Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Eve Is Overrated

I am aware that many people realize that it is just another regular night. Nevertheless, many among us are stressing out about where they are going to go, what they are going to do, who they are going to see, (who will see them) what they are going to wear, how much they will drink; and the list goes on. I have one piece of advice in three parts:(1) Don't worry about anything (2) Relax and have fun (3) STAY SOBER. Please remember: New Year's Eve is overrated. I remember asking a woman many years ago, several days after the New Year holiday: "Did you get drunk?" She answered: "Are you kidding me? It was New Year's Eve!" I know, I know. Not everyone gets drunk at New Year's celebrations. However, New Year's celebrations are celebrations with too many unfulfilled expectatations and aspirations. Why? Because New Year's Eve is overrated. It is overrated because so many of us have, for decades, been "sold a bill of goods." I have one question for you: Don't you know how to have fun? New Year's Eve is just another night. If you must celebrate; then celebrate life. Don't be satisfied with celebrating just one night or one day. Celebrate every day and every night. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Celebrate with friends, food, refreshments (that don't kill your brain cells) conversation and games that stimulate. Watch some movies, sing some songs, recite some poetry. Don't be afraid. Alright; stay up late if you like. Go to a New Year's Eve service at a Church that preaches the love and power of Jesus Christ. Give God thanks for another year of blessings. If you think it is timorous or insipid; think again. The party or "package deal" you might be planning to attend, may be full of people trying really hard to impress others. They will be trying real hard to prove to you that they are witty, good looking, intelligent and avant-garde. Of course this can happen just about anywhere. Just please remember: a function that is motivated for profit, self-aggrandizement, and titillation is different than a function that is motivated by an attitude of gratitude. Happy New Year.

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