Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Would Be "Star" Is Gone

He died not too long ago.  I won't mention his name.  He was a frustrated entertainer/singer who was bothered by those whose talent made them successful.  He was an angry person who used drugs to his detriment.  "Death to the pigs!"  No.  What did he really mean?  He was once being interviewed and he started singing.  He then implied that because of his talent he would become a star.  Well, yes he did have charisma.  Yes, he did have leadership skills.  Yes, he did have a way with words.  Is one to "use his gifts" to murder and commit atrocities?  No.  Do so, pay the price.  The murderer pays the price.  He can blame the "political winds" all he wants.  The criminal goes to prison.  The talented star receives fame and fortune.  Simply stated:  Some people become famous.  Some people become infamous.

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