Saturday, September 10, 2011

Who Attacked The Twin Towers?

Ten years ago, tomorrow, some people attacked the Twin Towers in New York City. Who were they? They were people who were unable to dance in a Broadway Show. They were people who never invented anything. They were people who came from places that have no subway systems. They were people who are not represented by great professional baseball, basketball and football teams. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who did not come from a place where there are great universities and other institutions of higher learning. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who were unfamiliar with indoor plumbing until they came to the United States. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who came from a culture that preaches a religion that can only be forced on a person. They came from a culture that demeans women. They came from a culture that allows a man to marry a twelve year old girl. They came from a culture that practices "honor killings." They came from a culture that in many areas does not allow a female to learn how to read or drive a car. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who are afraid of democracy and freedom. Maybe they have a point. I know that a free country can produce many ugly things, due to the actions allowed. Who doesn't know that? But freedom produces greatness. It always has. Perhaps freedom has allowed debauchery and degeneration. By the same token, it has also allowed an unrestricted search for the truth. This is the secret of America's greatness. Who attacked the Twin Towers? Some people who did not have the truth. Because if they had owned it they would have respected freedom. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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