Friday, October 15, 2010

The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It

Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody, at one time or another has failed to plan. It is a human weakness. Overplanning can also be a fault. Recently I heard this quote: "We make choices, and then those choices turn around and make us." I agree. It is nothing but common sense. Common sense does not sit too well with some people. "Common sense is a sign of weakness, and a betrayal to my adventurous spirit." Maybe they do not say it that way, but they think it. I am not an insurance salesman or a college recruitment officer. I am a person who has seen the bitterness and frustration of people who did not prepare themselves for some of the harsh realities of life that come our way as time goes on. Maybe love got in the way. Maybe friends and peer pressure got in the way. Maybe sickness or some circumstances beyond our control got in the way. Maybe the pursuit of pleasure got in the way. Maybe lack of self control got in the way. Maybe some bad habits got in the way. Everyone has his/her story. But time waits for nobody. We are all victims of wasted time, whether we wasted it ourselves or someone else. All I can really say at this point is prepare for the future. Study. Find something you like to do and become an expert at it. Learn to get out of bed and go to work. Take care of your responsibilities. Discipline yourself. Know that there are consequences for our actions/inactions, both good and bad. Prepare for better days. Stay sober. Work hard. Study hard. What about friends? Remember this: there are friends and there are "friends." Some of those so-called friends can destroy your future. Do not let them. The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

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