Monday, September 15, 2008

Young Men, Peer Pressure and Phony Friendship (part 2)

He knows how to play poker but he does not really want to play poker tonight. His choices are connected to the demands of his friends. Heavy pressure accompanies the request (demand). Is he really his "own man" ? No. He is too young to be his "own man." However, he thinks he is. Staying home, and watching television with his parents is definitely not an option. It is Saturday night, and he is a young man. He goes ahead and plays poker. He loses $40.00. It is not a great deal of money, but it was all of the money that he had. But at least he didn't "bail on his friends." Of course, his "friends" did not offer to lend him any money for gas or spending. However, they did laugh at him and thanked him for supporting the game and providing money for movie tickets. The young man is broke, but at least he knows some people who want to "hang out" with him.

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