Monday, June 7, 2010

I Am A Summertime Guy

I love the Summer. I always have. I don't care if it is hot. Summer time is harvest time, and I'm not just talking about crops. I mean it is time to harvest good times. Meeting people. Going to the beach, the park, the mall. I know I am not a kid anymore. But something inside me tells me that I will always be young. I am forever young. I am a summertime guy because I am a people person. I plan to talk to people this summer. I plan to talk to many. I plan to talk to people who use drugs. I plan to talk to drunks. I plan to talk to people who do not have joy. I plan to talk to people who do not have peace. I plan to talk to people who are sad, angry and hopeless. I can introduce hope. I have a plan. I will execute my plan. Nothing will stop me. I am a summertime guy.

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