. Teach them to be good students in school. Ask them about their homework. Be on top of the situation. Look at their homework. Look at their grades. Be courteous to their teachers. Get your children involved in sports and Church. Go to their games. Support their extracurricular activities. They don't stay little very long. But while they are under your care; teach them. PARENTS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN.

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