Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Political Movement Involving Sex

The LGBT community needs to understand that not everyone is riding their bandwagon.  It is nothing but a political movement.  Political movements have opposition.  That is just the way it is.  And it has nothing to do with hatred or intolerance.  Most members of the human race do not agree with such conduct.  That is a fact.  The goal of the LGBT community is to foster and gain power and legitimacy.
What else is new?  That is the nature of a political movement.  But this political movement involves conduct that is immoral.  It is not sanctioned by God.  Perhaps many think that if they yell loud enough, and call certain people plenty of unkind names, that they will automatically cause this type of conduct to be legitimate.  It does not work that way.  It never will.  Can we all get along?  Of course we can.  Just do not expect everyone to agree with everything you do.

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