Wednesday, March 11, 2009

If You Want To Have A Friend

Friendships do not just happen, they need to be cultivated. They need to be nurtured. It is true: some relationships are "low maintenance," yet they are considered friendships. Why? The key word is "maintenance." How are friendships maintained? How else unless it is through communication, correspondence, and socializing? Do not friends stay in touch? Do not friends have a willingness to listen to each other? Part of the problem with friendships is that sometimes people want the benefits of friendship, but they are unwilling to make the sacrifices and commitments that friendship demands and requires. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. And to be a friend requires sacrifice. It is a natural law. It is also a spiritual law. Recently, someone told me about a person who requested a favor from an acquaintance. The acquaintance answered "no." The requestor asked why. The acquaintance then answered: "Because that type of favor is reserved only for my friends; and you are not my friend." Although the response sounded harsh; it was very honest and it ended an "imaginary" friendship. That particular way of dealing with people may not be something we want to do because most of us do not want to make enemies. Nevertheless, many of us have experienced or have seen people who want the benefits of friendship but they refuse to be a friend. Again:IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A FRIEND; YOU NEED TO BE A FRIEND. Friendships must be nurtured, there is no other way. What is the best vitamin for friendship? B1.

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