Monday, May 24, 2010

Can Someone like JA Gardner Be Rehabilitated?

Can someone like John Albert Gardner III be rehabilitated? He admitted that he could not control himself. Some child molesters and rapists have committed their repeat crimes HOURS after being released from prison. Yes, the drive, fixation, fantasy, lust, pursuasion of ownership, opportunism and a sexual arousal akin to that of an amoral animal will not allow a man like Gardner to prevent himself from doing what he did. A man with Gardner's problem cannot be rehabilitated. At least not in a conventional sense. Nevertheless, I believe in miracles. But I am positive that miracles will not be accomplished through secular means; secular therapists using secular treatments. Counselors and assorted behavioral diagnosticians who depend solely on pschological treatments and procedures will not succeed with what is necessary to keep a person like Gardner from doing what he did. The counselors, psychologists and therapists have their functions, but miracles are not something that they perform. Gardner served five years in prison for molesting a 13 year old girl. He attempted to attack a woman. She fought him off. He stalked a girl. He was stopped by the Police and released. He raped and murdered two girls; ages 14 and 17. It is thought, although not proven, that he was involved in other crimes of a similar nature, in San Diego County and at least one other county. Yes, Mr. Gardner needs a miracle. Miracles are performed by God. Only by God. Only a miracle can change Gardner.

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