Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Think About It

If thinking about it makes you sad: don't think about it. If thinking about it makes you mad: don't think about it. If thinking about it makes you worry: don't think about it. If thinking about it might cause you to do something that can get you arrested and possibly go to jail or prison for a long time: don't think about it. There is much more. The ability to think is a gift to the human race. Human thinking, in turn has been instrumental in providing many great and good things for humanity via technology, invention, innovation, the arts, science, academics and more. Of course, thinking helped humanity to reach these ends. Nevertheless, certain ways of thinking have brought a great deal of grief, destruction and suffering to mankind. Consider this, and choose the former. Kind thinking versus hateful thinking. Human thinking versus animalistic thinking. Wise thinking versus foolish thinking. Loving thoughts versus hateful thoughts. Forgiving thoughts versus revengeful thoughts. Thoughts of giving versus thoughts of taking, (remember the great teacher who said it is "more blessed to give than to receive.") Thoughts of helping versus thoughts of hurting. Thoughts of beauty versus thoughts of ugliness. Thoughts of joy versus thoughts of depression. There is much more.

Please do not misunderstand. I am aware of the fact that we must think about our commitments and responsibilities. I know we can be burdened by many things. We need not make those burdens worse by complicating them with unnecessary thoughts. Good thoughts do not complicate things. They uncomplicate. They solve. They resolve.

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