Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

I know it is a well worn slogan. Nevertheless there is more truth than fiction in the saying: "No pain, no gain." If goals came easy they would not be considered goals. They would just be considered activities easily accomplished. Ask any athlete who wants to "take it to the highest level of performance." Ask him/her if it will require work, self-denial and sacrifice to achieve the desired levels of accomplishment. Pay the price. Be willing to pay the price. Let it cost blood, sweat and tears. It will only hurt for a little while. Go ahead and deny yourself. Work hard. Work harder. Postpone that pleasure to acquire the greater accomplishment of a job well done, a degree earned, a promotion received, a raise attained, a relationship realized, an employment dream fulfilled. Sometimes the only thing stopping a person from realizing his/her dreams is laziness. Laziness will stop you dead in your tracks. Dreaming is okay, but it is not enough. Thinking is good, but it is not enough. Talking and planning are part of the program, but they are not enough. Words are fine, but they are not enough. Get to work. Work, work, work. "Words without deeds are like a garden full of weeds." (anon.) Laziness is a disease. Don't get that disease. Take your medicine. What is the medicine? Hard work. No pain, no gain.

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