Friday, August 15, 2008

Make Good Use of Your Time

We are builders. Time is one of our tools. It takes skill to use that particular tool. Make good use of your time. You have made good use of your time when you have used it to improve yourself. You have made good use of your time when you have used it to help somebody else. You have made good use of your time when you have used it to promote actions that benefit humanity. We are builders. What are we building? We are building better relationships. We are building better attitudes. We are building our futures. We are doing our part to build a better society. As you make good use of your time to build something positive; remember to demolish. Remember to demolish thinking about past injustices. It is over, let it go. Demolish thoughts of hatred and vengeance. Demolish bitterness. It really gets in the way. Demolish envy or it will demolish you. When you see a really bitter and angry person; please remember that he is wasting valuable time obsessing about things he probably cannot change. Make better use of your time than that. Sometimes bitter people want to "take you with them." As the old saying goes: "misery loves company." Why waste your time being miserable? Make good use of your time.

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