Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Maryland Bans Gay Conversion Therapy

Recently, the state of Maryland banned gay conversion therapy that is used  by professionals.  It has been widely used by Christian practitioners. It is of particular concern to Christian parents.   Here is my point of view about it.

We need to be aware that  parents have choices in this country.  We may not agree with those choices, but parents need to be allowed to raise their children in the manner that they believe is best for them. I am against assigning a particular term in the English language, to the garbage dump, that represents something that is beneficial to society, just because it is not politically expedient to a few people.  How about conversion therapy that converts an alcoholic into a non-alcoholic?  How about conversion therapy that converts a drug addict into a former drug user?  How about conversion therapy that converts a person's thinking from "my way or the highway" to the thinking that declares: "leave people alone and let them live their lives the way they choose to do so."  No, that would be unacceptable because that type of thinking represents freedom.  Believe it or not, there are people in this country who want to practice their freedom, but they do not want others to practice theirs because they do not agree with the lifestyle.
"WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL."  How long before that statement becomes a creed of "days gone by."?

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