Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sandy Hook/ Prayer Debate

Recently, Miles Mcpherson, Pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego wrote an article in the SDUT about prayer and the importance of it in the aftermath of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre.  Some critics responded to his article.  They offered no solutions, only criticisms.  One sounded like an atheist, another sounded like he believed in  multitudes of gods.  I did not agree with them.  Here is my letter to the newspaper.  It did not get published.

It is interesting to note that Sanford J. Madigan offered absolutely no suggestion that would attempt to prevent another Sandy Hook massacre. All he did was criticize Pastor Mcpherson's article. The Pastor was in no way attempting to "exploit the Sandy Hook tragedy." He was offering a powerful suggestion, and not a foolish one. Prayers of faith are powerful. And God is not an "unseen dictator." "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." (Ps. 14:1) Also, I suggest we all read II Chron. 7:14. It is for us today. And Mr. Mullin: "Whose God?" There is only one. Please do not believe that old lie that there are many gods. There is only one God. Please read Isaiah 9:6. It is particularly relevant this month. There is only one "mighty God."

Robert Dominguez
Chula Vista

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