Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Two Letters to Disqus

So......what is your point, Mr. Peep?  Israel must fight for survival. God is helping them. That is 
just the way it is. You say: "I am an atheist." Why? Everything that has been created has a creator. Everything built has a builder. All things manufactured have a manufacturer. It is foolish not to believe in God.  "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." (Psalm 14:1 and 53:1)
What do you think about Jesus?   Is He the Son of God? (God manifested in the flesh) 

I am unwilling to argue with performance. I am unwilling to deny accomplishment. It is what it is. God does things the way He chooses to do them. He chose a people for Himself. (He needed to start somewhere) I am not a Jew. I refuse to hate a Jew. I refuse to hate anyone. If I have ambitions/dreams, and they go unfulfilled. Generally speaking, I have myself to blame, and only myself. Is there a substitute for hard work and determination? Is there a substitute for faith in, love for, and obedience to, the almighty God? Is there a substitute for the Word of God?

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